2009 Halftime Performances


Staff member
It's tough to get photos or video these days. Maybe more so since the district is displaying warnings about taping anything.

Anyone that can share please do.


500+ Posts
Great show by the Indian Band in the Bi-District Win against Barbers Hill.



Active Member
Really cool to see the band cut loose last night like that, and sort of use the Halftime performance to keep the crowd pumped up by playing the Tomahawk Chop. Very enjoyable. Keep it up.


1,000+ Posts
Best halftime performance we've seen in years! It was entertaining and the marching routes were awesome. Loved the PNG formation and loved the way you could tell the band was having fun, too! Keep up the good work. Thank you, band members.


100+ Posts
You said it squaw! It was fun to watch the band having FUN! Great night for football Friday night. Wonderful performance by all. It was really neat to stand at the bottom of the stadium looking up at the Purple side. You cant get that anywhere else. See y'all next Friday to do it again!


Staff member
The halftime show will feature a different song every week, meaning a different show. However, we will keep the "PN-G" formation as well as War Chant.


1,000+ Posts
Awesome, Bandkid!! I look forward to seeing the band for the next 4 or 5 games! lol Cannot wait for Friday to get here again. What are we all going to do after we win State? I will be so bored without football. I'm sure I'll find something to do, however, because I usually manage to be involved with something! :clap:

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
My grandson loves the Tomahawk Chop and the War Chant. He kept asking for it the entire game, wasn't played enough according to him. He was in Heaven at halftime.


Staff member
I wish y'all could've seen the crowd doing the "Tomahawk Chop" during War Chant from the field at halftime. That was a sight I'll never forget. It was almost as good as seeing the crowd clapping and singing to Cherokee during the "Marching I."


Active Member
bandkid, i saw it...and it gave me the BIGGEST chills! the whole stadium was doing it!!

when i first heard the band was doing formations by section, i started biting my nails. it's pretty normal to have fun in the playoffs, but i thought it was going to be certain disaster.

much to my surprise, i was laughing and smiling and clapping through the whole performance! i'm so glad ya'll did that, and i hope you have all sorts of hijinx up your sleeves throughout the rest of our playoff run...all the way to state! :)

btw, its so much fun seeing the whole band do the dance that my brother and his fellow tuba's made up for house quake. i brought him to a game last year and his jaw hit the floor when he saw it. it started with just 9 of them, and now its the whole band!

you guys make us so proud! keep blastin' cherokee! :)


Active Member
Former NDNette said:
My grandson loves the Tomahawk Chop and the War Chant. He kept asking for it the entire game, wasn't played enough according to him. He was in Heaven at halftime.

More war chant would be swwwwweeeeeeeettttttt, especially if the fans would really sing it loud...as much as it pumps me up...it has to pump up the guys on the field some, too!

As a PN-G band alumni, the half time last week was awesome. It was great to see you guys out there having fun!


100+ Posts
PNGPilotguy said:
Former NDNette said:
My grandson loves the Tomahawk Chop and the War Chant. He kept asking for it the entire game, wasn't played enough according to him. He was in Heaven at halftime.

More war chant would be swwwwweeeeeeeettttttt, especially if the fans would really sing it loud...as much as it pumps me up...it has to pump up the guys on the field some, too!

As a PN-G band alumni, the half time last week was awesome. It was great to see you guys out there having fun!
Halftime was great last week and I have told every band member just that when I see one. Unfortunately I am not at the game, but I know halftime will be great. Sure wish they would ask for some of us alums to get out there with them sometime!!


500+ Posts
Another great halftime show. It looks as though our band was having a good time. Thanks for all your work this year.


500+ Posts
I vote we keep the PN-G formation with the War Chant....that is AWESOME! I know ya'll can't do it every game, but maybe at least for MCM...but turn the other way and blast it to the Dawgs!!


Staff member
NDNmom91 said:
I vote we keep the PN-G formation with the War Chant....that is AWESOME! I know ya'll can't do it every game, but maybe at least for MCM...but turn the other way and blast it to the Dawgs!!

It'll happen for playoff appearances. I don't know about MCM. Typically, that's really close to contest.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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