La Marque Defeated Dayton Today


500+ Posts
La Marque defeted Dayton 23-3 this afternoon. Both teams piled up the yardage, but Dayton only scored 3 points in 6 penetrations of the 20 LM yard line.

The interesting thing is that Texas City beat La Marque last month by 10 points.


Active Member
Still upset with our loss to Manvel this morning but am proud of the Indians fighting the battle to the end. Cant help but want La Marque to pound Manvel because of the cockiness of the fans and some of their players. :punchingbag:


1,000+ Posts
LaMarque band needs to learn a verse of Cherokee. Would love to remind Manvel they can run...but can't hide from Cherokee!!!


Active Member
LOL! That would be Hilarious! Wish I knew someone in La Marque band admin. to pitch it to! Ha Ha!
:band: :band: :band: :band: :band:
:band: :band: :band: :band:
:band: :band: :band:
:band: :band:


Active Member
LaMarque band needs to learn a verse of Cherokee. Would love to remind Manvel they can run...but can't hide from Cherokee!!!

Before they can do that, La Marque is going to have to get a band.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
OK, I talked to C4L, and he wasn't being sarcastic... LM really doesn't have a band! So the Cherokee idea wouldn't work.

Squaw, looks like you're gonna have to go to the game and bring your Ghetto Blaster! ;D


1,000+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
OK, I talked to C4L, and he wasn't being sarcastic... LM really doesn't have a band! So the Cherokee idea wouldn't work.

Squaw, looks like you're gonna have to go to the game and bring your Ghetto Blaster! ;D
Hubby and friends are tallking about going, but they want to leave my mouth at home!! Go Glen used to use Coug4Life, not C4L but I should've had a clue!!! DUH!


Staff member
Justafan said:
What happened to the band?

Probably what's happened to many other bands: total loss of funding. Band programs are being cut left and right. I think we've discussed on this site how Evadale lost their band program only a few years ago. Some bands, such as Friendswood's and Pearland Dawson's (ironically enough), charge their students to be a part of the band (I believe Friendswood charges $300 per year). There are also many schools that still have band programs, but don't have the money to send their bands to away games. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way it is.


500+ Posts
So, they really don't have a band AT ALL, or it's just really small and really bad? IF they don't have a band do they not have a fight song to run out to or anything? That's REALLY sad if that's the case, I hate to see schools losing their band programs! I mean not every student can be an athelete, so band is another way for kids to stay out of trouble and feel like they are a part of something. I would know, my parents couldn't afford dance lessons or to put me in sports so I joined the band and it was the BEST thing I ever did and something I will NEVER forget!


Staff member
I read that a recording of La Marque's fight song is now played over the PA system. And that all that remains of the band is the drumline.


100+ Posts
Ironically enough, in todays Houston Chronicle, there is an article about Texas House Bill 3 which mandates that middle school students must complete one fine arts course in theater, art, band or choir before entering high school. This new requirement is putting a financial strain on on the larger urban school districts - to buy band instruments.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
NDNmom91 said:
So, they really don't have a band AT ALL, or it's just really small and really bad? IF they don't have a band do they not have a fight song to run out to or anything? That's REALLY sad if that's the case, I hate to see schools losing their band programs! I mean not every student can be an athelete, so band is another way for kids to stay out of trouble and feel like they are a part of something. I would know, my parents couldn't afford dance lessons or to put me in sports so I joined the band and it was the BEST thing I ever did and something I will NEVER forget!

My understanding is that apparently, the band students had huge problems with some things that the Band Director was doing, and they all quit. I apologize if that's incorrect, but that's what I believe C4L said. He said that all they have in the stands is some Middle School Band kids. And you're right 91, it's very sad.


500+ Posts
Very sad indeed! Well, I really like the idea of Lamarque playing Cherokee, SO, if some of our band kids want one last hoorah then maybe they could go play it! I would PAY big $$ to see the look on Manvel's faces if that happened! :thud:


100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Very sad indeed! Well, I really like the idea of Lamarque playing Cherokee, SO, if some of our band kids want one last hoorah then maybe they could go play it! I would PAY big $$ to see the look on Manvel's faces if that happened! :thud:
:clap: :ha: :clap: :ha: :clap: :ha: :clap: :ha:

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Very sad indeed! Well, I really like the idea of Lamarque playing Cherokee, SO, if some of our band kids want one last hoorah then maybe they could go play it! I would PAY big $$ to see the look on Manvel's faces if that happened! :thud:

ROFLMBO! ;D ;D ;D You and me both!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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