Athletic Facilities


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Not bad for a 4A school... :thumbsup:


500+ Posts
Very impressive.
But I noticed that no closeup photos of the baseball and softball main stands were shown. Well, I guess it takes time to get everything.


500+ Posts
OldEagle said:
Very impressive.
But I noticed that no closeup photos of the baseball and softball main stands were shown. Well, I guess it takes time to get everything.

they are the same old stands. I have no idea if they plan to install new ones. My guess at this point would be no.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
There are photos of both sets of stands. Make sure to refresh the page.

But there are not closeups. If there were, you could see that the main stands consist of old warped boards. Not trying to complain as I realize that everything takes time.


1,000+ Posts
I heard from a very reliable source that new seating that will be covered is definitely in the works and the funds have been set aside for these things. Its sad that we had a different board earlier as no one seems to take responsibility for not turning the baseball field around as it should've been and was supposed to happen. My main complaint is why spend the money if you don't do it right? As it is now, people are not utilizing the concession stand as they should because no one wants to miss half an inning to walk there and back and, also, the food is not very good. Hopefully, something can be done--our players deserve the very best.


500+ Posts
While the food could be better, hence they are selling cafeteria food, I will not complain because it is better than what we had last year.

Maybe, the kinks will work out. One possibility will be to have someone selling drinks and maybe chips in the stands. Some ballparks, including Ford Park, do this during games.

Also, if they school would turn the concession stands over to the booster club., I believe that the food would improve. That would take the school deciding to let the parents handle the money. I am still dumbfounded why they have such a rule when the students run the concession stand at the gym. They are telling us that the students can be trusted with the money, but not the parents.


500+ Posts
A topic at the last Booster Club meeting was the possibility of the Booster Club and Band organizations taking over the concession stands. Movement is proceeding on that front but it will require a lot of volunteers for all venues and Varsity/JV/Freshman games. To assist in getting more to join the Booster Club, it looks like a $25 membership will be available. The Booster Club will be way ahead of our first year by pushing for next year's membership before this school year is out. The Booster Club is moving on many fronts including new members, operating concession stands, new apparel, football programs, golf tournament and Multi-Purpose Student Facility donations. It's time for the Indian Nation to step up and make next year even better!


500+ Posts
I was hoping it would go this way with the Booster Club taking over the concessions. No disrespect to the cafeteria workers, I really appreciate them stepping up when the school couldn't seem to have anyone else on payroll. They have been as nice and friendly as can be. But on the other hand, in order for the school to grow, they need parent participation.

Great things are on the horizon at PNG.


Staff member
OldEagle said:
IndianFan said:
There are photos of both sets of stands. Make sure to refresh the page.

But there are not closeups. If there were, you could see that the main stands consist of old warped boards. Not trying to complain as I realize that everything takes time.

The intent of the that page is like every other facilities page on a athletics site. To show visitors, and remind fans, of the positives at the Reservation. Not show closeups of defects.

There is a lot to be proud of.


Staff member
squaw said:
I heard from a very reliable source that new seating that will be covered is definitely in the works and the funds have been set aside for these things. Its sad that we had a different board earlier as no one seems to take responsibility for not turning the baseball field around as it should've been and was supposed to happen. My main complaint is why spend the money if you don't do it right? As it is now, people are not utilizing the concession stand as they should because no one wants to miss half an inning to walk there and back and, also, the food is not very good. Hopefully, something can be done--our players deserve the very best.

Realigning the layout of the field and moving bleachers would basically be a complete rebuild of the ball park. It's questionable if the old stands could even be moved, or if that's cost effective.

That would be a considerable amount of money not to mention that the land configuration could even be a preventative factor. Was that in the original plans?


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
IndianFan ... thanks for creating that web page. Nice work. Things at PN-G sure look different than they did during 1985/1986 through 1988/1989. It's a good time to be an Indian. There are new ideas on The Reservation, new construction, better results, district championships, etc. Indian Nation should be proud. I'm anxious to send in my donation for the Multi-Purpose Student Center.

