
Active Member
Proud of you guys ! D line did a AWESOME job ! The LB's and corners were flawless, as well as Safety's, Has anyone that Romero has been covering caught a pass? KEEP IT UP DEFENSE, YOU GUYS ARE THE REAL DEAL !


100+ Posts
I agree ! A big part of the win last night was the fact that D-Line was getting to Green ! Great Job by all of you guys ! Line Backers and Corners, I saw all the blocks that you did to get Chase that TD ! Great Job ! :thumbsup:


500+ Posts
I agree our D really played lights out football against Ozen. Our coverage in the secondary was very very good. Our outside coverage and containment was good. Our D line showed and played with intensity and put the pressure on the QB like they needed too. Glad to see them coming together and playing strong. Keep up the great work boys. Way to bring it up to the next level of play.


100+ Posts
Great job guys ! D line did a great job again, Pevato is really getting better every game, I see a lot of younger talent doing a great job! Only thing that I did not like to much was the jaw jacking, but I Bet Arnaud and Cox take care of that ! Proud of you guys keep it up !


500+ Posts
pngdad8420 said:
Great job guys ! D line did a great job again, Pevato is really getting better every game, I see a lot of younger talent doing a great job! Only thing that I did not like to much was the jaw jacking, but I Bet Arnaud and Cox take care of that ! Proud of you guys keep it up !
Yeah a few let the adrenalin get the most of em. Penalty came when Thompson made a tackle at the line of scrimmage. The other tackle told him way to F&*#$#% go and thats when the ref threw the flag. What was said was not said too any of the Vidor players.He, the player guilty, told me that Vidors O line was throwing alot worse and consistent cussing than just his statement. Just celebration carried over to far after a great play. I know coach Cox and Arnaud will be taking care of it come Monday. As a matter of fact its partially being taken care of as we speak. Come Monday the Coaches will finish off the punishment. That sort of stuff don't fly with me and he knows it. He has beat himself up about it last night and this morning. Almost scared him to death when the penalty happened. Said he isn't going to do that again. I and the coaches will make sure of that. So he and myself apologize for all the skipped heart beats last night. I told him I can understand the heat of the moment and the adrenalin flowing but that is not what I taught him and it sure isn't what the coaches teach them.


Staff member
Understood by all and glad to hear it's a good lesson learned. The best thing he can do is make sure all the other players avoid that in the future.

Not to brand all VHS teams and players, but from past experience, Vidor players always used the most 'questionable' tactics of any team on the schedule. When that kind of garbage happens it takes a LOT of self discipline to not fall into the same mindset or respond in a similar way. Ethridge and his assistant coaches enforced that big time.

When that type of bull is spread by the opposing players, pick yourself up, and take it to them on the next play within the PNG Indian standards. Play with pride, intensity, tenacity, and integrity. Block harder, run harder, tackle harder.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
pngdad8420 said:
Great job guys ! D line did a great job again, Pevato is really getting better every game, I see a lot of younger talent doing a great job! Only thing that I did not like to much was the jaw jacking, but I Bet Arnaud and Cox take care of that ! Proud of you guys keep it up !
Yeah a few let the adrenalin get the most of em. Penalty came when Thompson made a tackle at the line of scrimmage. The other tackle told him way to F&*#$#% go and thats when the ref threw the flag. What was said was not said too any of the Vidor players.He, the player guilty, told me that Vidors O line was throwing alot worse and consistent cussing than just his statement. Just celebration carried over to far after a great play. I know coach Cox and Arnaud will be taking care of it come Monday. As a matter of fact its partially being taken care of as we speak. Come Monday the Coaches will finish off the punishment. That sort of stuff don't fly with me and he knows it. He has beat himself up about it last night and this morning. Almost scared him to death when the penalty happened. Said he isn't going to do that again. I and the coaches will make sure of that. So he and myself apologize for all the skipped heart beats last night. I told him I can understand the heat of the moment and the adrenalin flowing but that is not what I taught him and it sure isn't what the coaches teach them.

I agree profanity should not be permitted at a school function, but considering he did not say it to the other team and was just in during the excitement at that moment, I would not put too much emphasis on it. Apparently, our D was behind your son, since they made 4 huge stops after that


