2013 Baseball


100+ Posts
Kinda quiet on here. What are your predictions on our 3 teams this year? Lots of new faces to fill the shoes of that very good defense we had last year. First scrimmages today. Varsity at home at 4, Soph at 4 @ West Brook, JV at WB at 6. Lets go Indians! :shout:


1,000+ Posts
png94 said:
Kinda quiet on here. What are your predictions on our 3 teams this year? Lots of new faces to fill the shoes of that very good defense we had last year. First scrimmages today. Varsity at home at 4, Soph at 4 @ West Brook, JV at WB at 6. Lets go Indians! :shout:
the BB coach that I spoke with said that a few good arms in lower class group and a good group of 9th graders comming up - Henry kid and MANY OTHER 9th graders on JV - I am told. Next year there is a Hanks kid that they say is a pitching phenom.


100+ Posts
There are 4 freshmen that are on the JV. Ryan Leckich, Carter Henry, Adam Morse, and Chase Warren. There is not a Hanks in high school, so not sure who your talking about.


500+ Posts
png94 said:
There are 4 freshmen that are on the JV. Ryan Leckich, Carter Henry, Adam Morse, and Chase Warren. There is not a Hanks in high school, so not sure who your talking about.
He stated next year on Hanks.


1,000+ Posts
png94 said:
There are 4 freshmen that are on the JV. Ryan Leckich, Carter Henry, Adam Morse, and Chase Warren. There is not a Hanks in high school, so not sure who your talking about.
He is a 8th grader this year and plays - I think only select ball - I don't know much about baseball but these guys tell me if he continues his improvement he is a D1 type player.

I don't know, just what I here at the foorball games. I no longer go to the HS baseball games I have no dog in the hunt.

Time will tell for sure how good he is.


100+ Posts
Not sure on how the Varsity did this past Friday against Lufkin. I know our sophmore team did hit the ball, but they are a little thin on pitching since some moved to JV. The JV looked solid for the first time on the field. Very deep in pitching. Looking forward to more games.


1,000+ Posts
png94 said:
Not sure on how the Varsity did this past Friday against Lufkin. I know our sophmore team did hit the ball, but they are a little thin on pitching since some moved to JV. The JV looked solid for the first time on the field. Very deep in pitching. Looking forward to more games.
hear about the youtube lecture from Brevell?


100+ Posts
Yes I did, and I'm very disappointed that people are posting this on Facebook. It is bad enough a kid posted it on youtube. I do not think he was right to cuss the kids, but this happened when i grew up and happens all the time behind closed doors everyday around the country. Like I said, it wasn't right, but this should've stayed behind closed doors and handled that way. This man does have a family and kids.


Active Member
png94 said:
Yes I did, and I'm very disappointed that people are posting this on Facebook. It is bad enough a kid posted it on youtube. I do not think he was right to cuss the kids, but this happened when i grew up and happens all the time behind closed doors everyday around the country. Like I said, it wasn't right, but this should've stayed behind closed doors and handled that way. This man does have a family and kids.


PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Like 94 said, it goes on all the time.
Another aspect now, though, is the lack of trust between the coaches and the team now. I don't see them re-bounding into anything worthwhile this yr., as long as there is this type of animosity between players and coaches.

Hmmm..... starting to sound kinda like the football team this yr. too. I think I'm starting to see a pattern emerge, and it doesn't fair well for this class of athletes.


Staff member
png94 said:
Yes I did, and I'm very disappointed that people are posting this on Facebook. It is bad enough a kid posted it on youtube. I do not think he was right to cuss the kids, but this happened when i grew up and happens all the time behind closed doors everyday around the country. Like I said, it wasn't right, but this should've stayed behind closed doors and handled that way. This man does have a family and kids.

I don't agree with the cussing either, but that's reality. Those kids need to learn to grow up and deal with it rather than whine about it on social networks.


100+ Posts
Here is my take, there is more ways to get attention and punish a player (laps, bench, etc). I am pretty sure back in my day that Coach E, Coach Troy, Coach Bryson did not drop the F bomb and use God name in Vain. What if one of the players or his family are religious and does not approve of this language? I for one think it should be a learning tool and move on. I bet you would not put up with that kind of verbal abuse from your boss or neighbor etc. so what is done is done. Notch it as a lesson learned.


500+ Posts
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.


Staff member
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.

I don't think this was posted just for their parents to find out.


1,000+ Posts
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.
I find it hard to believe that anyone has been cussed worse than the video. I too played sports at PNG and NEVER heard Vergara, Ethridge, Clearman, Davis and many others say a curse word.

Troy, Hopper and a few others, yes but NEVER NEVER anything like the rampage that I heard on the video.

We are the talk of the area - and that is ashame. I know Brevell and he is a great guy, good Baseball guy, played on the great TJ team, however he knows he blew a fuse. Bad part is his wife and girls are in the district.

The parents of the 2 EXplayers should be ashamed!!!! The two issues here are 1. the improper use of a electronic device by a student and 2. the complete improper behavior of a Educator/Coach.

Sad situation.


2,000+ Posts
When was this supposedly recorded? This year? I have heard alot worse from coaches back in my playing days and have heard worse come out of current student athletes at PNG. Sad and embarrassing day for PNG. If my kids would've ever posted that clip they would've never stepped back on the field. Am I saying it's okay to cuss like that? No I am not, but dealing with lazy, spoiled kids like they have to deal with daily I would've probably did they same thing to get their attention. Case in point this year's football team, we lose a couple games early and you have guys quiting the team instead of sucking it up and trying to improve. Too easy to quit or blame someone else. Reason? Parents!!! And PNG is full of them!!!


100+ Posts
I'm hoping that this doesn't cost him his job. I like the coach, and I have kids in the program. Whatever happens, these players that were involved and any others that have a bad attitude need to be cut from the team. PN-G sports are about working hard, discipline, and character, and there are kids that do not display this and cause a bad rep for our school district. Once a bad virus starts, you gota get rid of it for the moral of the team and move on or it will eat this team up for the rest of the season. There is alot of talent coming up in the JV and Sophmore teams and if some of these varsity players don't want to be leaders, i know quite a few of the younger ones that will be. Hopefully this thing will clear up this week and we can get on with the season.


1,000+ Posts
The best outcome would be for the players to all rally around the team, school and tradition and go out and win the district championship. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of "chatter" from opposing teams when up to bat now that this has been brought to light. The mark of a champion is how you handle yourself in adversity and tough times.

If I had a kid, that's exactly what I would be telling him - go out there, respect your team and coaches and enjoy your baseball season.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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