Yes, we got the free HD for life, one year free subscription to the NFL Sunday ticket, and, on top of that, $21.00 a month off our bill for one year. Nice! I subscribed through AT&T and they gave me a $100.00 gift card (for changing providers) and a $25.00 gift card (for increasing DSL speed). Houston already has U-verse and we should be getting it soon here and when we do I will definitely change. Its all fiberoptics and DSL will be 18 times faster, offers 450 TV channels, great picture and no bad weather problems. BTW, I went crazy and ordered my IPhone4. I sold my IPhone 3GS for $300.00 so I'm out nothing and had $100 left over. My DirectTV was put in yesterday and you are so right--I can't believe how much better the picture is compared to what I had with Dish Network.