Nederland at Port Neches-Groves 2015 version of Mid County Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Who will bring home the Bum Phillips Trophy????

Go Indians!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Against Lumberton the Indians got a taste of playing a team with a good offensive line and a quality running back. Hopefully that was good preparation for what next week holds.

Neumann's MO is to come out with schemes that the Indians didn't prepare for. So the Indian D will need to go into the game ready to play solid fundamental ball and focus on assignments, whatever they may be on game night. Swarm to the ball, wrap up, and limit second effort yardage and long plays. The front four of the Indian D must hold their own and keep the linebackers free to make the tackle.

Nederland's best weapons might be their offensive line and the running back. I expect Nederland to run, run, run, and burn clock. The best defense is to hang on to the ball and limit PN-G possessions.

In this game, every possession is magnified. PN-G must score on every opportunity. If they shoot themselves in the foot with penalties and turnovers, it will be a long night, or rather a short night where time just runs out.

If the Indians execute well, avoid turnovers, catch every ball, and hold their blocks, there will be no stopping this offense. Not exactly a rocket science analysis, but this game is won and lost on fundamentals.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I agree 100% I have heard rumor tha it is possible that Remebert may be back this week. Will seek further details later in the week. Morse showed last week he can work through a bad series. This kid is resiliant and made up for an early Int. Morse was on fire for a while in last weeks game that brought us back from a slow start. This team did something that many of our fans felt like Faircloth wasn't effective at.... He made wonderful adjustments( several weeks in a row) that made the difference in the games. Faircloth is doing a wonderful job as a coach this season maybe his beast year yet. I have seen adjustments at halftime at several games this season, and even more importantly during the games procession. The development of this team has been awesome. The biggest improvement so far this season has been the O-line blocking. A freind of mine from Lumberton said that no matter what they tried blitzes, stunts, and delayed blitzes they could not get to Morse. He said they have been able to pressure all the other teams they played including Central with the exception of PNG. So this weeks I would like to say GREAT JOB to our O-line and their firey coach. The defense is the best we have had in many years. All this being said we know the field general will be at the Reservation next week Neuman!!! We will have to play our very best injury free, mistake free football next week to win this game..... Nederlands defense isn't the Nederland of old. They are small quick but do give up hundreds of yards a game and a pretty large number of points. I have learned years ago never try and predict the score or even winner of this game but here is a brief summery Last year we lost 35-28 and the year before it was it was 21-17. Bothe games we were trying to drive at the end to tie or win. The last couple have been very close. This year I expect it to be near the same a close game. Best of luck to my Indians. I hope coach Faircloth can get a win against Neuman and get some people off his back.


500+ Posts
I know Nederland runs, runs, and runs. Expect the dogs to come out and pass a bit more than normal. I think they will do this to set up the run plays more. Our D is going to have too be super aggressive to slow down their back. Be ready for some Neauman football. Trick plays, and doing opposite of what PNG would prepare for.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Lumberton tried smoke and mirrors with the Bmt. Enterprise article, saying "It's going to be an air-show". AND their first play was a pass! (incomplete). But that was all just designed to get PNG to change their defense and prepare for a passing attack that never happened. The plan didn't work and their passing game was ineffective. Ned passes better than Slumberton, but their bread and butter is the run game (and hit Krauss with the pass).

IMO, Krauss is the only real weapon. But, Ned is really good about having "no-names" step it up against us. Should be interesting to see.

Slumberton DID see an "air-show" tho... PNG's! :clap:


500+ Posts
Neds QB can hit his targets, they can definitely go to him when they need to, but that RB will be a handful. He has speed and can break tackles. He flat outran Centrals athletes. We can not let him see open field.

On the flip side, we're just now getting to the meat of our schedule, so we haven't had to get to fancy with the passing game. No doubt we'll get to see what this Offense can really do come Friday night, and not just an air show. We have 2 good backs that can keep the Bulldogs on their toes. Neds defense isn't the defenses of the past, but they're getting better every game, still don't think they can keep up with Morse and Co.

+ I've heard we have some sharks on land at the Reservation...BEWARE!


1,000+ Posts
Man, I am fired up about Friday night. I can't wait to see the Indians take it to the Bulldogs on our home turf for the first time in several years. Ned is going to come out fired up so we need to step on the gas early. We have the weapons to get things done this year, so boys, go out there and get it done! You will be talking about this game for the rest of your lives!!!


500+ Posts
Sounds like its war between the Student Sections also. Our Student Section better step it up bigtime...(but keep it :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag:


Staff member
Momentum. Let's hope the Indians can begin and end with it on their side. Morse can hit the targets. The targets must hold onto the ball.

I'd like to see #2 back with the job of shadowing their running back.


500+ Posts
Would be great to have our defense up to 100% again. NDN's need to come out on D and make a huge statement to Nederland at the beginning of the game. Hit hard and not let up. Let the Dogs know they mean business. I truly hope BF does not let up at all in this game. I expect to see alot of offensive plays from our NDN's that we have not seen all year. I'm sure that BF will mix up the Offense to see what will work the best for the game until Nederland makes their adjustments. I hope the offense can keep Nederlands defense off balance. Plus I truly, truly hope that our home crowd will get into this game. Last few games the crowd seemed somewhat flat.


100+ Posts
Please keep in mind that ushers and ticket takers will be checking tickets very carefully for this game. Adults WILL NOT be able to use a student ticket to get into the game and if you don't have a student ticket, you will not be able to sit in the student section (next to the band). Everyone will have to sit in the section in which their ticket was sold (i.e. reserved, general admission, or student). This usually isn't a problem, but this game is always an exception. ;)

It's going to be packed house at The Reservation Friday night. Let's make it a great experience for our students and give them some great Indian football memories. :rocks: :rocks: :rocks:

Go Indians!


500+ Posts
:helmet:Have my 3 in my safe waiting for Friday. Gonna be a fun time. I love MCM at the Reservation. Bigger crowd and a more intense atmosphere.


100+ Posts
Glad to be back..oh and i got two tickets..really excited for this game.. i just need to buckle down and get season tickets next year.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Me too got my eye on someone else's season tickets their kid graduates this year hoping they will give them to me


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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