PNG vs Silsbee Predictions


1,000+ Posts
I heard Silsbee whipped up on somebody pretty bad in a scrimmage. I haven't seen anything about it though. TC was supposed to be our big test until Summer Creek. I'm not going to predict a score yet, but I do predict we walk away with a W.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Silsbee has not performed well in their scrimmages but they do have alotof talent on there team it may take them abit to get rolling Ill take the Indians in this one.


100+ Posts
of the 48 players on the varsity this year 17 are underclassmen, we should have a couple of years coming up with the experience they will get. Anyone know how many of the underclassmen are actual starters ?


100+ Posts
As of right now you have 5 seniors on Offense, and 7 or 8 on Defense. But I think coach will be rotating some underclass in throughout the season to get them experience for next year. They had 2 freshman that played a few plays Friday with the 2nd team D. Also had some sophomores from the JV stay for the varsity too. We have alot of young talent which is great to have .


100+ Posts
You guys are forgetting...coaches aren't going to play their first string an entire scrimmage. They want to look more at the back ups. Don't put too much stock in predicting the first game of the season on scrimmages. I'm thinking it will be a nip and tuck affair with Silsbee again. PNG 28 Silsbee 25. :cowboy:


500+ Posts
wacape said:
You guys are forgetting...coaches aren't going to play their first string an entire scrimmage. They want to look more at the back ups. Don't put too much stock in predicting the first game of the season on scrimmages. I'm thinking it will be a nip and tuck affair with Silsbee again. PNG 28 Silsbee 25. :cowboy:
This is true, but it has been Silsbees Ones that have struggled so far. I think we have much more depth this year than last season. Across the board not just in one position. This could be handy late in games and later in the season.

I'd like to change my position on the boys overall record...I say 7-3 with a second or third place finish. Ned, Central, PNG and Vidor. Losses to SC, Ned and Central. I wouldn't be suprised if Vidor beats Central which would make for a three way tie for second. I think two of the three losses will be close.

WOS has alot of speed up front on D and this looked to be our biggest weekness against TC. They were not big, but they were quick like us on D and got to the point of attack early in alot of running plays. We looked pretty good pass blocking though.


Lotta people sleepin on the Indians on be able to hear a pin drop on that site after this w/end.


500+ Posts
HELP......If you can give a little of your time today, we really need help in the concession stand, beginning at 3. We start making popcorn at that time. The work is easy, but it takes time to make all that popcorn.


PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pngmom4 said:
HELP......If you can give a little of your time today, we really need help in the concession stand, beginning at 3. We start making popcorn at that time. The work is easy, but it takes time to make all that popcorn.


I'll be there early! Can't wait to get this party started!!! :pistols:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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