Calallen.......Danaher Withdraws name


100+ Posts
Calallen poster from another site setx

A program that has experienced major success over the years? I would say that only 6 district championships, 9 playoff appearances and only three 10 win or more seasons – all in the last 30 years – isn’t exactly what I’d call major success. The truth of the matter is that PNG would love to have what Calallen has experienced in the last 25 years and they can’t even come close to that achievement. They may have better facilities and players that are more talented, but the honest truth is that PNG is nothing more than a mediocre program and Danaher would be crazy to leave the powerhouse he’s built to take a chance on a program that’s done nothing but produce a one-hit wonder team in 1999 with Dustin Long at quarterback. And how exactly does a team with a 3rd year starter returning at quarterback only produce a 3-6 season? Danaher is a smart man and when the chips are on the line – he’ll realize that PNG is a legend only in their own minds. They are doing exactly what we rag on GP for doing – living off past accomplishments in the 1970s. But the real question is “what have you done lately?” and the answer is NOT MUCH!

Edited by pngfan93 to remove the exclamation marks. It was annoying, and we're not all that excited he withdrew.


500+ Posts
Re: Calallen

kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx

They (PNG) may have better facilities and players that are more talented, but the honest truth is that PNG is nothing more than a mediocre program.
Correct...PNG is a mediocre program that needs a leader like Danaher to make us a Powerhouse. Since he did it with self proclaimed lesser facilities and less talent at Calallen, why would he or anyone not think it could be done at PNG?

kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx
And how exactly does a team with a 3rd year starter returning at quarterback only produce a 3-6 season? Danaher is a smart man and when the chips are on the line. But the real question is “what have you done lately?” and the answer is NOT MUCH!
Henceforth the need for change at the Reservation! Not sure what this guys point was, but if he was trying to make the case that Danaher would be crazy to leave CCC I think he actually did the opposite. Folks we know "we have done nothing lately" that's why we want your coach! ;D


Re: Calallen

badndn said:
kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx

They (PNG) may have better facilities and players that are more talented, but the honest truth is that PNG is nothing more than a mediocre program.
Correct...PNG is a mediocre program that needs a leader like Danaher to make us a Powerhouse. Since he did it with self proclaimed lesser facilities and less talent at Calallen, why would he or anyone not think it could be done at PNG?

kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx
And how exactly does a team with a 3rd year starter returning at quarterback only produce a 3-6 season? Danaher is a smart man and when the chips are on the line. But the real question is “what have you done lately?” and the answer is NOT MUCH!
Henceforth the need for change at the Reservation! Not sure what this guys point was, but if he was trying to make the case that Danaher would be crazy to leave CCC I think he actually did the opposite. Folks we know "we have done nothing lately" that's why we want your coach! ;D

LOL good point!!!


1,000+ Posts
Re: Calallen

The real question here is why is coop so hellbent on turning us against Danaher? Is he afraid of what we would become with Danaher?


100+ Posts
Re: Calallen

pngfan93 said:
The real question here is why is coop so hellbent on turning us against Danaher? Is he afraid of what we would become with Danaher?
:p na, i have no dog in the fight. I like Stump or Garrett.


Active Member
Re: Calallen

kfdmcoop said:
pngfan93 said:
The real question here is why is coop so hellbent on turning us against Danaher? Is he afraid of what we would become with Danaher?
:p na, i have no dog in the fight. I like Stump or Garrett.

I don't know...sounds like there's something more to me Coop! Is Danaher not media friendly?


Staff member
Re: Calallen

Like anything else, politics and preferences reveal themselves in public forums. If anyone benefits in any way, they're going to promote their favorite. Hopefully the folks doing the hiring see through the smoke and are wearing some tall rubber boots.


Staff member
Re: Calallen

kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx

A program that has experienced major success over the years? I would say that only 6 district championships, 9 playoff appearances and only three 10 win or more seasons – all in the last 30 years – isn’t exactly what I’d call major success. The truth of the matter is that PNG would love to have what Calallen has experienced in the last 25 years and they can’t even come close to that achievement. They may have better facilities and players that are more talented, but the honest truth is that PNG is nothing more than a mediocre program and Danaher would be crazy to leave the powerhouse he’s built to take a chance on a program that’s done nothing but produce a one-hit wonder team in 1999 with Dustin Long at quarterback. And how exactly does a team with a 3rd year starter returning at quarterback only produce a 3-6 season? Danaher is a smart man and when the chips are on the line – he’ll realize that PNG is a legend only in their own minds. They are doing exactly what we rag on GP for doing – living off past accomplishments in the 1970s. But the real question is “what have you done lately?” and the answer is NOT MUCH!

