Booster Club - Concession stand


Active Member
For those of you that were not at the first football meeting. The Booster club has been given a great opportunity. We will be handling the concessions for all of the games. Not just football, but track and soccer as well. My wife Jodie and I will be managing the logistics of running the concessions. Chick-Fil-a will be supplying the Chicken sandwiches, Pizza Inn will be supplying the Pizza, Coca-Cola will be supplying the bottle drinks, and The Knights of Columbus will be supplying the BBQ sandwiches. We will have the usual candy,popcorn Etc. What we will not have is the links,nachos Etc. (things that have to be made to order) This should speed the lines up considerably. the Student Activities will be sharing in providing some of the workers for each event. This provides them the opportunity to share in an agreed upon share of the profit. The BAC (band action committee) will be handling the visitor side. So as you can see, Everyone will benefit from this opportunity. Coach Faircloth is very excited (as he said in the football meeting) to have this opportunity. The Athletic Booster club has given over $70,000 dollars to the various athletic programs over the last two years. To my knowledge, all of the programs have received some form of help. All the way down to the Middle school levels. As you know, economic times have taken a lot of the funding away from the schools. Funding that they relied on for the various programs. This is a great opportunity to help offset that. As I said in the football meeting, Everyone of us has a child or grandchild that is involved in a student sport or activity. And we all want to watch them play and perform. The only way that can happen is if everyone bands together to help each other out. If you have a Varsity child or grand child, please volunteer to help out during a Freshman or JV game. Vice-Versa if you have a Freshman or JV child or grandchild. Volunteer for a Varsity game or one of the other events. You volunteering to help out at an event that does not involve your child will allow another parent to see their child play. This community and school was built on "Honor-Pride-Tradition" It's tiime to show our children that means what it says.

Sorry for such a long message, just needed to get the info out. I have a list of all the events with a sign in sheet for people to volunteer. Listed below are the ways you can contact me.
And if you see me at the game stop, say hi and help out if you can. :clap: We will be selling drinks and Pizza Inn pizza at the Freshman,JV and Varsity scrimmages against Memorial tomorrow(Friday night) starting at 5:00pm for the freshman. We have a couple of volunteers so we need a few more. Please get in touch with me if you are willing to help.

Thank You

Chris Meaux


500+ Posts
Its awesome. My wife signed up for one of the games to work. Hey have ya'll considered maybe selling coffee for the games that are later in the year ? I think it would be a great seller !!!!


Active Member
Yes sir, we are looking at coffee and hot chocolate during the cold months. I really appreciate all of those that have signed up already. We still have a long ways to go but I am confident the Tribe will come through......


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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