PN-G vs LC-M Predictions


Active Member
I am going to be called a lot of things on this site this week after I make my prediction. But, I am going to make this prediciton on what I saw last night, which is the first time that I have seen the NDNs this year. I have watched the NDNs and have been a season ticket hlder for almost 30 years and two kids graduate from PNG and participate in sports, band and Indianettes. But I have to say that is the worst defense from a PNG team that I have seen in my 30 years. I read on here a few weeks ago about a realtive of a poster whom he thought was afraid to tackle, that is exactly what I saw. Don't get me wrong there are some highlights on that side of the ball, #33 is all over the place, what a player, #61 fills the holes and makes stops. But, #47 spent the night either on his back or dancing with an Ozen lineman, son when you play LB you have to hit. I don't know how many times they would run to #47's side, Ozen coaches knew he was the weak link on the front. When our coaches pulled him, we made stops. Well, you can not give up 490 yards to a team like Ozen and expect to make the playoffs and if you do you are not going very far. We still have defensive work that needs to get taken care of, sorry fans, but I am just as purple as everyone else on this site, and as much as I despise LCM, my prediction is and it hurts LCM 49 PNG 35.


1,000+ Posts
I hope we see the defense we saw against Lumberton. But giving up over 40 points to Ozen is VERY concerning! You typically so not see teams going deep in the playoffs that are allowing as many points as we have been. I am praying that the defense can come alive and pull it out!

Hoping PN-G can get a homecoming win!


500+ Posts
Stopped making predictions on PNG games after Livingston debacle!

But, go check the defensive stats from this district on iPreps. Not pretty. The best scoring defense in the district gives up 22.6 PPG. LCM gives up 23.4 PPG and that includes a shutout! I don't think a team in this district will get past round 2 of the playoffs.


500+ Posts
badndn said:
Stopped making predictions on PNG games after Livingston debacle!

But, go check the defensive stats from this district on iPreps. Not pretty. The best scoring defense in the district gives up 22.6 PPG. LCM gives up 23.4 PPG and that includes a shutout! I don't think a team in this district will get past round 2 of the playoffs.
I have to agree with you on the stats and the teams in the district. Regarding PNG we just have one or two more personnel changes we need to make a even more impact on the D side of the ball. Peveto did a great job last night. I think they need to keep him in and put him on the strong side of the line. He is big and fast. We can't have linebackers being plowed. They need to be super aggressive as well. Still seen some non aggressive play last night from one of the backers. You can't have that ! Our D is there its just a few more adjustments with some people I feel. Any word on Easily ! (? spelling) ? He was really causing some problems for Ozen in the first half last night and spent alot of time in the backfield.


1,000+ Posts
I hope we see the defense we saw against Lumberton. But giving up over 40 points to Ozen is VERY concerning! You typically so not see teams going deep in the playoffs that are allowing as many points as we have been. I am praying that the defense can come alive and pull it out!

Hoping PN-G can get a homecoming win!
We watched LCM and Vidor and I think your first post was spot-on! (and I hate that) We may beat Vidor if our defense gets stronger, but LCM is very balanced and very, very good. I'm praying for a miracle.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
#47 may not be the biggest guy in the world, but the 1 game I saw in person and the 2 I've seen via the web (G-P and Ozen), I would not say he is afraid to hit ... he sticks his head in the middle of things. I'll take that effort. If a bigger and stronger guy wins, I can live with that .... #33 is a player. He is big, strong, runs to the ball and when he gets there he is usually in a foul mood and will light it up. The defensive front 4 is big and physical. If our LBs and DBs can hold up and make a few plays, we can get some stops. Our trouble all season long has been our inability to get off the field on 3rd and long or allowing teams to convert on 4th down. I don't know what the percentage is for opposing teams to convert on 3rd down and 4th down, but whatever it is, it isn't good. The effort is there ... the kids play hard. They just have to find a way to make some stops. When it counted vs. Crosby, Lumberton, and Ozen, they made stops. We battled G-P and kicked and scratched. We came up short on a 4th and 1. That happens. Against TXC we got screwed on 2 defensive pass interference calls by the side judge (not the back judge) and by any measure those were 2 poor calls. Against Livingston our defense could not get off the field on 3rd and 4th down. Nederland ... no excuse. We should never lose to them.

Our kids will find a way vs. LC-M. Our secondary just needs to make a few stops and play the ball the way they did vs. Ozen in OT. Other teams will make a few plays, too. They have schemes, coaches, and players. We just have to make some plays when it counts and find a way to win. Against Vidor load up to stop the run. Win those 2 and then have some fun playing a slug fest with Central. I don't care how we get to the playoffs; just get there. If we go 1 and done. OK. If we go 2 or 3 rounds, great. We are building a long term program and 1 step forward beats 2 steps back or standing still.

I'm a glass half full alum. We're going to find a way to win.

Go Indians. Peace.


Scalp Em Indians
squaw said:
I hope we see the defense we saw against Lumberton. But giving up over 40 points to Ozen is VERY concerning! You typically so not see teams going deep in the playoffs that are allowing as many points as we have been. I am praying that the defense can come alive and pull it out!

Hoping PN-G can get a homecoming win!
We watched LCM and Vidor and I think your first post was spot-on! (and I hate that) We may beat Vidor if our defense gets stronger, but LCM is very balanced and very, very good. I'm praying for a miracle.

