Barber's Hill Playoff Game Time & Location


Staff member
The band directors announced today that the official word has come from the office and the playoff game will be held on the 13th. The only remaining question is about the location. It looks like we'll be at Stallworth, but that hasn't been set in stone yet.
Re: Barber's Hill Playoff Game Location

bandkid said:
The band directors announced today that the official word has come from the office and the playoff game will be held on the 13th. The only remaining question is about the location. It looks like we'll be at Stallworth, but that hasn't been set in stone yet.

This is the other half of those ladies at the top on the 50. The other one is my little (?) sister. We were sure hoping for a Saturday game and were planning a big tail gate party but you know what, we will just put that off for the next week. It just doesn't really matter where or when those Indians are playing, we plan to be there. I have been hollering for the Indians since a playoff game at a much smaller Indian stadium in 1953 when I watched those flying Frenchmen (LeBouf and LaBorde) from my daddy's shoulders. I was HOOKED. Married an Indian all district half back, had two Indian athletes, one played football and powerlifted and the other was the first of the few Indian swimmers (bet you didn't know we had a swim team for about three years did you). I have had people ask me if I have someone o the team and my reply is "yep, everyone of the kids in purple is part of my Indian family. You all know where the fun is: AT THE TOP, ON THE 50. Come early and meet us there. If there are enough of us loud mouths sitting together, maybe we can get some of the less motivated fans off their seats and on their feet. And by the way, the only thing I see wrong with the can is that there is only one of them and it is not PURPLE. See you at the game and let's all hope and pray for a purple and white Christmas.


500+ Posts far as I'm concerned I hope ya'll yell until your little voices give out, I know I'm gonna give it my best, and when the voice goes, I'll be beatin' my drum and ringin'my bells all night!! Here's the deal...some of these teams we will face in the playoffs know nothing or very little about us, and have probably never experienced anything like a PN-G crowd at it's best. So, I think we need to do everything we can to make sure they NEVER forget us!


500+ Posts
Re: Barber's Hill Playoff Game Location

61ndn said:
bandkid said:
The band directors announced today that the official word has come from the office and the playoff game will be held on the 13th. The only remaining question is about the location. It looks like we'll be at Stallworth, but that hasn't been set in stone yet.

This is the other half of those ladies at the top on the 50. The other one is my little (?) sister. We were sure hoping for a Saturday game and were planning a big tail gate party but you know what, we will just put that off for the next week. It just doesn't really matter where or when those Indians are playing, we plan to be there. I have been hollering for the Indians since a playoff game at a much smaller Indian stadium in 1953 when I watched those flying Frenchmen (LeBouf and LaBorde) from my daddy's shoulders. I was HOOKED. Married an Indian all district half back, had two Indian athletes, one played football and powerlifted and the other was the first of the few Indian swimmers (bet you didn't know we had a swim team for about three years did you). I have had people ask me if I have someone o the team and my reply is "yep, everyone of the kids in purple is part of my Indian family. You all know where the fun is: AT THE TOP, ON THE 50. Come early and meet us there. If there are enough of us loud mouths sitting together, maybe we can get some of the less motivated fans off their seats and on their feet. And by the way, the only thing I see wrong with the can is that there is only one of them and it is not PURPLE. See you at the game and let's all hope and pray for a purple and white Christmas.
Well you know in Groves and Port Neches it should be a city holiday when the Indians are in the playoffs !!!Shut down the cities at noon so we can all caravan to the game !!!!


Active Member
Not a problem for me, I live in Houston. Love playoff time. You folks finally have to drive MY way! :band:


500+ Posts
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!

Thanks 79'....

Funny thing is 10 years ago my wedding rehearsal night was the night of the PN-G - Silsbee playoff game. We had the rehearsal and then sat and listened to the game on the radio.

Well, another Friday night and a missed game for me, but hopefully a long playoff run will follow like in 99'.

With PN-G out of town I should not have a problem getting a seat in a nice restaurant. ;D
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!

People should think about football when planning weddings or having childred with football season birthdays, you just never know when we are going to be fortunate enough to go to the playoff and ya just don't want to have to miss one. It is kind of like avoiding those situations during deer seasons. You just have to think ahead. Now if you had married another Indian you wouldn't have this problem. We will just holler for you and see you the following week.

Thanks 79'....

Funny thing is 10 years ago my wedding rehearsal night was the night of the PN-G - Silsbee playoff game. We had the rehearsal and then sat and listened to the game on the radio.

Well, another Friday night and a missed game for me, but hopefully a long playoff run will follow like in 99'.

With PN-G out of town I should not have a problem getting a seat in a nice restaurant. ;D


500+ Posts
61ndn said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!

People should think about football when planning weddings or having childred with football season birthdays, you just never know when we are going to be fortunate enough to go to the playoff and ya just don't want to have to miss one. It is kind of like avoiding those situations during deer seasons. You just have to think ahead. Now if you had married another Indian you wouldn't have this problem. We will just holler for you and see you the following week.

Thanks 79'....

Funny thing is 10 years ago my wedding rehearsal night was the night of the PN-G - Silsbee playoff game. We had the rehearsal and then sat and listened to the game on the radio.

Well, another Friday night and a missed game for me, but hopefully a long playoff run will follow like in 99'.

