2013 Baseball


500+ Posts
bark said:
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.
I find it hard to believe that anyone has been cussed worse than the video. I too played sports at PNG and NEVER heard Vergara, Ethridge, Clearman, Davis and many others say a curse word.

Troy, Hopper and a few others, yes but NEVER NEVER anything like the rampage that I heard on the video.

We are the talk of the area - and that is ashame. I know Brevell and he is a great guy, good Baseball guy, played on the great TJ team, however he knows he blew a fuse. Bad part is his wife and girls are in the district.

The parents of the 2 EXplayers should be ashamed!!!! The two issues here are 1. the improper use of a electronic device by a student and 2. the complete improper behavior of a Educator/Coach.

Sad situation.

We can argue it back and forth but I can promise you coach Malone let out a few tirades that can compete and I was only a freshman then. The behavior by Coach Brevell is not acceptable to me but it should have been handled different.


500+ Posts
bamakid said:
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.

I don't think this was posted just for their parents to find out.

I get that. In the early 90's we did not have youtube or facebook. It was either suck it up or quit.


500+ Posts
justafan said:
Just heard Coach Brevell is resigning from coaching the baseball team. Sad day for PNG.

Wow that is too bad. I haven't seen this video nor do I care too. Whomever posted the video just cost the coach his job..hope he is satisfied....everyone makes mistakes and this certainly should not mean that he loses his job (whether he resigned on his own or was forced).

Cursing by coaches is nothing new to sports...lets not be naive here. I can remember being cursed at (not just me, the whole team) while playing basketball in the 6th grade because of a poor performance (nothing to do with attitudes).


100+ Posts
I just talked to an Admin and they said they not receive any word that Coach has resigned. I hope he does not choose to resign. He is a great coach who just made a poor judgment of words to use.


500+ Posts
justafan said:
And people want to know why people outside of PNG hates us so bad!!! We're the laughing stock of SETX!!!!
It's not isolated to just PNG...Don't forget about Drinkin' Buddies on the Doggie Dome last year and parents hireing an attorney to get there kid outta suspension instead of telling him to take his punshment...It happens everywhere these days, just so happens this week it has reared it's ugly head at PNG.

akifan94 said:
Sadly this is the nature of the beast at PN-G. Entitled parents raising entitled kids.
I'm raising a student athlete at PNG and I for one can tell you she has not been raised to think she is entitled to anything...Hard work and dedication on and off the field. And most of her teamates have been raised with this same philosophy.

I sure hope Brevail isn't forced to resign as Baseball coach.


Staff member
akifan94 said:
bamakid said:
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.

I don't think this was posted just for their parents to find out.

I get that. In the early 90's we did not have youtube or facebook. It was either suck it up or quit.

And that's the way it should still be.


Staff member
bark said:
png94 said:
He has not resigned. Please be patient. The majority support him.

Just curious but what would happen to a Teacher if they did the same thing?

You know, I've witnessed a couple of incidents where the students deserved it and I couldn't have blamed the teachers if they had.


Staff member
badndn said:
justafan said:
And people want to know why people outside of PNG hates us so bad!!! We're the laughing stock of SETX!!!!
It's not isolated to just PNG...Don't forget about Drinkin' Buddies on the Doggie Dome last year and parents highering an attorney to get there kid outta suspension instead of telling him to take his punshment...It happens everywhere these days, just so happens this week it has reared it's ugly head at PNG.

Not to mention that if you really want to talk about coaches cussing, the kingpin was Dan Hooks.


500+ Posts
badndn said:
justafan said:
And people want to know why people outside of PNG hates us so bad!!! We're the laughing stock of SETX!!!!
It's not isolated to just PNG...Don't forget about Drinkin' Buddies on the Doggie Dome last year and parents highering an attorney to get there kid outta suspension instead of telling him to take his punshment...It happens everywhere these days, just so happens this week it has reared it's ugly head at PNG.

akifan94 said:
Sadly this is the nature of the beast at PN-G. Entitled parents raising entitled kids.
I'm raising a student athlete at PNG and I for one can tell you she has not been raised to think she is entitled to anything...Hard work and dedication on and off the field. And most of her teamates have been raised with this same philosophy.

It is a small minority. It is not widespread but they are out there.


100+ Posts
If I would have recorded and/or posted something like that when I played at PN-G, my teammates would have kicked my A$@, and then my father would have kicked my A$@........And I would have deserved both of them!!!


100+ Posts
Seems like quite a few of you here and on the setxsports page are finally hearing what I've been saying all these years. PN-G ISD has a parenting problem..


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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