Last Update on Bobby Davenport


1,000+ Posts
GREAT NEWS! After his heart cath this morning, the doctor said that maybe he can be moved to a room this afternoon, get a defibulator put in tomorrow morning and go home on Thursday. Doctor said he feels like the heart attact was due to an arrythmia (irregular heart rate) and not a blood clot or occlusion of an artery. I named it a "PNG Heart Attack". lol Back in the 70's when we played Kashmere in the Astrodome in a very exciting game, Bobby fell back in his seat and said "I think I may be having a heart attack." Maybe he did. People have asked where to send cards, etc. His address is 2316 10th Street, Port Neches, TX 77651 and I know Bobby would love reading them. Barbara said there is no way she will let Bobby go to Baytown this Friday (I sure don't blame her!) but I know he'll be hard to hold down week after next. Let's win one for "Mr. Dav" (as his students used to call him). Wonderful that everyone's prayers were answered. God is great!


500+ Posts
My family and I were in for this game. Touching to see everyone praying like that. Prayers to Mr. Davenport from the Austin, TX Indians.


1,000+ Posts
No, but he did teach for a few years in Port Arthur. He and my hubby have been friends all their lives-Bobby's mom and hubby's mom were best friends. I just spoke again to Barbara, his wife, and he is now in room 231 and will have a debillator put in tomorrow and go home Thursday. Doctor said attack was caused by an arrythmia (abnormal heart beat). He got too excited. I call it the PNG Heart Attack. ;D He is OK due to the quick work of fans around him and the medics at the game. Being at the game actually saved his life. Bobby is known around PN like my hubby is for being such great PNG fans. We all just LOVE our Indians!


500+ Posts
Such GREAT news!! I know this weeks pep rally is for our Indians, but it would be nice to see the men that helped save his life honored in some way...just a thought!


Active Member
It is great to hear that Mr. Davenport is doing so good. I need to set the record straight on something from Friday night. My name is Allen Runte and I heard that my name was posted on this message board as one of the people that performed CPR. The fact is that I was one of the first people to respond and mostly assisted Mrs. Davenport It was Larry Singleton, Charles Chelette and Lance Billeaud that did the CPR work that saved Mr. Davenport. They did an incredible job, as well as the medical personnel that responded, all the way through to the nurses and doctors at the hospital. Mr. Davenport's survival is nothing short of a miracle. I must also mention the hundreds of people, mostly strangers, whom turned their eyes and hearts away form one of the most exciting PNG football game finishes ever, and instead prayed that Mr. Davenport be saved. To see believers with their hands raised, praying aloud and silently was something that I will never forget. I am proud to be part of the PNG Indian community, and even prouder to be part of the PNG faith community.


500+ Posts
Thank you Allen for letting us know, but I'm sure you're still a hero to the Davenport family no matter what you did. The fact is you responded to someone in their time of need without hesitation and that is worth great praise as well... :clap:! EVERYONE involved helped to save this mans life, even if it was just comforting his wife and family. It's great to live in such a fabulous community filled with WONDERFUL people!!


500+ Posts
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: You are to be commended Mr. Runte along with the men that did CPR on Mr. Davenport, you helped a man in need and helped to save his life.

Former NDNette said:
Yes, he did teach at Stilwell and I think it was auto mechanics.

He would always cut up with us kids back then. He would be monitoring us before classes and would chat with all the kids and was a super nice man.


1,000+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
Did he teach at Stilwell in Port Arthur? I seem to remember a Mr. Davenport that taught something.
Yes, he taught diesel mechanics. I taught in the print shop for 6 years over there before leaving for LCM and PNG. My students were resource students because my major is Special Education. I like handicapped children--they are so willing to work and learn and their parents are so grateful to you for helping.


1,000+ Posts
Mr. Runte--I am the person who you brought Barbara to. What you did was kind and wonderful and you deserve any praise you get, but I am glad to get the exact names of those who administered CPR. The doctors at the hospital say Bobby is one lucky guy because there is no brain damage due to lack of oxygen due to the CPR performed before the medics arrived. Of course the medics did great, too. Bobby is only alive today because he had that heart attack at the game (of course, maybe he wouldn't have had that arythmia if he hadn't been watching such an exciting game!! lol God works his miracles in different ways, but He worked overtime for him. Everyone's prayers were answered. He is having a defibullator put in this morning and plans to go home tomorrow. His first words were "bon, bon, bon bon bon" (Cherokee). I will pass all the names on to the family. Thanks!
I spoke with Bobby's daughter yesterday afternoon. They did put the defibrillator in yesterday morning. He is doing great. They are hoping he will be able to come home today or tomorrow. Also, Dr. Lani Randall made a surprise visit giving him a get well card signed by all the varsity football players and a playoff t-shirt. He was very touched, excited, and thrilled. :)


500+ Posts
WOW! That's great news! What a great gesture by Lani! I'm still hoping they do something at the pep rally this evening to honor everyone that helped Mr. Davenport and his family! I just want to give them a standing ovation for being such caring people! :clap:


1,000+ Posts
He cried when he got his card signed by all the players and coaches and his playoff shirt. I heard that this was Lana Parker's (President of the School Board) idea and it was a great idea.


Glad toi hear that he doing good! The wife and I was at the game and we did i share of prayers!

Now the real question is when will he be RELEASE to go see some exciting PNG football!


1,000+ Posts
PNG82 said:
Glad toi hear that he doing good! The wife and I was at the game and we did i share of prayers!

Now the real question is when will he be RELEASE to go see some exciting PNG football!
He will be released late this afternoon or early tomorrow, but not going to Stallworth. He'll be ready for the next playoff game, however. Let's win one for Mr. Dav!


Chief Touch The Clouds
That purple shirt can really lift your spirits.What a great gift from the Indian nation.Praying for your speedy recovery. Prayers outbound right now.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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