You have to believe that when the Indian alumni base gets behind the PN-GISD, the PN-G Booster Club, and the other student support groups that a sleeping giant will have been awakened. Once the Indian Nation gets cranked up with some momentum, district foes should be afraid, they should be very afraid. It’s amazing what community pride, spirit, tradition, and belief can do. It started in 1925, success came our way during the 1940s, the Indians gained some momentum and titles during the 1950s and 1960s, the Indians rose to power in the 1970s with more titles in football and volleyball, PN-G took a step back during the 1980s, the Indians took steps forward during the 1990s, things remained stagnant during the early 2000s, and now the Indian tide is turning for another rise to the top. Get excited and be proud … you’re a PN-G Indian.

Go Indians. Peace.


Staff member
The thanks go to NDNBand69 for the photos. I'm just the publisher. ;D

As I told him, he is the eyes of the many out-of-town alums who can't see the upgrades. I very much appreciate the effort. Just wish more would step up and do the same.


1,000+ Posts
NO ONE wants to admit they are responsible for changing the original layout of the baseball park which has created a less than perfect ball field and, if they'd done it right the first time, there'd be no issue. Someone changed what was voted on in the bond issue and there was no reason for it. I fully support everything in the school district and I think our boys and girls deserve the best. Just think how much money could've been saved if the competition gym would've been big enough to meet the schools needs (just another example of what I'm saying). Just want to make others think and please don't think I am being negative, just realistic. After all, we are lifelong and will be here until the Good Lord takes us home. Until then, we love Port Neches and the wonderful citizens that make PN what is is--a great place to live.


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
NO ONE wants to admit they are responsible for changing the original layout of the baseball park which has created a less than perfect ball field and, if they'd done it right the first time, there'd be no issue. Someone changed what was voted on in the bond issue and there was no reason for it. I fully support everything in the school district and I think our boys and girls deserve the best. Just think how much money could've been saved if the competition gym would've been big enough to meet the schools needs (just another example of what I'm saying). Just want to make others think and please don't think I am being negative, just realistic. After all, we are lifelong and will be here until the Good Lord takes us home. Until then, we love Port Neches and the wonderful citizens that make PN what is is--a great place to live.

What changes?? Looking at the drawings from the orginal plans it looks right. Are you talking about when the fields were orginally built?


500+ Posts
We are so proud of all the accomplishments of our kids in all areas of competition. There was a fabulous article in the Port Arthur News Sunday entitled " PN-G UIL Team goes for the gold, meets goals at District Sweepstakes". The article in part said:

The Port Neches-Groves UIL Academic Team set a goal for 2010 - to win the District Sweepstakes trophy for the tenth consecutive year. After amassing a total of 458 points, the academic Indians easily outpaced second-place LCM's total of 268 :whiteflag: to take the championship on March 26-27 at Nederland High School. In all 23 PN-G contestants placed either first, second or third in their respective events at district.

WOW ! ! ! ! So proud!


Staff member
IndianFan said:
The thanks go to NDNBand69 for the photos. I'm just the publisher. ;D

As I told him, he is the eyes of the many out-of-town alums who can't see the upgrades. I very much appreciate the effort. Just wish more would step up and do the same.

And recognition goes to others that have provided us with photos and video through the years. PNG NDN Fan, pngfan93, and a few parents when their kids were in school.

But NDNBand69 owns the campus photo business. ;D


1,000+ Posts
Justafan--while the plans look the same, the homeplate was designed to be where the center field is now and therefore close to the restrooms and concession stands. I know that new seats (covered, also) are coming. It couldn't be that much effort or cost to move the field around like it was designed if it is done before the new seating is installed. It just makes better sense to do that now rather than have decades of people complaining about it.


2,000+ Posts
Although I do agree it would be nice to have the homeplate relocated, I don't know if it is feasible the way the parking lots and new tennis courts are located.


Staff member
It would basically be a complete rebuild of the ball park. Dugouts have to move, new fencing will be required, new infield constructed, new stands and backstops, lighting moved/reconfigured, etc. etc.

And there will need to be proper space for a new field layout to fit. For example, if the new tennis courts are closer it could obstruct the outfield lines.

Weren't the baseball and softball renovstions removed from the bond plan when it became obvious that it was overbudget? They also scaled back the stadium renovation for the same reasons.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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