100+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
pngdad8420 said:
Great job guys ! D line did a great job again, Pevato is really getting better every game, I see a lot of younger talent doing a great job! Only thing that I did not like to much was the jaw jacking, but I Bet Arnaud and Cox take care of that ! Proud of you guys keep it up !
Yeah a few let the adrenalin get the most of em. Penalty came when Thompson made a tackle at the line of scrimmage. The other tackle told him way to F&*#$#% go and thats when the ref threw the flag. What was said was not said too any of the Vidor players.He, the player guilty, told me that Vidors O line was throwing alot worse and consistent cussing than just his statement. Just celebration carried over to far after a great play. I know coach Cox and Arnaud will be taking care of it come Monday. As a matter of fact its partially being taken care of as we speak. Come Monday the Coaches will finish off the punishment. That sort of stuff don't fly with me and he knows it. He has beat himself up about it last night and this morning. Almost scared him to death when the penalty happened. Said he isn't going to do that again. I and the coaches will make sure oof that. So he and myself apologize for all the skipped heart beats last night. I told him I can understand the heat of the moment and the adrenalin flowing but that is not what I taught him and it sure isn't what the coaches teach them.
If that was the reason for the call that is total BS on the reffs part, I am sorry football is a contact sport and those words are going to come out Chase was getting cut at the knees all night, I am sure he droped some F bombs!


500+ Posts
Yeah he said everyone was dropping the F bomb all night. He was just the one who got caught. Glad it didn't lead to Vidor winning. Trust me he has learned a lesson. He was one of the last boys to leave the field house last night. Coach Faircloth had a long talk with him as well. Then he got it from my wife and I when I picked him up. He got more when he got home from his older brother, who played under Burnett, his older sister, who was in the band, and then more today from me. Not going overboard, we talked about it in detail and I explained that yes you can get pumped and congratulate and fellow player but just use a better choice of words next time. I truly think he learned a lesson and it will be driven in deeper come Monday after practice.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pngfan66...don't be too hard on him (ha-ha) ;D

Football is a game of discipline, team work, focus, hard work, and doing what coaches tell a player to do...but, it is also a game of passion and emotion. It's OK to have our kids amped up, excited, and passionate about being a PN-G Indian. No player wants to get tagged with a penalty and hurt the team. I'm not a big fan of foul language, but, I am a fan of PN-G kids being successful, being passionate, and enjoying their time under the bright lights on Friday nights at The Reservation. Get excited to go beat Central...and march into the 2011 playoffs on a warpath. Glad you are having fun watching your son enjoy success.

Go Indians. Peace.


100+ Posts
Are you kidding me???? F word was being said all night and then this official decides to enforce foul language during last minutes of the game????? Y'all can't be hard on the kid. He was only doing what everyone else was doing. Unfortunately,this a-hole official decides to get tough at the wrong time. What the officials should have done is tell both sides early in the game that they're not going to tolerate foul language on the field. A few flags thrown early would have solved the problem. But tagging our guy so late in the game with no advance warning???? COME ON,MAN!


500+ Posts
Yeah I agree. That sort of language is used in every game. The ref just decided to throw the hankie at that point. Kinda made me mad after the game and after talking to my son about it. He said Vidor was worse on the cussing than our team. I guess the point I am trying to make with him is that he is an INDIAN and that the coaches won't and myself won't tolerate it. I'm not being hard on him I just think he said the wrong the thing at the wrong time and ref for some reason decided to throw the flag. I agree the ref should have said something at the beginning of the game instead of the last minute. The refs missed calls all night long, holding, mauling Nelson and the other receivers and tackling our D line and wrapping up their ankles and pulling them to the ground. Oh well what happened, happened. I and my son are glad it didn't cause us to lose the game.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pngfan66 said:
Yeah I agree. That sort of language is used in every game. The ref just decided to throw the hankie at that point. Kinda made me mad after the game and after talking to my son about it. He said Vidor was worse on the cussing than our team. I guess the point I am trying to make with him is that he is an INDIAN and that the coaches won't and myself won't tolerate it. I'm not being hard on him I just think he said the wrong the thing at the wrong time and ref for some reason decided to throw the flag. I agree the ref should have said something at the beginning of the game instead of the last minute. The refs missed calls all night long, holding, mauling Nelson and the other receivers and tackling our D line and wrapping up their ankles and pulling them to the ground. Oh well what happened, happened. I and my son are glad it didn't cause us to lose the game.

You're just teaching him to always take the high road. Good lesson that will be with him forever. Good job dad.


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
pngfan66 said:
Yeah I agree. That sort of language is used in every game. The ref just decided to throw the hankie at that point. Kinda made me mad after the game and after talking to my son about it. He said Vidor was worse on the cussing than our team. I guess the point I am trying to make with him is that he is an INDIAN and that the coaches won't and myself won't tolerate it. I'm not being hard on him I just think he said the wrong the thing at the wrong time and ref for some reason decided to throw the flag. I agree the ref should have said something at the beginning of the game instead of the last minute. The refs missed calls all night long, holding, mauling Nelson and the other receivers and tackling our D line and wrapping up their ankles and pulling them to the ground. Oh well what happened, happened. I and my son are glad it didn't cause us to lose the game.

You're just teaching him to always take the high road. Good lesson that will be with him forever. Good job dad.
Thank you ! I try my best. My wife and I have six kids total in our house.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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