I think the Indians will make you eat those words on Friday Night


500+ Posts
I totally agree with you 1989NDN!! I too think we will find a way to win this friday against LCM. I believe the team had to get a tremendous boost by winning in OT friday night. Hopefully that will give us the momentum we need going forward to finish strong. It will be a battle every week--but I am confident these Indians can and will succeed!!! :woohoo:


500+ Posts
I'm hoping that the secondary learned they can defend against a good passing team. I know we got beat on some deep pass plays, but maybe the game with Ozen gave the secondary what they needed. A boost of confidence. I think they held their own very well with the exception of those 2 deep pass plays. I'm hoping they learned what to do when they need too. Turn and watch the ball, not allow a reciever to get ahead of them so far. As far as containing a good scrambling and running QB, I feel the D line and the linebackers have to attack earlier when they have the QB cornered and not allow him to throw or run for 30 yards. I just feel the Ozen game showed the D they are very capable of stopping a good offensive team. The coaches are going to be working on better coverage and I'm sure working on containment. I feel good about the game with LCM. Our D is stepping up their play every game. THey know now they can knock down passes and push a O line around. I see the NDN's coming away with a good win.

png tribe

100+ Posts
I can't see how any part of our defense gained any confidence. We played horrible on defense and just as bad on special team's. The coaches are trying a bunch of different player's but we are missing too many tackles. We don't practice hitting in full pad's and it is something that might need to be considered. I don't know how you can go through 2 a day's until now without seeing who can really hit. I have been to lot's of practices and we just don't let our guy's hit each other in a real physical manner. During the week I am right down the road from WOS and you can hear the collision's from over 500 yd's away. I don't know if were just afraid to get somone hurt or what. It's kind of late now but in the future they may want to start doing a lot more hitting in practice. When we do hit in practice, everything is up high and that's what we do in game's instead of hitting low for the sure tackle.


1,000+ Posts
I think the Indians will make you eat those words on Friday Night
I assure you, no one wants to eat those words more than me! I hope I am wrong. LCM's team is very balanced and their quarterback, #10, Hunter Gonzales is a great athlete and you never know if they're gonna run or pass and they can do either very well. However, I don't think anyone can beat the Indians if they play their games. They got it done against Ozen "when they needed to". IMHO, this game will be a real test of our defense. We have to be able to stop them or we will lose. That's my prediction.


100+ Posts
My daughter is no coach, but she was a trainer for PNG a few years ago. All year and again on Friday night against Ozen she kept yelling "Wrap up on your tackles guys". I agree the Defense is going to have to be more physical and the secondary needs some work. Do I think they can do it? Absolutely. They have to want it to win it. They have to hunger for the win. When they want it and are hungry they can do anything. I think we have a few more adjustments to be made. I believe in our coaches and the team. Go get the Bears Boys. YOU CAN DO IT.


1,000+ Posts
We should be concerned about this team 2 OT's to beat a team with 1 win? We do have a great OL and record setting RB and QB with out the ability to do whatever it takes to win. Reminds me of the teams of 71,72,73 etc... great athletes could not manage to win district. My opinion.


Chief Touch The Clouds
Just my opinion this Indian team can get the job done friday! they will need to dig deep and find what truely inspires them and I don't mean just a song in their head.Focusing on that motivation that pulls these players together as a team. Many athletic teams have had it handed to them by teams that play with inspiration and the will to win.Which I whole heartedly believe this team can and has shown.This is not just a wishful thought for this Indian team.You can make it happen Indians. Lets send LCM home wondering what happened!


Active Member
I agree with all that our defense needs to get more aggressive. There were many missed tackles. The quarterback had way to much time to figure out if he was going to pass or just run the ball. I believe we have some great talent on the defense I am just not sure why they are not playing more aggressive. All night long all you could here in my section was "wrap'm up boys." I am still very thankful for the win. The team did not give up and fought it out to the very end. The Indians are going to have to bring their "A" game to the field Friday night. I truly believe we can win if they want it bad enough.


100+ Posts
IMHO for us to win this game we need to RUN RUN RUN keep the clock running and keep their offense off the field, .i think we need to have a LB assigned to the QB and one on their RB just stick with them. The DB needs to bump the WR at the line and watch the middle section of thier bodies instad of their arms and do not get fooled on the route! I think if we CONVERT OR 3RD down and keep our D from staying on the field too long we will win this game. Does not get any easier after this game , vidor has a powerful running game. and then central will do to us what ozen did to us. ONE GAME AT A TIME. We have proven that we can score quick , just neeed to slow the game down against LCM . Got faith my NDNS to win by7pts.


100+ Posts
I don't think it will take a "miracle" to beat LCM, but it will take a great effort. Our defense needs to wrap up and make some open field tackles out in space. Part of the problem on defense Sat night was not effort or "wanting it" on defense, it was taking bad angles on their QB. We had him dead in the backfiled many times only to let him break containment, then we took too sharp of angles pursuing him. If we can get 4 or 5 stops on defense we can win this game. Our offense has been doing great, but they have to have a sense of urgency EVERY time they get the ball. They have to know by now that they are going to have carry the defense this season, just like our defense carried them when they struggled last year. I have confidence that our boys will be well prepared and fired up come Friday night.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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