2011 District Baseball


100+ Posts
I'm hearing alot of negativity out there about the coaching??????? What's going on????? I heard 5 players have quit already!!!!!! :huh: Can someone give some answers?


1,000+ Posts
Were still in thick of things. Just got to string a few victories together and start playing more to our potential, particularly in close games. We have lost 4 games in contests decided by 2 runs or less, and that accounts for the majority of our losses during the entire year.


500+ Posts
We beat Ozen today 3-1 and now are 6-5. Both Livingston & Vidor lost today and they both are also 6-5. So Nederland is in 1st at 10-1, LCM in 2nd at 9-2. Us, Livingston & Vidor are now tied for 3rd. We play LCM there Tuesday and Vidor at home Thursday and then Central the Friday after Easter.


Active Member
The Vidor game is shaping up to be a huge game, as we will have already been swept by Livingston and need to sweep Vidor to be in good position for a playoff spot. Of course, every game is big at this point. But I feel pretty confident about our chances against Central, and we will probably need to beat Vidor regardless of the outcome of the LCM game to have a good shot at the playoffs. Who else does Vidor play for their last few games, and who does Livingston play?


500+ Posts
Vidor plays Central, PNG and Livingston. Livingston plays Ozen, LCM and Vidor. Since Vidor and Livingston play each other for the last game, one of them has to lose. On the other hand one will win. We just need to win out to ensure a playoff spot and to gain momentum for the playoffs.


500+ Posts
We beat LCM tonight 5-4. We were behind 4-1 until the 7th. Collin Gizzi hit a 3 run HR and Bradon Provost hit his 2nd solo HR of the night. Aaron Graham started the game as our pitcher - did well but was taken out in about the 4th (I think). Jayce Nelson finished the game and did great. Several good fielding plays were made especially by Daniel Sparrow who also hit 2 doubles.


1,000+ Posts
Anyone know what happened last night. I was told players were MFing each other and the coaches got in a shoving match and kicked out then allowed back in due to a threat of going to Austin and complaining about the umps no calls for the language and and one of our players intentionally throwing as ball at a LCM coach and not kicked out.

I was told this by a ex BB coach (not Jay) that this happened.


Staff member
I wasn't there, so take this for what it's worth. A couple of the players were talking about this today. They said that Coach Brevell was thrown out and that Stone (Austin, not his father) got to be some sort of acting coach for a little while.

I can tell you this much: LC-M HATES us. It wouldn't surprise me if things got a little heated.


500+ Posts
We beat Vidor tonight 8-5. We scored 5 runs in the 1st inning and then just hung on to win. Austin Stone pitched 6 innings and struck out I believe 14 batters and Alexx Anderson closed out the 7th inning.

Livingston beat LCM tonight. LCM is still in 2nd place with a 9-4 record. Us and Livingston are tied for 3rd at 8-5. Vidor is at 7-6. LCM has one game left against Nederland, we play Central and Livingston plays Vidor. If LCM loses to Nederland and we beat Central, we could end up in 2nd place in a three way tie with LCM and Livingston (if they beat Vidor) or a two way tie with LCM if Vidor beats Livingston. What a finish.

In one of the middle innings, Vidor loaded the bases with no outs but we held them to no runs that inning. Wow!


500+ Posts
We beat Central this afternoon 18-0 in 5 innings. We used 5 diffferent pitchers. After the other district games tonight we will find out what place in district we will be.
Nederland beat LCM tonight so we tied LCM for 2nd in district. A coin toss will decide who will be the 2nd seed and who will be the 3rd seed in the playoff.
BTW Vidor beat Livingston tonight and they both tied for 4th, They will play a game tomorrow to determine who will be going into the playoffs and who will be staying home.


Staff member
OldEagle said:
We beat Central this afternoon 18-0 in 5 innings. We used 5 diffferent pitchers. After the other district games tonight we will find out what place in district we will be.
Nederland beat LCM tonight so we tied LCM for 2nd in district. A coin toss will decide who will be the 2nd seed and who will be the 3rd seed in the playoff.
BTW Vidor beat Livingston tonight and they both tied for 4th, They will play a game tomorrow to determine who will be going into the playoffs and who will be staying home.

Coin toss? Didn't we beat LC-M both times?


500+ Posts
Yes we did beat LCM twice but the tie breaking rules adopted by our district (before the season) are that a tie will be decided by a coin toss or game not head-to-head results. BTW it appears that we will be the 2nd seed in the playoffs.


Active Member
Congratulations on a great ending to the regular season!!! :woohoo:

When do the playoffs start and do we know who we will be playing if we are indeed the 2nd seed??


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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