Can We "Run The Table"?????


1,000+ Posts
Anything is possible. Realistic goal is to make it to the playoffs and regroup -kind of like last year. Nederland and Levingston should be in for sure which leaves 2 spots. Vidor should be up there too, so it leaves the other spot for LCM, Ozen, Central and us.

Win them all and we are in -lose 1 or 2 makes it more difficult.


500+ Posts
I see it at this point in time as a up hill battle. Currently we have 2 starters on the O line out. Stasinos and Reasons. Thats a big loss. Lets hope the coaches work hard with their replacements. Our D will have to really step up and play like they have never played before.


1,000+ Posts
And, I don't think its an impossible task to win all the upcoming games. We were just unlucky enough to play two harder teams back-to-back in the first two games. The rest of the district now has some hard teams to beat. We did it last year and went further in the playoffs than Nederland did. We can repeat that if the boys play their game.


Active Member
We could and should have won both District games we lost. I feel very good about last weeks game. Its hard to get back up after a loss so I think we'll do fine against Ozen. Winning breeds confidence. Playing smart football without the penalties and with intensity for 4 quarters will get us the wins to "win out". Lumberton gave Vidor all they could handle and only lost by 3. I believe allthough its a tight district race, the Indians will once again rise to the occasion with the guidence of "some of the best coaches in SE Tx". Keep the fire burning Indians!


1,000+ Posts
Indian20o7! said:
did u not read this blogs title? can we run the table? i believe this is a discussion if we can win out lol
Look, we have plenty of talent on this team, we have a great coaching staff, our fans are super loyal, so all we need is for the players to want it as bad as we do and we should win out. case closed


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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