Sounds like a local fan masquerading as a CC fan.

Thanks for the recognition and understanding that PN-G can and likely will become a powerhouse again with Danaher at the controls. And he would enjoy the better facilities, better athletes, and bigger crowds than Callallan pulls.

500+ wins, 6 state final games, 3 state championships, and a 'PNG Indian Nation' that will provide a fan base that any 5A school would love to have. He could do much worse than PNG. And if he did it there, he can build it here.


Active Member
Re: Calallen

I think it's a legit post. Not many people would know GP stands for Gregory-Portland (GP is in Calallen's district). They were a powerhouse 30 years ago...but they haven't done much since.


Active Member
Re: Calallen

Guys coop doesn't have no dog in this fight. I believe he is just giving his honest opinion. He is a High School Football/ WOS fan, nothing to be threatened by PNG in any way. If he was a Bulldog I would have to question it, but he doesn't have any motives.


Active Member
Re: Calallen

We will know tommorrow...He will say yes or no...I dont see a "let me get back to you so I can talk with my family about it" type of response to the committee....

He knows pretty much which way he is leaning...In fact he is probably sitting in a hotel room (or friends house as some have said they know him) eating some good ol southeast texas food kickin back!!!


Active Member
Re: Calallen

Wow, those are really big words coming from the CCC poster. Sounds a lil jaded and uneasy w/ the possiblity of losing the coach. I get that.
As the poster said...sure it might be a what have you done for me mentality. But let me pose this question. And again, its just a thought and a what if.....

I would love to switch regions. Let Calallen play in Region 3 & send PN-G down to Region 4 to play for a while. It's a proven fact, Region 3 is hands down the toughest area to get out of in the playoffs. The caliber of teams are off the chart. Where as in Region 4, truly, you won't play the level of team in the playoffs until your basically in the QtrFinals or possibly even the SemiFinals.
So, sure you can bash PN-G, but until you go thru the gauntlet in our district, only to step out in the first round and get LaMarque or Texas City & follow that up w/ a Brenham or Bay City, into the next round w/ a possible rematch from our district, it's just a beast. Now, I am by no means making excuses at all here, I just think hypothetically it would certainly be an interesting twist and something to ponder.....for sure.
I mean it is a message board we are on here....and here........anything is possible.... :woohoo:


Active Member
Re: Calallen

Sorry, but this really tweeked a nerve & maybe that is what it was posted for, BUT.......i got to thinking, that is a lot of smack to talk from a team that has NEVER won a State Title. SOOO, if we are going to measure apples to apples, in the last 30 years years you have won ZERO & we have won ZERO...we both have played in the title game...both lost.....prior to the 30 year window you put on have still won ZERO.....and we have won, 3 State Championships.
I mean, the ultimate goal is to win a state championship isn't it? So sure, toot your horn for the district titles, the deep playoff runs & the ZERO state championships. I on the other hand will take great pride in the past history and groundwork that was laid before us. It is the building blocks we point to when showing our present & future Indians, how it can be done.

Here's to winning #4!!!!



Active Member
Re: Calallen

IndianFan said:
kfdmcoop said:
Calallen poster from another site setx

A program that has experienced major success over the years? I would say that only 6 district championships, 9 playoff appearances and only three 10 win or more seasons – all in the last 30 years – isn’t exactly what I’d call major success. The truth of the matter is that PNG would love to have what Calallen has experienced in the last 25 years and they can’t even come close to that achievement. They may have better facilities and players that are more talented, but the honest truth is that PNG is nothing more than a mediocre program and Danaher would be crazy to leave the powerhouse he’s built to take a chance on a program that’s done nothing but produce a one-hit wonder team in 1999 with Dustin Long at quarterback. And how exactly does a team with a 3rd year starter returning at quarterback only produce a 3-6 season? Danaher is a smart man and when the chips are on the line – he’ll realize that PNG is a legend only in their own minds. They are doing exactly what we rag on GP for doing – living off past accomplishments in the 1970s. But the real question is “what have you done lately?” and the answer is NOT MUCH!

Sounds like a local fan masquerading as a CC fan.

Thanks for the recognition and understanding that PN-G can and likely will become a powerhouse again with Danaher at the controls. And he would enjoy the better facilities, better athletes, and bigger crowds than Callallan pulls.

500+ wins, 6 state final games, 3 state championships, and a 'PNG Indian Nation' that will provide a fan base that any 5A school would love to have. He could do much worse than PNG. And if he did it there, he can build it here.

How many people attend an average home game? (on the home side only)


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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