With PN-G out of town I should not have a problem getting a seat in a nice restaurant. ;D

That is funny.

We actually were scheduled for mid December as we had to get married before the next college semester started due to her relocating to Houston with me. When we realized we would save 2 grand on our honeymoon by moving it up to Nov. we jumped all over it. We were 23 and not set finacially at that time. 2,000 was a lot of money back then. ;D

I have August and February kids with another due in I am safe there. ;D


500+ Posts
akifan94 said:
61ndn said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!

People should think about football when planning weddings or having childred with football season birthdays, you just never know when we are going to be fortunate enough to go to the playoff and ya just don't want to have to miss one. It is kind of like avoiding those situations during deer seasons. You just have to think ahead. Now if you had married another Indian you wouldn't have this problem. We will just holler for you and see you the following week.

Thanks 79'....

Funny thing is 10 years ago my wedding rehearsal night was the night of the PN-G - Silsbee playoff game. We had the rehearsal and then sat and listened to the game on the radio.

Well, another Friday night and a missed game for me, but hopefully a long playoff run will follow like in 99'.

With PN-G out of town I should not have a problem getting a seat in a nice restaurant. ;D

That is funny.

We actually were scheduled for mid December as we had to get married before the next college semester started due to her relocating to Houston with me. When we realized we would save 2 grand on our honeymoon by moving it up to Nov. we jumped all over it. We were 23 and not set finacially at that time. 2,000 was a lot of money back then. ;D

I have August and February kids with another due in I am safe there. ;D
congratulations !!!


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
akifan94 said:
61ndn said:
akifan94 said:
NDN79 said:
Happy Anniversary '94!! :woohoo: :cheesy: :clap:

I think a lot of coaches prefer to keep their routines as close to normal as they can, meaning that they try to get play-off games on Friday's if they can.Later in the play-offs sometimes Saturday games are necessary for travel to stadiums that are further away.I personally prefer Friday night, but who am I? I will be there regardless of where or when!!

People should think about football when planning weddings or having childred with football season birthdays, you just never know when we are going to be fortunate enough to go to the playoff and ya just don't want to have to miss one. It is kind of like avoiding those situations during deer seasons. You just have to think ahead. Now if you had married another Indian you wouldn't have this problem. We will just holler for you and see you the following week.

Thanks 79'....

Funny thing is 10 years ago my wedding rehearsal night was the night of the PN-G - Silsbee playoff game. We had the rehearsal and then sat and listened to the game on the radio.

Well, another Friday night and a missed game for me, but hopefully a long playoff run will follow like in 99'.

With PN-G out of town I should not have a problem getting a seat in a nice restaurant. ;D

That is funny.

We actually were scheduled for mid December as we had to get married before the next college semester started due to her relocating to Houston with me. When we realized we would save 2 grand on our honeymoon by moving it up to Nov. we jumped all over it. We were 23 and not set finacially at that time. 2,000 was a lot of money back then. ;D

I have August and February kids with another due in I am safe there. ;D
congratulations !!!

thanks 66'


500+ Posts
My 10 year anniversary is next year, but it's in I'm safe there!! Now, at this moment we are running into a conflict with hunting season! Hubby just left today, and will be gone a couple of weeks, and before he left he said he wants me to come to the lease next weekend and bring our son so he can take him hunting! I was like, uh..."our playoff game is that weekend!" He said.."you can miss this one!" He's an NDN now, but graduated from TJ, so he just doesn't understand what he's asking of me! So, the game being on Fri may be the best thing so I can do both! :clap:


500+ Posts
Well, nothing is set in stone yet. Untill we hear a date,time, and location from coach Faircloth--all is just speculation. :)
NDNmom91 said:
My 10 year anniversary is next year, but it's in I'm safe there!! Now, at this moment we are running into a conflict with hunting season! Hubby just left today, and will be gone a couple of weeks, and before he left he said he wants me to come to the lease next weekend and bring our son so he can take him hunting! I was like, uh..."our playoff game is that weekend!" He said.."you can miss this one!" He's an NDN now, but graduated from TJ, so he just doesn't understand what he's asking of me! So, the game being on Fri may be the best thing so I can do both! :clap:

I am a deer hunter too and plan to go to the lease after the Central game. Will get to the camp about 11:30, to bed about midnight, and up again about 3:30, climb into my stand about 5 a.m. and take a snooze until the sun starts up. After the Barbers Hill game next week, we will go to camp on Saturday morning and stay there until we tag out or come home for the next playoff game, which ever comes first.


500+ Posts
I don't think we have a confirmation on anything yet, I believe it has been constructive speculation so far! ;)


500+ Posts
Wow, Aki. As a true fan ;) we spent our 16th Ani at the reservation a few weeks back!
What a night it was. The love of my life...and my wife right there by my side. ;D Just jokin' honey if your reading this you know your the real love of my life.


500+ Posts
badndn said:
Wow, Aki. As a true fan ;) we spent our 16th Ani at the reservation a few weeks back!
What a night it was. The love of my life...and my wife right there by my side. ;D Just jokin' honey if your reading this you know your the real love of my life.

My wife is a TJ grad that I have slowly converted, just not that converted. ;)


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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