Big discussion on moving MCM to LAmar for the extra seating in the future on


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
On 12 news they have a big discussion on moving our beloved Mid County Madness to Lamar for the xtra seating....... Your thoughts????

Just a little info for you before you comment

1 Nederland Bulldog Stadium holds 11,000 poeple

2 The Reservation holds 13,000 People

3 Just for measuring purposes The Butch holds 10,600 people

4 Lamar now only holds 16,000 people

They used to hold 18,500 before the renovations and the ban on using the grass hill for seating at Lamar!!!

What are your thoughts. There are way more people for it than I thought would be


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I vote no. Why move MCM to Beaumont, which is not in Mid-County? It is MCM, not Beaumont Madness. Keep the game at PN-G or Nederland. Why share revenue with Lamar or anyone else for stadium rental? PN-G ISD and Nederland ISD should be entitled to the revenue the game generates. Since the rivalry started, the stadiums at PN-G ISD and Nederland ISD have been just fine for hosting the game. For 80+ years, the game has been in Mid-County, not Beaumont.

The PN-G v. TJ game in the 1970s and 1980s usually had 16,000+ fans in attendance and no one moved those games from Port Neches or Port Arthur.

Go Indians. Peace.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
This was someone that decided to form a Facebook group that wanted the change, my guess is that they are not a season ticket holder.

Here is my unsolicited advice to them, if you want to be sure you have a seat at that game, make the commitment to support the team by purchasing season tickets.

When they played the game in Pasadena in 2005 (after Rita) it was not the same.


Staff member
For all the Nederland fans crying about the size of the visitor side at Indian Stadium, there is minimal difference between PN-G's visitor seating and Bulldog Stadium's visitor seating.

The original Indian Stadium upgrades were going to be much more extensive, but costs increased and PNGISD ended up with limited funds to only renew certain parts of the stadium. They did not have the budget to rebuild or increase the visitors side, and were limited to replacing the horrible restroom and concession buildings.

They chose to rebuild the home side seating and add about a 1,000 more seats on that side, which in reality was just compensation for the removed end zone seats. The home side bleachers extend past the back of each end zone and are taller. Every bit of that was needed to provide room for home fans.

The visitors seating is the same basic structure that has been there since 1951 minus a few hundred seats that were necessary to meet ADA standards. Those seats are seldom filled. And fyi, I attended the Nederland-Georgetown game years ago at CFISD's Berry Center Stadium, and Nederland did not fill the visitor side there which is 5500 seats. The attendance was about the same number as PNG's visitor side holds. Nederland fans do not travel as well as PNG's fans.

Nederland ISD needs similar updates to it's facilities which are lacking on both sides. Hopefully they'll get that someday.



There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
The answer is to buy season tickets. Both schools allows each other season ticket holders first prioroty on the MCM game.


Active Member
I think that it would be hard to get both schools to agree to move the game. It also wouldn't make as much sense financially. They would have to pay Lamar to have the game there and they would lose quite a bit of money on the concessions, booths etc. That Facebook group is just a giant echo chamber. The majority of people on it are the ones who are upset about it, so their polls of course are showing that a "majority" of people want the game moved.


100+ Posts
Well said, IndianFan.

The reason Nederland is saying "the PNG home side is so much bigger than the visitors'" is because it LOOKS bigger. When PNGISD remodeled the stadium, they made the seats wider and deeper and put more space between each row for legroom. This increased the actual size (and look) of the home side, however, the reality is the seating capacity is relative to the seating when we had the endzone section.

Just the facts... ;D ;D ;D ;D


The Dog
1989NDN said:
I vote no. Why move MCM to Beaumont, which is not in Mid-County? It is MCM, not Beaumont Madness. Keep the game at PN-G or Nederland. Why share revenue with Lamar or anyone else for stadium rental? PN-G ISD and Nederland ISD should be entitled to the revenue the game generates. Since the rivalry started, the stadiums at PN-G ISD and Nederland ISD have been just fine for hosting the game. For 80+ years, the game has been in Mid-County, not Beaumont.

