Booster Club Membership Drive


Active Member
The Port Neches Groves Athletic Booster Club will have a membership drive at The Pompano Club on June 4th from 6pm till 9pm. Everyone is invited to come join our cause and find out what we are all about. All Coaches from boys and girls athletics from all sports will be invited so if you haven't met them come on down and do so.
Refreshments will be served.


Why so many Board members from Groves?

and it appears that many of them work for the same company--not saying that is bad --just looks like one group trying to push through their agenda, whatever that is.

Hope everyones heart is in the right place.


500+ Posts
Can't we give these men a chance before we try to shoot them down and say they have personal agenda's or that too many of them work for the same company. I figured this booster club would be a good thing for PNG but they way every is talking they just want to find something negative to say about it. For me I wish them much success and hope that they do a great service for the athletic program at PNG.


100+ Posts
I am sure they have an agenda. I even know what it is! It is to get the best possible booster club going that will benefit ALL sports. You do know that at least one of these men doesn't even have high school kids yet so what other agenda could HE have?? As I posted on the other booster club board member bash thread, all sports are represented with these men having kids playing - soccer, softball, baseball, track, football, etc. etc. Good God, give them a chance. You obviously don't know these men if you question their integrity at all. I know everyone of them and have served on boards with just about all of them. Believe me when I say you can trust these men with your kids. I know because I have for many years.


500+ Posts
statechamp said:
Why so many Board members from Groves?

and it appears that many of them work for the same company--not saying that is bad --just looks like one group trying to push through their agenda, whatever that is.

Hope everyones heart is in the right place.

Why is the high school in Port Neches?


1,000+ Posts
15PNG said:
ok, explain--what is so funny? What was the previous poster asking when he asked "why is the high school is PN?" Is he saying that Groves should join Port Arthur? Groves doesn't have a high school and never has. Port Neches has always had a high school--it was PN High until 1957 when it was changed to PNG High to recognize and honor our Groves students. What the heck was he asking and why do you think its so funny?


100+ Posts
Wow Squaw! You read WAY too much into posts on this board. He was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to be paranoid because the majority of board members are from Groves. He was being sarcastic saying there is a conspiracy because the HS is in PN. I am from PN and I don't care where they are from, lets just get the booster club rolling. If you want to change the board..join the club, get involved and either run or vote for who you want on the board. Geez!


500+ Posts
squaw said:
15PNG said:
ok, explain--what is so funny? What was the previous poster asking when he asked "why is the high school is PN?" Is he saying that Groves should join Port Arthur? Groves doesn't have a high school and never has. Port Neches has always had a high school--it was PN High until 1957 when it was changed to PNG High to recognize and honor our Groves students. What the heck was he asking and why do you think its so funny?

It was a joke. The point is it does not matter where the board members grew up just like it does not matter what city the high school is in. We are one community. I don't see where a group of guys from Groves could have some "agenda". Some of those Groves guys more than likely live in Port Neches now anyways.


500+ Posts
squaw said:
15PNG said:
ok, explain--what is so funny? What was the previous poster asking when he asked "why is the high school is PN?" Is he saying that Groves should join Port Arthur? Groves doesn't have a high school and never has. Port Neches has always had a high school--it was PN High until 1957 when it was changed to PNG High to recognize and honor our Groves students. What the heck was he asking and why do you think its so funny?
I thought it was hillarious! ;D
What difference does it make where they are from? Would you be opposed to a board member who lives in Nederland or Beaumont, but was a PNG grad and a loyal backer of all things PNG? If so why?


1,000+ Posts
badndn said:
squaw said:
15PNG said:
ok, explain--what is so funny? What was the previous poster asking when he asked "why is the high school is PN?" Is he saying that Groves should join Port Arthur? Groves doesn't have a high school and never has. Port Neches has always had a high school--it was PN High until 1957 when it was changed to PNG High to recognize and honor our Groves students. What the heck was he asking and why do you think its so funny?
I thought it was hillarious! ;D
What difference does it make where they are from? Would you be opposed to a board member who lives in Nederland or Beaumont, but was a PNG grad and a loyal backer of all things PNG? If so why?
Of course not. I just wanted to know what he meant by that.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Relax Squaw. It's just as ndnsrock44 said. Nothing thrown your way at all, that I can tell. Since statechamp only has 2 posts, and at least 1/2 are complaints, I hope HE doesn't have an agenda of his own.


500+ Posts
akifan94 said:
statechamp said:
Why so many Board members from Groves?

and it appears that many of them work for the same company--not saying that is bad --just looks like one group trying to push through their agenda, whatever that is.

Hope everyones heart is in the right place.

Why is the high school in Port Neches?

This cracked me up as did this one. People make WAY to big of a deal out of Port Neches and Groves. We are one school and come together as one no matter where we are from. Heck I didn't even graduate from PNG but that doesn't mean I don't bleed purple for over 20 years. I have just as much PURPLE PRIDE as the person who graduated from PNG. As long as the board does for the good of all athletic programs at PNG then I have no problem.
15PNG said:


Staff member
Doesn't matter where you were born, raised, live or die. A PN-G booster is a PN-G booster. And the PN-G 'Indian Nation' is a lot bigger than Port Neches and Groves. ;D


2,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Doesn't matter where you were born, raised, live or die. A PN-G booster is a PN-G booster. And the PN-G 'Indian Nation' is a lot bigger than Port Neches and Groves. ;D

Agreed IndianFan, that is my biggest complaint with some. Some (No names mentioned) think if you didn't grow up here or finish school here you have no rights as a TRUE indian fan. I did not graduate from here but I have lived here for over 15 yrs and my kids graduated from here so I consider myself a TRUE indian fan


500+ Posts
Anyone who puts on the Purple and White, stands for Cherokee, and despises all things Nederland is OK in my book no matter where they are from. ;D


Justafan said:
IndianFan said:
Doesn't matter where you were born, raised, live or die. A PN-G booster is a PN-G booster. And the PN-G 'Indian Nation' is a lot bigger than Port Neches and Groves. ;D

Agreed IndianFan, that is my biggest complaint with some. Some (No names mentioned) think if you didn't grow up here or finish school here you have no rights as a TRUE indian fan. I did not graduate from here but I have lived here for over 15 yrs and my kids graduated from here so I consider myself a TRUE indian fan

I am just curious, where are you originally from? Glad you are one of us now or rather have been for 15 yrs!!! ;D


1,000+ Posts
Well, its obvious that y'all are not talking about me. While I've been here nearly 40 years I did not graduate from Port Neches. Family that I married into have been here since the early 1920's. My spouse has been here all this life and is a true PN native. There's nothing wrong with either, unless someone moves in and tries to change things negatively and doesn't appreciate this community (and Groves, too). Come on, folks, we are incredibly lucky--we could've had the misfortune to have been from Nederland. As long as you bleed purple you are OK with me. We will die in PN but not soon, I hope! We have to see another state championship first. BTW, the Indians lost last night in the bottom of the 13th, but they played their hearts out. I'm proud of them and of the fans who drove all the way to go.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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