PN-G gridder turned Marine isn’t pleased with what he reads


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PN-G gridder turned Marine isn’t pleased with what he reads
Bob West column for Wednesday, jan 28

The Port Arthur News

Everybody in Port Neches and Groves, it seems, has an opinion on whether Matt Burnett should or should not have been moved out of his position as head football coach at Port Neches-Groves. Readers of the Port Arthur News, of course, know that if the decision had been made by Tom Halliburton or myself Burnett would still be the head coach.

What’s done is done, however, and it’s time to move on. For the sake of future football players at PN-G, and other schools in the area making coaching hires, I hope the people on the school board get it right. Not for themselves and the fans, but for the kids who make the sacrifices, develop bonds with their coaches and will someday reflect back upon adults whose decisions impacted upon their lives.

One such person who fits under that umbrella is Marine Sgt. Jake Evans, who is currently stationed in Iraq. Evans was a reserve quarterback and wide receiver on Burnett’s 2003 District 20-4A champions. It was a team that reached the second level of the playoffs, while compiling a 9-3 record.

Evans was one of those guys who didn’t get to play much, but thrived on just being an Indian, being part of a team all the way up through the program. Those teammate and coaching ties must have helped him to no end when his father passed away during his senior season.

Last week, I received a letter from Evans’ mother, Jan Lykins, telling me about an e-mail she received from her son on the PN-G coaching situation. He wasn’t too happy about it and was moved to put his thoughts into words.

She suggested that those words might be worth putting out for all to see and think about. After reading over the e-mail four or five times, and realizing he was coming at this issue with some views more powerful than the local sportswriters, I agreed with his mother.

What follows, then, is her letter to set the stage, then his e-mail. Among other things, I know it’s going to make Matt Burnett feel awfully good. Beyond that, I hope it causes others to do some serious reflection about their positions on a coach who won his share of games, cared a lot about his players and occasionally came up short in the talent department.

Mr. West,

Thought you might be interested in this e-mail from my son, who is a Marine in Iraq at the moment, when he found out about the things going on with PNG football over the past few months.

I know there are more kids that feel this way, and just thought some of the coaches might like to hear from one of the students.

You have some very dedicated readers out there, with strong opinions. This one is from one of those kids who reads about sports in this area on the Internet in Iraq. Thanks for your time and hope you share with your readers.

If not, hope you enjoy reading and hearing from one of your readers.


PMM (Proud Marine Mom of Sgt. Jake Evans)

Wow. It’s sad high school football is that ridiculous. I thought kids went to school to get a high school education and a diploma at the end of their senior year, not to be professional athletes. And the coaches of the high school to be teachers of a sport, not some person who has to rely on a group of high school kids, 4 months out of the year, to make sure they keep their job.

Our school district is really pathetic that they put that much pressure on one person, over something that has nothing to do with all the kids in that high school being successful later in life. I played high school football, I wasn't even close to being a starter, but yet I still learned stuff in that football program that helps me today as a Marine in Iraq.

It taught me how to work on a team, and it taught me how to give 100% always, no matter how much you are down by, and how tired you are, and a lot more things I could go on about. Things I learned from each and every coach on that practice field.

Had we not won all those games, I still would walk away from the PNG football program with those fundamentals of life that I learned from my coaches.

If I was one of those kids walking away from that program this year, knowing that our head coach was being reassigned because we didn't win, I would think, wow, I "lose" or don't do well at something in life now, or don't do good, I have failed more than just myself, I failed people that taught me things.

Then that would probably lead me to not be confident in things later in life. I'm not saying he shouldn't ever be

fired or reassigned, but you know as well as I do it's because they haven't done good.

Sorry I started rambling on, probably makes no sense, but I feel like it’s ridiculous the whole football crap that the coaches put up with.

I know they like to win, but I think they like coaching any team that wins or loses, than not coaching at all, because of kids that just aren't good in football. I think it’s bull. Let me know what you think. I love you.


Sgt. Jake Evans, USMC


Active Member
Although I respect his decision to defend our Country in the armed forces, I don't agree with his assessment. Life is about striving for success...and everyone wants to be the BEST that they can be in order to be successful. I agree that sometimes focus is lost in the lessons of life when it has to be either win...or lose, but there is just something about an individual that exceeds light years beyond his peers. We want our coach to motivate our kids to be competitors, to teach our boys how to be successful and to accept nothing less. Success at one stage in life typically translates into success at another stage in life. Regardless of your career, you are going to be judged by your performance. Students are evaluated and ranked (and accepted into colleges) based on grades, doctors on successful treatments and/or procedures, teachers and schools on TAKS scores and attendance, lawyers on how many cases they have won or lost and coaches, like ALL other professions, are evaluated on how many games are won or lost. I certainly want a surgeon with a high success rate in his line of work performing surgery on my child...or an attorney that has a proven track record of winning in the courtroom defending me...and, in this case, a coach that is known for winning (not losing) and turning athletic programs around. In other words, we are all judged based on certain criteria that pertain to our profession. We choose our paths in life based on what we are good at and find pleasure in at the same time and consequently judged based on how well we do! Life is all about's what makes us strive to be better than the next person...and it's human nature. Why strive to be the best if it means nothing?


excellent post! and i for one push myself to beocme someone/something in life, if you all knew what i went through in life and what was told to me and i bucked their decision because i wanted to better myself and not to take status quo.

to me MB did turn it around when he came in and motivated the kids, just think he lost the desire to motivate after the 1999 season. to me this year he look very stress out. 15 yrs was probably too long , probably should have walked away after the 99 season and went somewhere to build that fire up again. not sure, most ppl when are at a job for a long time gets comfortable and feel like they are not expendable, i for one thought that when i was a supervisor for 15 yrs and then more that less got a transfer out of that to another job within the company., and after 3 years i was burned out , and had to retire due to disablities after 22 years of working. now i am onto a new challenge thati just signed up for and getting the fire back in.


1,000+ Posts
Good for you, NDNPARENT! Keep on truckin' and good things will come your way. I, too, agree with BWS. I think the Marine just doesn't realize how badly MB needed a break and a change. His family says he loves his new job and I, for one, wish him well and am glad he doesn't have all the pressure on him that he once had. We still love you, Matt, whether you are our coach or not!


Staff member
Look up PN-G Indian in the encyclopedia and you'll see a picture of Matt Burnett. :thumbsup:


Active Member
yeah i disagree with that article in a way... the man said something about the community blaming coach burnett for not having good players... not only this year did we have good players.. but we have always had good players and always will. PNG texas could compete with any top ranked highschool football team ANY GIVEN DAY. WITH COACH BURNETT OR WITH SOMEONE NEW


Staff member
It's a naive point of view but I can understand the motivation behind the letter.

Coaching is a profession. All professions have standards. With a football coach at any level it's wins and playoff success. And every coach knows it.

Bum Phillips said it best... "There's only two kinds of coaches, them that's been fired and them that's about to be fired."

Is it fair? Nothing is fair. Welcome to the real world.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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