Huntsville game


500+ Posts
I know it’s several weeks away but I had to share because it’s just too funny! I have family in Huntsville who are fully are that INDIAN NATION is gonna SHOW UP and got a text from my cousin the other day, she said “I’m already trying to prepare our fans that due to some “genius” deciding to build a BRAND NEW Stadium that only holds 6000, we just better plan on being SURROUNDED by a $H!T load of PURPLE PEOPLE when PNG rolls into town because they WILL fill up the visitor side and OURS!!” :p She ain’t wrong! I just can’t believe it only holds 6000…ugh!


500+ Posts
Supposedly, SHSU no long wants to host high school games.

Come playoff time, I intend to raise that subject with some of their leadership.
Yep!! Huntsville has been playing at BearCat stadium for YEARS, but SHSU pretty much forced them out by increasing cost to rent the facility and other issues. The community, students, and athletes have wanted their OWN football stadium for a long time though. Definitely seems a bit small for a 5A stadium but don’t think they anticipated having to accommodate a visiting fan base like INDIAN NATION either…lol!

Eazy Money

Active Member
Huntsville ISD stadium was supposed to seat 8,000 according to the bond package, but apparently is only 6,500. 3,800 on Home side and 2,700 on visitors. Yes, it’s disappointing for a brand new 5A stadium. Other than that, it’s really nice.


500+ Posts
Huntsville ISD stadium was supposed to seat 8,000 according to the bond package, but apparently is only 6,500. 3,800 on Home side and 2,700 on visitors. Yes, it’s disappointing for a brand new 5A stadium. Other than that, it’s really nice.
Yeah, we drove by it last time we were there visiting the family and it is a very nice facility. My cousin said the original plan had both sides seating around 4000, but had to make some cuts due to inflation so the visitor side was scaled back significantly because based off prior attendance #’s for visiting fan bases, 2000-2500 was more than substantial…then here comes the UIL with their shenanigans! :rolleyes:
It’s all good, Huntsville fans have always been very hospitable and friendly so I’m sure they won’t mind sharing their side with the “PURPLE PEOPLE” if it comes to that :p


2,000+ Posts
I don’t know why any HS today would choose anything other than what I personally named a
“Bulldozer bowl” where dirt embankment holds the “stands” and always allows for spillover grass seating around one end zone.
That’s how U Colorado Boulder is you almost don’t know where you are and then BAM like Machu Pichu there it is right there under you.
No track - fans engulf the field (again like CU)
That way you practically never run out of seating but yet it also never looks empty.


2,000+ Posts
Yeah, we drove by it last time we were there visiting the family and it is a very nice facility. My cousin said the original plan had both sides seating around 4000, but had to make some cuts due to inflation so the visitor side was scaled back significantly because based off prior attendance #’s for visiting fan bases, 2000-2500 was more than substantial…then here comes the UIL with their shenanigans! :rolleyes:
It’s all good, Huntsville fans have always been very hospitable and friendly so I’m sure they won’t mind sharing their side with the “PURPLE PEOPLE” if it comes to that :p
They’re used to “transient” visitors
Usually 15-20 with parole


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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