The PN-G v. TJ game in the 1970s and 1980s usually had 16,000+ fans in attendance and no one moved those games from Port Neches or Port Arthur.

Go Indians. Peace.

I agree completely with that statement.


The Dog
IndianFan said:
For all the Nederland fans crying about the size of the visitor side at Indian Stadium, there is minimal difference between PN-G's visitor seating and Bulldog Stadium's visitor seating.

The original Indian Stadium upgrades were going to be much more extensive, but costs increased and PNGISD ended up with limited funds to only renew certain parts of the stadium. They did not have the budget to rebuild or increase the visitors side, and were limited to replacing the horrible restroom and concession buildings.

They chose to rebuild the home side seating and add about a 1,000 more seats on that side, which in reality was just compensation for the removed end zone seats. The home side bleachers extend past the back of each end zone and are taller. Every bit of that was needed to provide room for home fans.

The visitors seating is the same basic structure that has been there since 1951 minus a few hundred seats that were necessary to meet ADA standards. Those seats are seldom filled. And fyi, I attended the Nederland-Georgetown game years ago at CFISD's Berry Center Stadium, and Nederland did not fill the visitor side there which is 5500 seats. The attendance was about the same number as PNG's visitor side holds. Nederland fans do not travel as well as PNG's fans.

Nederland ISD needs similar updates to it's facilities which are lacking on both sides. Hopefully they'll get that someday.


No one's crying it does look like there is a big difference when you compare the sides. As far as Ned's stadium goes, there is only about a 1K difference between the home and visitor side instead of a 3K difference. As far as the Georgetown game, I don't know where you were sitting but the Ned side was full and people were standing up along the rails watching.


Active Member
Call me crazy, but I really could care less how many seats are available on the visitor side...especially during MCM.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I think the bigger discussion would be around taking money from our schools. Example at our home game the ABC takes the home side concession stands and the BAC takes the visitor side concessions. These are sources of income thats important to these programs. How would that work at Lamar you know thye would get there cut if not all of that money. We all know MCM is the busiest these will be all year. Then I personally think about the likes of Billy Joes, Schooner, LArry's and all the other buisness in Nederland and Port Neches and Groves who will loose out to money that will then go to Papadeaux's and what other Beaumont restraunts that we would all choose to go to in Beaumont. Small example there was 80-90 Indians eating at T-Bone Toms the evening we played at Clear Lake 1st game of the season. Its hard for me to agree to do this without something in return more than 3k in seating. If Lamar seated 25k then maybe there would be enough of a tradeoff. Right now my vote is Heck no......


Staff member
Bigdog said:
IndianFan said:
For all the Nederland fans crying about the size of the visitor side at Indian Stadium, there is minimal difference between PN-G's visitor seating and Bulldog Stadium's visitor seating.

The original Indian Stadium upgrades were going to be much more extensive, but costs increased and PNGISD ended up with limited funds to only renew certain parts of the stadium. They did not have the budget to rebuild or increase the visitors side, and were limited to replacing the horrible restroom and concession buildings.

They chose to rebuild the home side seating and add about a 1,000 more seats on that side, which in reality was just compensation for the removed end zone seats. The home side bleachers extend past the back of each end zone and are taller. Every bit of that was needed to provide room for home fans.

The visitors seating is the same basic structure that has been there since 1951 minus a few hundred seats that were necessary to meet ADA standards. Those seats are seldom filled. And fyi, I attended the Nederland-Georgetown game years ago at CFISD's Berry Center Stadium, and Nederland did not fill the visitor side there which is 5500 seats. The attendance was about the same number as PNG's visitor side holds. Nederland fans do not travel as well as PNG's fans.

Nederland ISD needs similar updates to it's facilities which are lacking on both sides. Hopefully they'll get that someday.


No one's crying it does look like there is a big difference when you compare the sides. As far as Ned's stadium goes, there is only about a 1K difference between the home and visitor side instead of a 3K difference. As far as the Georgetown game, I don't know where you were sitting but the Ned side was full and people were standing up along the rails watching.

