VS West Orange Stark in Bridge City Tournament (Indians win)


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Re: VS West Orange Stark - Monday 12-27-10 11am in Bridge City Tournament

End of first quarter
PNG - 7
WOS - 12


500+ Posts
Re: VS West Orange Stark - Monday 12-27-10 11am in Bridge City Tournament

Half time
PNG -21
WOS -19


500+ Posts
Re: VS West Orange Stark - Monday 12-27-10 11am in Bridge City Tournament

End of third quarter
PNG - 41
WOS - 32


500+ Posts
We looked fairly good in this game. We handled pressure well at times and not so well at others. Our points came mostly from lay ups and off of offensive rebounds. But in my own personal opinion we actually won this game on the free throw line. As a group, we made our charity shots at a very high percentage and that was the true difference in this game I believe. We still need a good bit of work on the press break. It seems like we can run it really well at times but at others everybody just freezes up and nobody gets moving in thier angles or helps out who has the ball and then next thing ya know it's a turn over for a quick two points for our opponent. (Long passes tend to get us in trouble here.) This has to stop or we will be facing heavy pressure all district long without much success.

Our outside shooting hasn't yet reached the level I would say we are capable of but we are coming along nicely and we seem to be a little more particular about the shots we do take this year. I like the fact that it needs to be a good look for us to pull the trigger from 20 feet or more since those are lower percentage shots and typically there are less personell in position to rebound if missed.

A large number of our bench are getting quite a few minutes each game. I am hopeful this pays big dividends as the season wears on and teams begin to get "worn down" we will hopefully be able to maintain a high level of play with our depth. Everyone seems to be growing and that is what is important at this point.

We will get 4 more games in this tournament (2 potential tough games) which we need to help us be ready for next week when district actually begins in earnest!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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