Anyone Else Had Deja-vu?


100+ Posts
San Antonio 2010....against Gregory-Portland. Closing minutes of the game. Down by a point. PNG inside G-P's red zone. 4th and 1. Any score by us wins. We're stopped for no gain.

Port Neches 2011...against Nederland. Closing minutes of the game. Down by three. PNG inside Ned's red zone. 4th and 1. TD wins for us. We're stopped for no gain....uncanny! :thud:


100+ Posts
Worst coaching job of his career, 4th and 1 and you make the QB run 6 yards with ahurt leg and against the best D-Lin in our district. I would like to know how mant penalties or time outs we have had to take the last two years for not getting a play called, inexcusable in a no huddle offense. Great work by the kids, your were not given they help you needed to win. Something has definately changed in his thinking (or not thinking)on both sides of the ball. Hope he get's it together for the kids sake.

I'm an origianl booster, still am. Kid long gone from school and will to my best to stay positive because of my love for PNG but the things that have happen the last two season should not. Bash me if you want but if you know footbal and really love our school be honest and don't look at it htrough purple glasses look at it for what has happened.

Nothing wrong with getting beat but no excuse to beat yourself.



Active Member
On 4th down and less than 1 yard to go, the play was run to the right side of our offensive line. My question is -- Why did Faircloth NOT have that play run to the left side of our offensive line? We have a 3 year starter at Left Tackle (#70 - Nicotre) and I think that between the Left Tackle and Left Guard the chance of getting a 1st down is much greater than running to the right side of our offensive line. It was too important of a play not to have made that call. Biggest mistake on play calling that I saw last night.


100+ Posts
FINALLY...someone besides me that looks at things here without "purple glasses". I've been a season ticket holder for 7 years. Both my kids went through the PNGISD system. But I am a realist. If the team does great, I shout it from the roof tops but I also am critical when I feel the team should do better. Call me a "fair weather fan" or worse but I'm not going to color a rosy picture on things that should be pointed out on the field whether good or bad. :eek:ld:


2,000+ Posts
Our offense is the complete opposite of last year. Last year line was VERY physical and this year we're very soft. Right now our offense is built around only two players. I think since the first game against GP, we have been one dimential. We need to get more involved and our line needs to get more physical.
On defense our ends need to get more physical and stop letting themselves getting blown off the line and corners.


Active Member
You are absolutely right.....Until that changes we will continue to get beat out by coaching decisions......There are more than just TWO PLAYERS ON OFFENSE.......Arvie is NOT going to get any playing time until that changes.....Where is the leadership on the field?.......No team captains were chosen for this season. Just week to week.......The on the field leadership died when that decision was made.....What happened to PN-G TRADITION.....Hopefully we will not continue to keep getting beat.......


Scalp Em Indians
Here are my thoughts or what I dont understand.....his first year he won all of the close games but the past two years we seem to always call the wrong plays in the close games. Just got me worried a little bit.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Completely disagree with ndn78 and old69...not the worst coaching of his career...and we are not getting beat due to coaching. I went to the Nederland game and 2 things stood out. (1) Nederland won the game in the trenches; and, (2) the Indians did not convert the key 4th down play because of # 1, i.e., the Bulldogs won the line of scrimmage. They were bigger and stronger on both sides of the line of scrimmage.

Given the same facts and circumstances, I would go for it on 4th and 1yd 100 times in a row. At home, trying to capitalize on a take-away, you have the momentum, if you convert you will score and win the game. Nederland stuffed the line of scrimmage and stopped PN-G. End of story.

I would like to see more speed on the edges. I saw the Arvie kid make the long run vs. G-P, but I do not see what goes on in practice. We just need to win out, which will be a difficult task. Ozen appears to be much improved, the game with LC-M is a toss-up, Vidor always plays PN-G tough and we are small on defense so stopping the run will be a task, and Lumberton and Central always give us a game.

It makes me sick to my stomach to see Nederland win, but they executed on 4th and 1 and we did not. If that play goes our way, everyone on this message board is saying how great we are.

Go Indians. Peace.


1,000+ Posts
1989NDN said:
Completely disagree with ndn78 and old69...not the worst coaching of his career...and we are not getting beat due to coaching. I went to the Nederland game and 2 things stood out. (1) Nederland won the game in the trenches; and, (2) the Indians did not convert the key 4th down play because of # 1, i.e., the Bulldogs won the line of scrimmage. They were bigger and stronger on both sides of the line of scrimmage.

