Baseball/Softball Improvements


100+ Posts
I have read the allegations that squaw has made on another thread about the “mismanagement” of the current bond by the Older board members, specifically not replacing the horrible stands at the baseball/softball fields. Since NDNS81 is giving out phone numbers and email addresses of SOME board members, not all, I did what squaw & NDNS81 suggested – I called, but I called the older board members. Here is what I was told: At the onset of the bond, a committee was formed to meet with the architect (SHW) and develop general information/ideas on each component of the bond projects. These ideas were further developed by SHW, more revisions were made and finally a recommendation from the bond committee/architects came to the board to approve this design development phase. This was unanimously approved by the board. All projects were detailed with one exception – the baseball/softball/tennis complex. There was $1.2 million allocated for improvements to these facilities. When the design development was later done for these complexes, the $1.2 million wouldn’t do half of the improvements that needed to be done so the board allocated another $1.2 million ($2.4) to do the improvements that you see that have been completed to date. (Concession stand/restrooms, batting cages, tennis court complex, paved parking and other improvements) Knowing the terrible condition of the existing stands at the baseball/softball complexes – the plan was to use any savings from the High School contingency monies (monies that were incorporated in the bond project to be used for “un-foreseen items” or for errors or omissions on the architect’s drawings.) With the Stadium improvements now complete and the High School projects soon to be completed, it appears that there will be enough money in the contingency fund to replace the stands at the baseball AND the softball complexes. (Hummm!! Doesn’t sound like mismanagement of funds to me) Again, this is squaw at her finest – making statements that she either knows nothing about, or puts a spin on the facts to make something negative out of a positive. Anybody ever heard the term “FACTION” – just enough of the facts to make you think it’s a true statement, but it’s all FICTION. She sounds pretty persuasive –it’s just not true! Squaw, if you give an opinion, I respect that. But, you better be able to back-up any future allegations or blanket statements you make about individuals or subjects, because I’ll be watching. No more free passes!

This is from the education board on this site. There are a lot of people wondering about these repairs, so I thought I would post it here.


500+ Posts
Thanks ndnsrock44! That is some very useful information. I wish everyone on this board would take the time to research the correct facts and information before posting something. Poor information and incorrect facts cause a great deal of confusion and controversy on this board.


Staff member
Not everyone on here is wrong with their facts. It's usually the ones who try to convince others the most ;)


1,000+ Posts
I suggest those of you who are bashing me keep asking questions and you will find our what is really going on and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! Ask anyone who knows me personally--I abhor a liar! Any of you who have questions, feel free to call me. That's what I'd do. OR, if the people responsible for all this mess (and you know who you are) want me to place their names on here for all to see, I will. You may find some who love this community and school district as much as I do, but you won't find anyone who loves it more!!


Staff member
squaw said:
I suggest those of you who are bashing me keep asking questions and you will find our what is really going on and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! Ask anyone who knows me personally--I abhor a liar! Any of you who have questions, feel free to call me. That's what I'd do. OR, if the people responsible for all this mess (and you know who you are) want me to place their names on here for all to see, I will. You may find some who love this community and school district as much as I do, but you won't find anyone who loves it more!!

In all seriousness, can't others disagree with your viewpoints without 'squaw bashing' or calling you a liar? ;)

As thinking individuals we're hearing and considering all positions on these topics. And it still remains to be seen where the 'mess' is.


Active Member
I want to clarify that the mess I was refering to was the mess between ndnsrock44 and squaw. I am curious to know if either of these two people attend EVERY meeting concerning this topic or are they hearing things second hand by "SO CALLED RELIABLE SOURCES" . If you love your community soooooooo much or on the #1 list of the one who loves it more than anyone else I would hope that the information that is bieng discussed is coming first hand and not by reliable sources. Just curious. I would like to believe that squaw knows what she is talking about and the same goes for ndnsrock44, that is if they are both active in attending the meetings that are available or at least read the notes from the meetings, I think they are all public record. Again just curious.


1,000+ Posts
#1sportsmom--good questions! Yes, I do try to attend the meetings, but when I can't I read the minutes. I am not coming on this board because if some on here don't like what you have to say they make it personal. Anyone with questions, feel free to ask me on the phone or in person.


