Without pointing any fingers...


Active Member
What is wrong with our kicking game this year?

Our kickoffs have been pretty atrocious.
Our extra points are very iffy.
I would not try a field goal any further than the 7 yard line.
Our Long snapping has been terrible from day one and still is.

At least, it does seem that the punting has been good when we get the snap back there.

Again, I am not trying to single out any of our kids, not making this personal, but I think special teams is going to cost us a game or two down the line.

What do you guys think?


Scalp Em Indians
I agree...was that a different kicker Friday night? Totally different kick off and extra point tries. An I really think that quick punt from the QB is going to back fire at some point in the season. Two, we need to figure out how to score on others teams fumbles or int's.....no points off of turnovers Friday night. The score Friday night should have been 40 something to 7


Active Member
at the beginning of the season wasn't the kicker left footed...he was putting the kickoffs in the endzone


500+ Posts
The "regular" place kicker is slightly injured so a different kicker is kicking off for now. The "regular" kicker is still able to kick extra points.


500+ Posts
Correct...Two different kickers Friday night. Browning #39 is the lefty with the big leg (he is a Jr.). He has a sore hip from what I hear which kept him from kicking off Friday night. He is actually one of the better kickers we have had in a while. #38 was doing the kick offs.


500+ Posts
I think that the other young man (#38) was probably just nervous. He did a good job and there were no long returns--I'm sure he will get better.


Active Member
Sure hope Browning is healthy again for this week. He can boot the ball into the end zone on the kickoff. And I hope the ball holder does a better job on the PAT. Seems like that's where Browning has had so many problems with misses this season - the handler not getting the ball in place or the line missing their man and letting them get to the ball for a block. Sounds like we are really going to have our hands full this week in Livingston.


500+ Posts
Purplefan2 said:
Sure hope Browning is healthy again for this week. He can boot the ball into the end zone on the kickoff. And I hope the ball holder does a better job on the PAT. Seems like that's where Browning has had so many problems with misses this season - the handler not getting the ball in place or the line missing their man and letting them get to the ball for a block. Sounds like we are really going to have our hands full this week in Livingston.
There are several actions required for a successful PAT/field goal. First a good snap from the center, next the proper ball placement by the holder and the kick by the kicker. Of course good blocking by the rest of the team. One other thing is the proper timing by the kicker - he must start his kicking motion even before the holder has the ball placed. Otherwise the kick can be blocked. I think for the most part all have been doing a pretty good job but I am sure they will be getting better at this as the whole team is getting better at everything else. In other words, the team is getting better and better every week.


Active Member
I agree with the kicking game comments but I just figured that our big kicker was either sick or injured last week. I did see him on the PAT's but Nederland started on the 40yrd line or better on every one of our kickoffs so I'm glad they were terrible because they had great field position all night. I did see us snap it twice on the ground and we did recover on one of them but the second one I believe we missed.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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