Softball Strike Out Cancer Game


100+ Posts
On Friday, April 1, the PNG softball team will host Nederland in the Second Annual "Strike Out Cancer" game. The game will serve as a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Fundraising activities include t-shirt sales, facepainting, softball bingo, link sale, bake sale, and other activities.

T-Shirts will be by pre-order only. Orders are due April 7 and the cost is $10. To print an order form, click on and scroll down to the the "Softball Files" section and click on "Strike Out Cancer T-Shirt."


Staff member
I know this will get a lot of attention from PN-G fans here, but it might be a good idea to post this on SETXSports as well. The Nederland board has disappeared and many Bulldog fans get their information from that site.

Just a thought to help with the fundraising.


Staff member
It's tough to continue the effort to maintain dedicated sites. If Nederland fans had frequented more often it might still be around. The same thing happened with

Support your dedicated team sites and forums by frequenting them and indicating an interest in having them. :thumbsup:


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
It's tough to continue the effort to maintain dedicated sites. If Nederland fans had frequented more often it might still be around. The same thing happened with

Support your dedicated team sites and forums by frequenting them and indicating an interest in having them. :thumbsup:
I frequent this site fairly often, but dont post too much (except during football season!). I enjoy reading, but I dont have too much to add. A big thank you to Indian Fan for hosting this forum is way overdue. Meanwhile, the Cancer Fundraiser is good stuff! I'll be there if I'm not working. Is there a current varsity softball schedule posted? I found the baseball schedule, but missed the softball list.


Staff member
Glad to do it.

I always use the WalMart vs. local stores analogy. If fans spend all their time at the large, 'serve all' sites, the web sites dedicated to specific schools and teams may cease to exist.

There is no interest here in making money or driving ad income. And no tracking software here either.


500+ Posts
the softball schedule is posted on the school website. Tonight the varsity is playing at 5 at Ozen. The softball team plans to take care of business early and get back to Nederland to cheer on the PNg baseball team.

As far as Strike Out Cancer, it is coming together really nicely. On Wednesday, the 23rd we will be having Jason's Deli night. Then on the 30th, we will be having Chick Fil A night. Both nights we will receive a percentage of the sales. All monies from these nights will also go the American Cancer Society. We will also be selling fish dinners the night of the game to coincide with Lent.


Staff member
IndianFan said:
It's tough to continue the effort to maintain dedicated sites. If Nederland fans had frequented more often it might still be around. The same thing happened with

Support your dedicated team sites and forums by frequenting them and indicating an interest in having them. :thumbsup:

I didn't mean to take attention away from this site, only to get the information out to more Nederland fans to help raise funds. I really do appreciate this site and hope it wasn't taken that way.


Staff member
No but just making folks aware that nothing should be taken for granted. Other area sites that were dedicated to their alma mater have disappeared because of waning traffic.

If you're going to that particular site I strongly recommend that you set your security to high, and not allow any cookies from it.


500+ Posts
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Strke Out Cancer is almost here!!!!!!!!! Don't forget, activities begin at 5 Friday at the Resevervation. I, and I think I can speak for the softball parents and coaches, that we need to get back on track after Tueasday's loss. I am not worried, I know that coach will have the girls prepared.

FYI, we will be selling shrimp ettouffe Friday

Come out and enjoy a fun night with friends


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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