Anybody know what really happened?


1,000+ Posts
I've heard several versions about what happened on the visitor's side at MCM. I did see that there were several Indian fans over there which surprised me. A friend from N land called me and asked who to report a verbal assault by a PNG fan on a 16 y/o N student to. Supposedly students from Nederland were thowing things at our adult fans and a student got angry and into a verbal confrontation with an adult fan from PNG (or vice versa). This person also was angry because the PN and Groves PD did nothing. My response to this person was "If the N admin would've checked drivers licenses the PNG fan/fans would not have been on their side of the stadium". I do think its not cool to wear your school colors/shirts on the opposite side. Does anyone on here know the true story?


500+ Posts
Why is it not cool to wear your school colors on the opposing teams side? I see couples who graduated from both schools doing it all the time and there is no problem. The problem is that some people act like morons and forget that it is just a game.


500+ Posts
My daughter sat on the Nederland side but she wore a black shirt but she did represent her INDIANS with her tattoo on her face and her purple shirt in her purse. Thank goodness no one said anything to her or it would have been on, since the people she was with don't play like that.


1,000+ Posts
No offense intended. I just was always told that if you sat on the opposing teams side, you should not stand and support the opposite team. I know that we don't like "hecklers" on our side. BUT, like I said, Nederland should've checked residency when they sold their tickets. I also don't think any 16 y/o should be assaulted by a 40 something year old man.


500+ Posts
I personally feel that we should be able to wear what we want, and sit where we want in our own stadium. I would wear my school colors and sit on the visitors side with friends, have done this with friends at other stadiums. I agree with Badndn--sometimes people act like morons and get carried away. You should be careful what you say and be respectful of those around you--no matter what side you are on. It is called being a GOOD SPORT, and I think that most people are.


Active Member
There were a couple of knuckleheads on the Nederland side, but it didn't take long for them to show some class... after a couple of looks. Only real problem I had was the completely jacked up numbering system for the rows on the visitors side. It took 30 minutes to get people situated after finding out that the row was numbered where you put your feet, not your butt. And I don't know if anybody has heard complaints from folks in row 26, they had tickets, but the visitors side only had 25 rows. Other than that, phenomenal stadium... minus the rap music pre game, it was a great atmosphere.


Staff member
They removed the first row to make room for handicapped seating. If the tickets were sold anyway, that's really sorry.


The visitors side stands weren't replaced so not much improvement on that side other than the restrooms and concession stand.


1,000+ Posts
I would make a complaint to the district because they may have no idea about the numbering. It may just get it fixed.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
When I was selling programs to all those nice folks on the Ned side (and I really mean that, we had allot of fun) one lady got my attention and told me about the numbering snafoo that Penny was referring to. So, I went and got one of the school folks and brought him back there and as I was leaving, they were trying to figure it all out. It was goofy, because, like Penny said, the number corresponded to where your feet were, not your butt, like 99.999% of other stadiums.

The district really needs to remedy that prob, but they may have 2 yrs to do it, since we'll likely play at NED next yr., and no other teams get reserved seats on the visitor's side.


500+ Posts
We wouldn't necessarily have to play at Nederland next year. Every two years the scheduling starts over. We have played at home two years in a row before. If the teams in our district are different next year, there probably would be a bigger chance that we wouldn't switch from this year's schedule with all the teams.
Here's a link where Channel 6 interviewed on both sides. Please listen carefully all the way to the end... what did you hear ??

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Booing, but can't tell which side, or at who. Why bring this up? The games a week old now.


100+ Posts
its funny both sides are booing each other and she says it great how both teams come together for one community or something like that


Active Member
I know that personally I can't stand it when I see a Nederland fan sitting at one of our games on our side with their Ned hat, shirt, and stadium seat on them. I still would not verbally assault them but I might ask them if they came to see a team win for a change.


Active Member
I believe that "trash talking" is okay, to an extent. But asulting a 16 year old (rather its true or not) is definitely not okay. I know that as I was driving back home after the game a few Nederland kids screamed and cussed at me..


1,000+ Posts
I really don't know what the problem is. I support Nederland 51 weeks of the year. Heck, if family can't stick together, then who is going to get your back? If a Ned fan wants to come watch a PNG, that is completely fine with me. I might give him/her some friendly "ribbin" but its all in gest. I know that MOST joking between fans is good-natured. My best friend is from Ned, and he goes to almost every PNG game. He sits right next to me. The people from Ned are our friends, our neighbors, but most importantly our family. Let's treat them that way.


1,000+ Posts
I agree "somewhat". I also think that MCM week they are not family. Who wants this great rivalry to end? I don't. On the other hand, I would never be rude to another fan who is supporting their team. I just think they should support it silently if they are sitting with me. :laugh:


500+ Posts
The rivalry will NEVER end and the kids will trash talk all week long during MCM, as long as it doesn't go beyond good fun all is good.

I know I root Nederland on every game except when they play us. I have family and friends kids that play for them.


Active Member
if some punk from nederland was giving me crap i would have popped him in the mouth.
i don't care.
screw community togetherness.
bring back the hate.


1,000+ Posts
Oldschool said:
if some punk from nederland was giving me crap i would have popped him in the mouth.
i don't care.
screw community togetherness.
bring back the hate.
[ quote]
;D Why,Oldschool, why don't you say what you're thinking??? :laugh:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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