100+ Posts
sportsmom...I did not write the top of the post..I merely copied it to this board from the education board because there has been a lot said about this subject..straightarrow was the original poster.Why does everything done by the school board have to be spinned by a certain few on this site? Pretty obvious if you look at their posts.


500+ Posts
I was told by Mr. Balsamo, at the spring pep rally, that there was some funds left over from some of the projects. He did say that it was a possibility that we would get new stands at the softball and baseball complexes. He did not promise that since the board would have to meet and determine what is gonna get bought with those funds. however, I am still wondering what happened to the ones that came from the football stadium.

Bandkid, you keep implying that we don't appreciate the improvements that were done for the softball complex. Well, you could not be further from the truth. I have stated as such n earlier posts. I am concerned about the safety of the existing stands. I would hate for them to fall down with people sitting on them.


Staff member
pngmom4 said:
Bandkid, you keep implying that we don't appreciate the improvements that were done for the softball complex. Well, you could not be further from the truth. I have stated as such n earlier posts. I am concerned about the safety of the existing stands. I would hate for them to fall down with people sitting on them.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... that's not what I mean to imply and I apologize if that's the way it's coming across. What I'm saying is that stands are of little importance when compared with some of the other aspects of the ballpark and of the construction in general. Would it be nice to have new stands? You bet, and it sounds like they may very well be on their way. All I'm saying is that complaining about the fact that the complex doesn't have new stands yet is a little unfair to the district and the committee presiding over the bond when there's already so much other new stuff.

The safety issue is a legitimate concern. However, I doubt that the stands are just going to fall in when they're only used 15-20 times each year. I've seen the stands myself and, although they certainly look run down, they don't seem very dangerous to me. That's just my opinion, though, and it's not a professional one.


Active Member
ndnsrock44 I am not pointing fingures I am just stating that I hope that all parties involved are actually taking part in meetings and if not in the meetings at least read the minutes. So many people think that they are "SOMEBODY" because their friends are on the board etc and really what they are hearing is THAT persons point of view. The saying goes that there are 3 sides to the story your side, there side and then there is the truth. Now Squaw states that she does attend the meeting and when she doesn't she reads the minutes, if this is true than great. I believe that the improvements that have been made thus far are great and from what I understand the stands ARE going to replaced. The community voted for this bond, advisory boards were created to make sure that the monies were bieng used properly and i must say I believe there would be a whole lot of scalping going on if it were not. We cannot please everyone and we must be thankful for we have accomplished thus far and let us not forget all of this is for our children and the future of our childrens childrens. :whiteflag:


Staff member
What's been done so far is very nice considering the limited budget. Don't forget, as a matter of public record, even the football stadium had to be scaled down to fit the budget. Escalating construction costs were a big part of the reason. The same was probably true for the baseball complex.

Regarding the stands at the boys ball park, those are actually built exceedingly well with a heavy steel structure and large concrete pads deep in the ground. Unless the boards are rotten, fans are as safe there as the new stands in the football stadium. The stands at the softball park are the ones that used to be on the baselines of the baseball park.


500+ Posts
Pics from 2-05-2011.

The old PNG Softball scoreboard.

The new PNG Softball scoreboard.

The New PNG Softball stands. That is a big improvement.

The Old and New PNG Baseball scoreboard.

A view from the PNG Baseball field of the new bleacher deck.


Staff member
NDNBand69, haven't heard from you in years. Certainly do miss your excellent photo contributions and local insight. :thumbsup:


100+ Posts
We need to be in our school board members ears about the shape our Baseball field spectator area is in. Our district champs deserve an up to date facility. There are a lot of chairs broken that are a safety issue, and the side walks and backstop need to be hydro blasted. One other improvement item would be the access for our handicap folks. There needs to be a way these folks can get to the seating area without the far walk to the field.


1,000+ Posts
TRIBE said:
We need to be in our school board members ears about the shape our Baseball field spectator area is in. Our district champs deserve an up to date facility. There are a lot of chairs broken that are a safety issue, and the side walks and backstop need to be hydro blasted. One other improvement item would be the access for our handicap folks. There needs to be a way these folks can get to the seating area without the far walk to the field.
Can we use some of the $370,000 in ABC money the SB has control of for this??

restless natives

Active Member
So....the baseball field is getting turf?? Anyone know how much of the field is going to be covered?

Here's a pic if the link will work.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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