Baseball/Softball Improvements


Staff member
I don't know anything about current plans, but in the past they've had turf in those areas the photo is showing.


500+ Posts
Pet peeve of mine. Turf is natural grass. It seems that people are calling artificial grass "turf" where a more correct name would be "artificial turf". If you call it "artificial turf" then there would be no confusion but calling it turf could be misleading. BTW, there are places that grow grass and they are called Turf Farms.


1,000+ Posts
I have never understood how the baseball, soccer and golf teams seem to be 2nd class to football when these 3 boys programs are FAR more successful that the football team. nothing against the football guys but baseball and golf really are hands down much much more successful than football.

Think about the baseball team this year with Henry, Leckicht and Bost - UH, Baylor and Bost with a great future, as I understand.

Golf MY gosh - Stroud, Landry, Lebouf and Baily with Elmore coming up this year. :popcorn: :crazy:


Staff member


Staff member
OldEagle said:
Pet peeve of mine. Turf is natural grass. It seems that people are calling artificial grass "turf" where a more correct name would be "artificial turf". If you call it "artificial turf" then there would be no confusion but calling it turf could be misleading. BTW, there are places that grow grass and they are called Turf Farms.

When in doubt see what Merriam has to say. ;D

a : the upper stratum of soil bound by grass and plant roots into a thick mat
b : an artificial substitute for this (as on a playing field)


restless natives

Active Member
Yep, it appears they're going back to what they had before. Although, home plate area looks like it will be turf as well.

Thanks for the photo.


Active Member
ndnsrock44 said:
I have read the allegations that squaw has made on another thread about the “mismanagement” of the current bond by the Older board members, specifically not replacing the horrible stands at the baseball/softball fields. Since NDNS81 is giving out phone numbers and email addresses of SOME board members, not all, I did what squaw & NDNS81 suggested – I called, but I called the older board members. Here is what I was told: At the onset of the bond, a committee was formed to meet with the architect (SHW) and develop general information/ideas on each component of the bond projects. These ideas were further developed by SHW, more revisions were made and finally a recommendation from the bond committee/architects came to the board to approve this design development phase. This was unanimously approved by the board. All projects were detailed with one exception – the baseball/softball/tennis complex. There was $1.2 million allocated for improvements to these facilities. When the design development was later done for these complexes, the $1.2 million wouldn’t do half of the improvements that needed to be done so the board allocated another $1.2 million ($2.4) to do the improvements that you see that have been completed to date. (Concession stand/restrooms, batting cages, tennis court complex, paved parking and other improvements) Knowing the terrible condition of the existing stands at the baseball/softball complexes – the plan was to use any savings from the High School contingency monies (monies that were incorporated in the bond project to be used for “un-foreseen items” or for errors or omissions on the architect’s drawings.) With the Stadium improvements now complete and the High School projects soon to be completed, it appears that there will be enough money in the contingency fund to replace the stands at the baseball AND the softball complexes. (Hummm!! Doesn’t sound like mismanagement of funds to me) Again, this is squaw at her finest – making statements that she either knows nothing about, or puts a spin on the facts to make something negative out of a positive. Anybody ever heard the term “FACTION” – just enough of the facts to make you think it’s a true statement, but it’s all FICTION. She sounds pretty persuasive –it’s just not true! Squaw, if you give an opinion, I respect that. But, you better be able to back-up any future allegations or blanket statements you make about individuals or subjects, because I’ll be watching. No more free passes!

This is from the education board on this site. There are a lot of people wondering about these repairs, so I thought I would post it here.


Active Member
Baseball is replacing the synthetic turf baselines and halo that already existed. It was in bad shape and needed to be replaced. They are also putting synthetic turf in the hitting area at home plate.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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