Concessions help needed


Active Member
So here we go, the start of a new year. The concession stand had a great year last year and was able to provide money to all of the sports groups that asked for help last year. This is a privilege to be able to help the school and your kids and grandkids. We are very fortunate to have something that most schools envy and wish they had. But it is in danger of going away if we do not get help from the community. We are all busy, but I think everyone out there can afford one night during the season to help these kids out. There is a core group that is at the concession stand every night that it's open. We are not asking for everyone to do that. we are just asking for you to provide help on one night or more if you can. Not one single person signed up to help on tonight's game. We need as many as 8 people tonight to help out. If we do not start getting help, unfortunately we will not be able to open and risk losing a great opportunity to help the kids of this community. If you want to help you can contact me here or at the information below.

Chris Meaux


Active Member
Bama, that is correct. The athletic booster club is managing the home side and the Band action committee is handling the visitors side. Wish you were here I know we could count on you helping......

Bottom line is that the money made from either side goes directly to helping the kids of this community and their endevours. which in my book the way that it should be :clap:


100+ Posts
how come the BAC does not do the home side too? i want to spend my money for the band kids instead of the booster club.. do ya'll rotate per game? does not seem as fair for the band to not reap the benifit of the home crowd.


1,000+ Posts
attakapandn said:
how come the BAC does not do the home side too? i want to spend my money for the band kids instead of the booster club.. do ya'll rotate per game? does nto see as fair for the band to not reap the benifit of the home crowd.
Point taken. I am a BC fan and a BAC fan - has anyone asked Admin. to pool the $ and divide in half so that no group is at a disagvantage? Seems logical to and doable to me.

Why not ask a school board member?


100+ Posts
from my understanding that the booster club decidedd who does which side, and also i know for a fact the BAC ask to share the profit and that the booster club declined it.


1,000+ Posts
attakapandn said:
from my understanding that the booster club decidedd who does which side, and also i know for a fact the BAC ask to share the profit and that the booster club declined it.

How can the BC control anything?? IT is the tax payers/student facility.


100+ Posts
well you know it like this.. BOOSTER CLUB: we got the home side you got the visitor side end of story.. Every since the booster club came into the picture they have taken away from other groups.. the first year they took the programs away from the Students councils and then the concession from the kids too.. just open up your eyes and see what really happening.. the others groups at the high school get the lesser of the profit.

Indianfan.. it is what it is.. you do not live here and see what going on.. if you did then you would understand some of the parents frustration with all of this..


Staff member
I don't know how it is now, but I know at one time the concessions stands were split up between the ABC, the BAC and Student Activities. If I remember correctly, the ABC and SA volunteers worked the home side and the BAC worked the visitor's side, but it's been two years and I was never involved with it so I really can't say for sure. I don't remember how the profits were split up, but I believe they also split up the profits from program sales somehow.


1,000+ Posts
attakapandn said:
well you know it like this.. BOOSTER CLUB: we got the home side you got the visitor side end of story.. Every since the booster club came into the picture they have taken away from other groups.. the first year they took the programs away from the Students councils and then the concession from the kids too.. just open up your eyes and see what really happening.. the others groups at the high school get the lesser of the profit.

Indianfan.. it is what it is.. you do not live here and see what going on.. if you did then you would understand some of the parents frustration with all of this..
very unfortunant - sincerly, I know the BC folks are good at heart - how can they "strong arm" you guys?????


Active Member
One way to look at it is how many students do the bac serve and how many do the bc serve. I don't know the answer to that but it could be something that is accounted for.


1,000+ Posts
chief said:
One way to look at it is how many students do the bac serve and how many do the bc serve. I don't know the answer to that but it could be something that is accounted for.
good point - probably 300ish in Band/NDNetts and 500ish in all other High School sports.

I am sure Fairclothe ( PNGISD ADmin. over the BC) is sensitive to this situation and how the community perceives it.


Active Member
I am a parent that works the concession stand every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday night, I also have a full time job but I still find the time to volunteer. This thread was started to see if we could get parents to volunteer to help in the concession stand tonight. Does it really matter which group manages what side as long as our stadium and concessions are the envy of all other schools in the area.
I was a member of BAC when my child marched and I am now a member of ABC because my other child plays sports. I can tell you from my experience in both booster clubs, you always have the same people that work their butts off to make things happen. While everyone else sits on their butts and complains about the ones who do all the work. So if you are not volunteering on either side why do you care to even post.

I suggest if you do not like the arrangement you need to talk to the school board.

ABC welcomes all student groups to work in the home side concessions, so if the band wanted to raise more funds, the students could volunteer to work on Tuesday or Thursday nights. ABC gives 30% of the profits to the groups that work. ABC writes one check and Mrs. Briggs disburses the funds based on the groups that worked.

It is a fact that the home side brings in more money than the visitor side, but one thing you must understand is the working capital you need to run a concession stand. On a weekly basis you need to have anywhere from 7,500.00 to 10,000 available to purchase the needed food/supplies and to pay the food vendors. So if we were to rotate the home side with BAC they would have to come up with half the working capital each week to make this work and they would have to do this during the whole school year just not football season due to the fact that we are open anytime there is an event at the stadium.

I know for a fact the the core ABC volunteers are people with such big hearts and they will do anything to help our students. ABC wants all student groups to benefit from the concessions just not athletics.


Staff member
HPT, you have the right spirit regarding the two efforts. The community should thank and recognize you and the other volunteers for your service.

The last thing anyone needs is more division and controversy.

attakapandn, I may not live there any longer, but I've seen plenty of public arguments in the 12 years since I started this message board. And I can recognize an ugly storm when it's brewing. No one needs that right now.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I'm in the ABC AND the BAC, and I wasn't aware of any issues... until just now. Sounds like some people are trying to stir a pot that has nothing in it.

I say, get down there early and work, or leave the complaining to someone who is willing to!

I'm so sick of all of these people that THINK they know it all. :stop:


Active Member
First of all I would like to thank everyone that worked in the concession stand last night. We had a great night.
I enjoyed working with the students from Mr. Paris's A/C class. What a great group of kids, parents you should be very proud. As always the Groves KC's, Pizza Inn, Chic-Fil-A and McAllister's go beyond the call of duty to help make the concessions a great success. WE COULD NOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!

If you have not worked in the concessions I would like to encourage you to volunteer. WE NEED YOUR HELP.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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