2011-2012 Halftime Show


Active Member
Ok it's May so I could also bet that halftime music for next year is already picked out. Anybody got some ideas of what it is. I'm excited to see what our band has in store for us.


Staff member
The name of the suite is Pyramids of Egypt. It's really a pretty neat piece. The directors already have the underclassmen practicing the music at the end of each band class, which is a first; in previous years, the music has just been handed out during the last week.

While I'm on this subject, I'd like to say that I believe the Indian Band is on its way back to the top. Mr. Maldanado has adjusted incredibly well, and this band director team is very good. The two complement each other; where one band director falls short, the other excels. I think that since they've had a year to get used to each other, they will function exceptionally well next year, and the band will show it.

All in all, this has been a successful year for the band. This is the first year since 1999 that both high school bands and both middle school bands have brought home first division ratings on the concert stage. The Wind Ensemble brought home straight ones at Concert & Sightreading Contest, PN-G tied its record for all-region placements (which I believe was set in the 90s), and we have a big group of band and choir students at the Texas State Solo & Ensemble Competition at UT Austin right now.

There's also a rumor that next year's Marching Competition will be hosted at Indian Stadium and that next year's middle school Concert & Sightreading Competition will be at GMS. Wouldn't that be something. Talk about two big fundraisers.


Active Member
I can't wait to hear it. Having contest at PNG would be awesome. I know that was big talk when the stadium was being built. My only concern is background noise from the refineries. Not sure if that would factor into the UIL's decision to move it from LCM, which is in the middle of no where with no exterior noise. It would be very exciting to have it here though. Would definitely bring out a bigger turnout for the "local" bands.


Staff member
The problem with LC-M is the field. Last year's rain and the old pressbox convinced the UIL that it needed to be moved. The debate was over whether to move it here or to Beaumont's new stadium. Last I heard, nobody like the idea of Beaumont's stadium because of the highway noise. I don't know if there's been a final decision since then.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
There's also a rumor that next year's Marching Competition will be hosted at Indian Stadium and that next year's middle school Concert & Sightreading Competition will be at GMS. Wouldn't that be something. Talk about two big fundraisers.

Only potential problem would be the (possible) surrounding industrial noises during the contest. Otherwise it is a great venue with respect to seating and field turf.


Staff member
HighChief2008 said:
Have we heard anymore news as to whether competition would be able to be held at PNG??

It's confirmed. The competition will be at PN-G.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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