
Staff member
Whodat said:
You should be able to answer that for yourself. Don't patronize them.

After 2009, JB is the stuff of messageboard legend around here, and that legend will grow in the coming seasons. If he has a question, it's a legitimate one.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
bamakid said:
Whodat said:
You should be able to answer that for yourself. Don't patronize them.

After 2009, JB is the stuff of messageboard legend around here, and that legend will grow in the coming seasons. If he has a question, it's a legitimate one.

Really? No disrespect, but I've never heard of him.


Active Member
So we ask for coaches to give their opinions regarding what they need on a message board...
Really, what have we come to?


Staff member

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
bamakid said:
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
Whodat said:
You should be able to answer that for yourself. Don't patronize them.

After 2009, JB is the stuff of messageboard legend around here, and that legend will grow in the coming seasons. If he has a question, it's a legitimate one.

Really? No disrespect, but I've never heard of him.,1080.msg14629.html#msg14629

Bet you remember now.

Not really. Bamakid, that was 3 yrs. ago... and all he has is 26 posts, so it's not like I've seen him on here a lot.
Again, no disrespect, just would refer to him as a legend or anything.


Staff member
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
Whodat said:
You should be able to answer that for yourself. Don't patronize them.

After 2009, JB is the stuff of messageboard legend around here, and that legend will grow in the coming seasons. If he has a question, it's a legitimate one.

Really? No disrespect, but I've never heard of him.,1080.msg14629.html#msg14629

Bet you remember now.

Not really. Bamakid, that was 3 yrs. ago... and all he has is 26 posts, so it's not like I've seen him on here a lot.
Again, no disrespect, just would refer to him as a legend or anything.

JB was the first to predict the 10-0 season. Call me superstitious, but if he can do it once, he can do it again. So for that reason, I'd take his question seriously.


1,000+ Posts
Nothing wrong with JB asking the question. Better for him to be proactive and try to find a way to help than to sit back and criticize from the keyboard.


Active Member
I have a suggestion. Please :stop: all the negative comments and criticism concerning the football team, players, and coaches. What happens within the team needs to stay within the team, not on message boards, facebook or twitter. What ever happened to Honor, Pride and Tradition? We need to honor the team. Fill the message boards, facebook and twitter with encouraging words not words that tear them down. There are kids that read this board. They really don't need to hear negative thoughts from the community. There is not one person on this board that knows more than the players what needs to happen. Give them some space and time to create the positive atmosphere they need amongst their team. Just my thoughts. Love all those boys on the field! Go Indians! :clap:


500+ Posts
NDN33 said:
I have a suggestion. Please :stop: all the negative comments and criticism concerning the football team, players, and coaches. What happens within the team needs to stay within the team, not on message boards, facebook or twitter. What ever happened to Honor, Pride and Tradition? We need to honor the team. Fill the message boards, facebook and twitter with encouraging words not words that tear them down. There are kids that read this board. They really don't need to hear negative thoughts from the community. There is not one person on this board that knows more than the players what needs to happen. Give them some space and time to create the positive atmosphere they need amongst their team. Just my thoughts. Love all those boys on the field! Go Indians! :clap:
Remember the last several years our boys have started out slow and then BAM ! they start rolling ! Sure something needs to be done but I feel these boys know what it is and will make it happen. I do my best to find the good and roll with it. Lets get behind this team and not waiver ! GO NDN's !!!!!

Purple Dove

Active Member
THE INDIAN WAY. :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet:
:helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet:


I ask a specific question of a specific group and this is what I get? You have got to be kidding me. There are hundreds of threads on this message board for you all to spout your nonsense; and this is the one you chose. Gimme a break! Maybe I should have said "Players and Coaches Only" instead of "Dear Players and Coaches."


Active Member
I am sorry if you feel discussing drowning the players' spirits with constant negatives is nothing short of "spouting nonsense". I for believe the negativity is a big driving force for these players. They are hearing it in the halls from the students, seeing jokes about them on Facebook and reading sarcastic negative remarks on Twitter from teh student body of PNG students. I am sure to some 16-18 year old kids it tends to take a toll. All I was suggesting was some positive energy. Sorry this was such disappointing nonsense for you. BTW.....I am around alot of these kids and they are sick of it and don't want to hear it anymore. Maybe I should have said that from the beginning.


1,000+ Posts
That's the double edged sword of Social Media. It can raise you to feel on top of the world and it can yank you down to the lowest of all lows.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in society in years to come.

Go NDN's. Dig deep!!!


500+ Posts
I had several players at the house Sunday for a BBQ. (Ummmm lots of expense feeding these boys ! LOL) But they talked while sitting around the table. Yes the negative comments do get to them. But I do want to say this. This group is working their butts off and talking amongst each other and motivating each other. They know they have had a difficult first 3 games. They know they want to win. They are motivated. They don't want to let Coach BF down. They want to continue the playoff streak. They want to work harder. They were talking about what they wanted to do after practice this week to improve their tackling and catching. This team, this group of Seniors are motivated, they do have several very strong leaders. They want to win ! They talked about all the negative crap that is spewed and they have been shrugging their shoulders. As I have mentioned in other post, this bye week will be great for the team. They feel some player changes will happen and it will help the team. They talked and talked and talked about pushing each other harder in practice and everyone else. TO challenge each other and to motivate everyone to step up their game.
Didn't we go 1-2 in pre-district a few years back and turned it around and made the playoffs ? I personally get tired of hearing how terrible and untalented this group of seniors are. Everyone spouts how much talent is coming up and the next few years will be great. REMEMBER THIS ! THE VARSITY TEAM IS NOT ALL SENIORS. THERE ARE JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES ON THE VARSITY NOW WHO START !. Football is a team effort NOW not next year. As the players told me if each person on the field will give their 1/11th then everything will work. (Meaning each of the 11 players on either O or D when on the field will do their assignment then everything will work better)
So, YES the negative crap does affect the players at times, but as one said, "We have more things to work on and worry about than a bunch of peoiple who think they can do better")
This team is hungry and willing to work to win. Are you willing to stand behind them, everyone, and help motivate them instead of degrading them ? instead of pointing out every little flaw ? slamming their coaches ? slamming their talent ? or already looking to next year ?
This is suppose to be PNG football, were is everyones "HONOR, PRIDE, TRADITION ?"


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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