2010 Halftime Performances


Scalp Em
Ok so, after last Friday night's halftime performance I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I was once part of the NDN Band. I know it's the beginning of the year, but Wells knows better than to put something on the field this soon with out it looking at least 90%. Under Westbrook and Ramos if what we had wasn't good enough for public eyes, then we would cut the drill where it looks 100% and just finish the music off in the last set. Friday night's halftime wasn't exactly horrible, but at some points it looked pretty bad. Hopefully Wells took that video and really work the whole show. :shout: I don't know I just can't believe he's allowed it to get that bad. I just feel bad for the kids these days.


100+ Posts
Wow formerNDN! Kinda hard on the kids today! I'm gonna say that we Indian fans are kinda spoiled to excellence. Its waay early in the season to expect perfection at this point. That certainly wasn't our best performance, but it wasn't Crosby's band either! Give the kids a couple more games. There are a lot of freshmen in the band this year. They gotta start somewhere!


Scalp Em
I was never a fan of Wells, and don't really believe he is who this program needs. He doesn't teach with that same push and pride that others before him had. I'm all for musicality, but sometimes you can make the Indian Nation happy and have good musicality at the same time.


100+ Posts
I have found that someone ALWAYS has something to piss and moan about on here. If it is the coach then it is the indianettes sponsor and if it is that then it is the cheerleaders and now it is the band and what a horrible performance once person thought it was. Very sad, can't we all just stand behind these kids and let them do their thing and quiet trying to relive the glory days. GEEZ people get a life.


Staff member
First of all, I hope Mr. Wells doesn't see this. I know he will at some point, but I hope and pray that he somehow misses this. To think that this man inherited a band that was on a collision course with failure and that he turned it around and brought it back to prominence (straight ones last year - that's right, not two ones and a two, straight ones - and coming within one judge's rating of taking the district sweepstakes title) within two years, in addition to meeting the demands of the fans in regards to the tempo of Cherokee (if you don't believe me, watch the highlights video from the Crosby game), just to get fussed at again because of one bad show.

Now, why did we have one bad show? What have we had a lot of lately? Rain. I spoke with a close friend of mine (who's also in band) recently and he told me that he'd done a little math. By this point in the year, the band should've had about sixty hours of outdoor practice based on our practice patterns over the last three years. Guess how many we've had. Go on, guess.

45. That's right. We've lost one quarter of our practice time to rain. It seems like we've had to either cut a practice short and go inside or start a practice inside and stay there the whole time at least twice a week since the beginning of summer band - not to mention the fact that about 80 of this band's 188 members are freshmen or that we're assimilating a new assistant band director (who's adjusting very well considering the circumstances and should be commended for the job he's done so far).

formerNDN said:
He doesn't teach with that same push and pride that others before him had.

Have you been to a practice under Wells? I can't think of a single practice I've been to in the last two or three years where he hasn't mentioned something about the "Honor, Pride, and Tradition" that our school is known for and the reputation that the bands that came before us established.


Staff member
Hurry up and build the indoor activity building. ;D

It's great to see the band growing in size and more kids being interested. If that many freshman are in the band they just need some experience. They'll get up to speed.


Staff member
I have found that someone ALWAYS has something to piss and moan about on here. If it is the coach then it is the indianettes sponsor and if it is that then it is the cheerleaders and now it is the band and what a horrible performance once person thought it was. Very sad, can't we all just stand behind these kids and let them do their thing and quiet trying to relive the glory days. GEEZ people get a life.

Isn't that life in general? And a messageboard is nothing more than a microcosm of life. :eek:ld:


Scalp Em
bandkid said:
Have you been to a practice under Wells?

Yes I have; 2 years worth under the full direction of Wells. And it's nothing against the kids. If anything I feel for them. Because they may have their heart set on this, but I have yet to see Wells bring the most out of a musician. I do wish the band the best of luck. I hope Wells does in fact see this and hopefully it pushes him to really look at his musicians and bring out the best in them.


Staff member
formerNDN said:
bandkid said:
Have you been to a practice under Wells?

Yes I have; 2 years worth under the full direction of Wells. And it's nothing against the kids. If anything I feel for them. Because they may have their heart set on this, but I have yet to see Wells bring the most out of a musician. I do wish the band the best of luck. I hope Wells does in fact see this and hopefully it pushes him to really look at his musicians and bring out the best in them.

You say that after what we accomplished under his direction last year? We were literally one judge away from sweepstakes, took more students to Solo & Ensemble and brought home more first division ratings from Solo & Ensemble than any PN-G band in several years (if I remember right, the last decade), made straight ones at the marching competition, grew the band by 20+ members (a rate that is increasing), and he somehow has yet to bring out the best in a musician? What do you attribute all of this to? The students? Ms. Beckcom? Natural talent? Granted, all of these played their role, but they did so under the direction of Mr. Wells.

I'm sorry. I just don't see your point. Granted, the first two years of Mr. Wells' term as Band Director were rough, but he only had two years of experience going into the job and it was his first time to "sit in the big chair." It's obvious that he's ironed those kinks out and the Indian Band has once again become one of the premier bands in this area. I have no doubt that it will continue to improve with Mr. Wells in charge.


500+ Posts
I was not at the game last week, but I was at the San Antonio game. I posted after that game how great the band and Indianettes were. There is not another band around as good as our band.

Let's just chalk it up to the lack of practice due to rain. They will be just fine.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I am no band-guy, but I say give the director a chance to get the show ironed out and polished up. Rain, rain, go away.... And, I -- personally -- don't care what the band looks like as long as they finish the halftime performance in the world famous marching I and hammer out Cherokee, then I will be satisfied. Form that marching I with as many kids as possible and blast out Cherokee ... if they do that, then 99.99% of PN-G alums and fans will be just fine with the band director. Those kids in the band work hard. Encourage them to stay with band and have a blast wearing the purple and white. And, thanks to those young men and women in the band. Your time and efforts are appreciated.

Go Indians. Peace.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
My son is in Middle School, and Mr. Wells singled him out, and offered to tutor him, for free, o his own time. That's how dedicated that man is to the future of this band.


Active Member
I think Mr. and Mrs. Wells both work very hard to make our band the best it can be. Mrs. Wells goes in and works with the percussion to improve them. I think one of the problems is that when we moved the 9th grade to the high school there was no longer a marching band in Jr.High. When I was in Jr. High we marched at every game not just home games so all of us had two years of marching experience by the time we got to high school and that does make a difference. The freshman now get just two extra days in fish camp and thats not a lot of extra time. So considering how many freshman are marching and all the rain they have had to deal with I think they are doing pretty well and will get even better as we go through football season.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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