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  1. N

    PN-G vs. LC-M Game Thread

    Really? Dick LeBeau's Pittsburgh Steelers defense and Nick Saban's Alabama defense would like a word with you! Those are two defenses off the top of my head that run a 3-4 and have been dominant run stoppers. I'm not saying that the 3-4 fits our personnel or the way we run it is the same, that...
  2. N


    When Burnett was here, the seniors were kicked out of the locker room the Monday after their last game to the "has beens" locker room and were ignored the rest of the year unless they played another sport. He never adressed them individually or even as a group after his post game talk. Is that...
  3. N

    Suspiciously Silent

    I had posted it before you made your last post. Like I said, you have the right to your opinion, it was just that your first post seemed extremely harsh. Once again, I am just as much a Monday morning QB as anyone sometimes. That is part of the fun of football is the "what ifs" and people who...
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    Suspiciously Silent

    I agree, testament. I think Faircloth is doing a great job. Do I agree with every call he makes? No, but I trust that he knows what he is doing and has reasons for his decisions. Like IndianFan said, most fans watch the ball and don't realize what all is going on and why the calls are made based...
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    Just Curious....

    Yeah. She is such a pleasant person. A real ray of sunshine. ::)
  6. N

    Other bi-district games.

    Vidor rocked it last night! Great job by the Pirates. Vidor had not won a playoff game since 1964. I was so happy for their team and community. I can't imagine how it must feel to win your first playoff game in 47 years. Tonight the Dogs and Ozen need to win and we can get out the brooms...
  7. N

    PNG vs Dayton

    I hesitated to post the last one. I in no way would want my comments to be taken as a negative to this year's defensive players. They have done a great job, improved week to week and have played their hearts out. I agree this is the 2011 defense and I look forward to them making their mark in...
  8. N

    PNG vs Dayton

    Hate to disagree with you, but this year's defense isn't at the same level as our 2009 defense. They were the best defense we have had since 1999. I am not knocking this year's defense, they have definitely played well and have got better as the season has progressed. We have a solid group of...
  9. N

    PNG vs Dayton

    This should be a very close game. To me, the deciding factor may be special teams. The reason I say this is because I think field position will play a huge role in this game. Nederland dominated field position against us and Vidor, which were both games that went down to the wire. Miller needs...
  10. N

    Just Curious....

    I agree. Angel is trying to get a scholarship and soccer, not football, is his ticket. I am sure he had Coach Faircloth's blessing. The last thing we need to do is alienate soccer kids who can help us in the kicking game.
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    Vidor sign

    I agree. That would be awesome.
  12. N

    Vidor sign

    I did read and post on the other site about this, the thread was locked. There was nothing on there that proved anything either way. My point is, even if it was a shot at Coach Faircloth, you can't indict all of Vidor for it. Our cheerleaders could have put up a sign bad-mouthing Vidor....that...
  13. N

    Third Straight Trip to Playoffs

    A friend of mine brought this to my attention. This year is our third straight season to qualify for the playoffs. This is the first time that PNG has done that since the Doug Etheridge era. Congratulations to our excellent coaching staff and our great players. The skill, hard work and...
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    I heard today that PNG has first choice for Lamar on that Friday.
  15. N


    If Vidor beats Livingston and we beat Central we will be the #1 seed in Div.2 and will play Dayton. If Livingston wins, they will be the#1 seed and we will play Barbers Hill. I never thought we would be wishing to play Dayton in the first round, but they are down this year.
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    Vidor sign

    I know people who have kids that play at Vidor and they were not aware of the sign. If you think about it, I have no idea what our signs say, sitting in the stands, so I am sure most Vidor fans didn't see it either. The people I know asked about it and were told it had to do with Matt Thomas and...
  17. N

    Calling all old regulars...

    15PNG...thanks for the kind words. I think you rock,too. I just wish you would bring that talent back home to the Reservation! are right, Coach Faircloth is an awesome person. Every time I have been around him, I just get a sense of how genuine he is. He loves our school, our kids...
  18. N

    nelson to LU ??

    I would have to think that a D1 FBS(1A) school will offer him. With colleges spreading the field and throwing the ball these days, Nelson could play and contribute at that level. I think he will get some FBS offers once players start commiting and the picture becomes clearer for the schools.
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    Calling all old regulars...

    I have still been following the message board. I decided it would be better to take a break than to debate certain"fans" on here. Last season when we lost a couple of games, we had "fans" get on here and attack coaches and players. When I tried to put some perspective to it, I was attacked by...
  20. N

    Livingston Updates!!!! Game Thread

    bamakid..big game in going?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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