Given the same facts and circumstances, I would go for it on 4th and 1yd 100 times in a row. At home, trying to capitalize on a take-away, you have the momentum, if you convert you will score and win the game. Nederland stuffed the line of scrimmage and stopped PN-G. End of story.

I would like to see more speed on the edges. I saw the Arvie kid make the long run vs. G-P, but I do not see what goes on in practice. We just need to win out, which will be a difficult task. Ozen appears to be much improved, the game with LC-M is a toss-up, Vidor always plays PN-G tough and we are small on defense so stopping the run will be a task, and Lumberton and Central always give us a game.

It makes me sick to my stomach to see Nederland win, but they executed on 4th and 1 and we did not. If that play goes our way, everyone on this message board is saying how great we are.

Go Indians. Peace.
Well said, I agree.


1,000+ Posts
squaw said:
1989NDN said:
Completely disagree with ndn78 and old69...not the worst coaching of his career...and we are not getting beat due to coaching. I went to the Nederland game and 2 things stood out. (1) Nederland won the game in the trenches; and, (2) the Indians did not convert the key 4th down play because of # 1, i.e., the Bulldogs won the line of scrimmage. They were bigger and stronger on both sides of the line of scrimmage.

Given the same facts and circumstances, I would go for it on 4th and 1yd 100 times in a row. At home, trying to capitalize on a take-away, you have the momentum, if you convert you will score and win the game. Nederland stuffed the line of scrimmage and stopped PN-G. End of story.

I would like to see more speed on the edges. I saw the Arvie kid make the long run vs. G-P, but I do not see what goes on in practice. We just need to win out, which will be a difficult task. Ozen appears to be much improved, the game with LC-M is a toss-up, Vidor always plays PN-G tough and we are small on defense so stopping the run will be a task, and Lumberton and Central always give us a game.

It makes me sick to my stomach to see Nederland win, but they executed on 4th and 1 and we did not. If that play goes our way, everyone on this message board is saying how great we are.

Go Indians. Peace.
Well said, I agree.

right on the money, I agree


Active Member
1989NDN.........The wrong play was called......The Indians ran the ball on the left side all night......THE WRONG PLAY WAS CALLED......NUFF SAID.....


100+ Posts
oldindian69 said:
1989NDN.........The wrong play was called......The Indians ran the ball on the left side all night......THE WRONG PLAY WAS CALLED......NUFF SAID.....
Whewwwwwwww! Man I was wondering what happened! The game was lost on that one play!


Staff member
If the Indians ran the ball to one side all night then it's safe to reason that Nederland would expect the same. And running to the other side is playing the odds correctly. Bottom line... The offensive line didn't move the d-line. That's not on the play call or the coaches. Time to start a 5 game win streak and make noise in the playoffs. The sky is still in it's usual place. :)


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
oldindian69 said:
1989NDN.........The wrong play was called......The Indians ran the ball on the left side all night......THE WRONG PLAY WAS CALLED......NUFF SAID.....

We can agree to disagree. I'm guessing the play will be discussed by Coach Faircloth at the next Booster Club meeting. Nederland made the stop and we didn't execute. On to the next game.


1,000+ Posts
oldindian69 said:
1989NDN.........The wrong play was called......The Indians ran the ball on the left side all night......THE WRONG PLAY WAS CALLED......NUFF SAID.....
I respectfully disagree. One question for you: Do you agree or disagree that all the players should work hard and come to every practice to learn the plays? Arvie misses practices and doesn't know the plays, therefore I feel he shouldn't play, and maybe needs to NOT wear the purple and white.


Active Member
I usually do not comment much, but I just have to do it now. ANY of you that have made a comment, slightest innuendo, or insinuation of a particular player and named that player on this thread (or any other thread for that matter) in a negative matter should be ashamed of yourself! These are high school kids. They do NOT play in the NFL or even at the college level for that matter! I cannot believe someone would actually think to post a kid by name "doesn't practice or know the plays". How ignorant! Some of you need to get a hobby and stop putting down high school athletes. Why not try being positive and encouraging for the next week or rest of the season? Or better yet...let's see you get out there and practice with them since some you seem to think you know how to play and coach in every given situation. I am sure the players that DO read this site would LOVE to have you out there on the field with them. Suit up! Get out there and run WITH them instead of against them with your opinions.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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