The comparison is between the 2 visitor sides. There is little difference.

I was sitting on the home side, which is probably a better vantage point to see the count. Your side was not full. The point being, it's not like you need 10000 seats.


The Dog
prepballfan said:
I think the bigger discussion would be around taking money from our schools. Example at our home game the ABC takes the home side concession stands and the BAC takes the visitor side concessions. These are sources of income thats important to these programs. How would that work at Lamar you know thye would get there cut if not all of that money. We all know MCM is the busiest these will be all year. Then I personally think about the likes of Billy Joes, Schooner, LArry's and all the other buisness in Nederland and Port Neches and Groves who will loose out to money that will then go to Papadeaux's and what other Beaumont restraunts that we would all choose to go to in Beaumont. Small example there was 80-90 Indians eating at T-Bone Toms the evening we played at Clear Lake 1st game of the season. Its hard for me to agree to do this without something in return more than 3k in seating. If Lamar seated 25k then maybe there would be enough of a tradeoff. Right now my vote is Heck no......

All good points..


The Dog
IndianFan said:
Bigdog said:
IndianFan said:
For all the Nederland fans crying about the size of the visitor side at Indian Stadium, there is minimal difference between PN-G's visitor seating and Bulldog Stadium's visitor seating.

The original Indian Stadium upgrades were going to be much more extensive, but costs increased and PNGISD ended up with limited funds to only renew certain parts of the stadium. They did not have the budget to rebuild or increase the visitors side, and were limited to replacing the horrible restroom and concession buildings.

They chose to rebuild the home side seating and add about a 1,000 more seats on that side, which in reality was just compensation for the removed end zone seats. The home side bleachers extend past the back of each end zone and are taller. Every bit of that was needed to provide room for home fans.

The visitors seating is the same basic structure that has been there since 1951 minus a few hundred seats that were necessary to meet ADA standards. Those seats are seldom filled. And fyi, I attended the Nederland-Georgetown game years ago at CFISD's Berry Center Stadium, and Nederland did not fill the visitor side there which is 5500 seats. The attendance was about the same number as PNG's visitor side holds. Nederland fans do not travel as well as PNG's fans.

Nederland ISD needs similar updates to it's facilities which are lacking on both sides. Hopefully they'll get that someday.


No one's crying it does look like there is a big difference when you compare the sides. As far as Ned's stadium goes, there is only about a 1K difference between the home and visitor side instead of a 3K difference. As far as the Georgetown game, I don't know where you were sitting but the Ned side was full and people were standing up along the rails watching.

The comparison is between the 2 visitor sides. There is little difference.

I was sitting on the home side, which is probably a better vantage point to see the count. Your side was not full. The point being, it's not like you need 10000 seats.

Ummm... Ok whatever you think. I drove from Katy to the game and we were squeezed in like sardines and almost didn't get any seats. But I forgot PNG is the king of attendence.. LOL ::)


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Bigdog your opinion is appreciated on here even if its MCM week......LOL


The Dog
prepballfan said:
Bigdog your opinion is appreciated on here even if its MCM week......LOL

Hey I am in full agreement on not moving the game, that is part of the whole experience. Not being able to get seats makes the game even more of a must see for people. If everyone can go I think you would see attendance drop actually, although I'm pretty sure we would fill up Lamar as well.


100+ Posts
I believe the game should be moved to Provost-Umphrey Stadium.
Particularly if Lamar allows seating on the grass. That could allow 4-7,000 more people to see a game.
Lot's of assumptions made about losing revenue but I doubt the stadium would cost all that much to rent. I mean, the HS rents the Montagne Center for graduation. Also, it cost quite a bit to light up and manage The Reservation for a ball game.
3,000 more tickets sold would pay for extra expenses.
And Lamar might work with the high schools on the concessions. The Montagne Center always worked with the Shriners on concession profits when the Shrine Circus was held there.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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