Calling all old regulars...


Staff member
All the regulars that don't seem to post much anymore (ndnsrock44, akifan94, badndn, modmouse78, 15PNG, PNG1992, PNGFan, cardiackids 92, shovelhead, hookem14, Big Chief Tablet, etc, etc... where are you? :laugh: ;)


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Come on back to the online and worldwide Reservation. As IndianFan says, "We'll leave the light on for you."



500+ Posts
I never left!!! I've been on here reading nearly every day. Aside from what seems like countless hours of making more and more money so that Mr. Dell can get upgraded yachts and helicopters (8 people on a team covering 252 projects globally)....... honestly, I got tired of the whining. Seems there is way more of it than what there used to be. It burns me up :flaming: Especially when you talk about the boys and the coaches. I hate that crap..... alot. So I kinda figured, what's the point. Turn the other cheek I guess you could say. I always look forward to my "cleanup guy" to come in and post sensible, logical, well thought out, non emotional comments on these threads. I'm talking about "ndnsrock44".

I love the Indians - Always have, Always will. It has caused quite the stir in my household. I still have a boy playing for Round Rock Stony Point. He's a sophomore that is starting on varsity at QB. But yours truly is in the stands with the ear plugs in listening to the Indians....... see the problem here ;D

I ain't goin no where :rocks:


2,000+ Posts
15PNG said:
I never left!!! I've been on here reading nearly every day. Aside from what seems like countless hours of making more and more money so that Mr. Dell can get upgraded yachts and helicopters (8 people on a team covering 252 projects globally)....... honestly, I got tired of the whining. Seems there is way more of it than what there used to be. It burns me up :flaming: Especially when you talk about the boys and the coaches. I hate that crap..... alot. So I kinda figured, what's the point. Turn the other cheek I guess you could say. I always look forward to my "cleanup guy" to come in and post sensible, logical, well thought out, non emotional comments on these threads. I'm talking about "ndnsrock44".

I love the Indians - Always have, Always will. It has caused quite the stir in my household. I still have a boy playing for Round Rock Stony Point. He's a sophomore that is starting on varsity at QB. But yours truly is in the stands with the ear plugs in listening to the Indians....... see the problem here ;D

I ain't goin no where :rocks:

Great to see you 15, I myself don't post as much either. Just got tired of personal agendas by some.


Staff member
And I realize that. All the more reason to flood the board with the discussions that we used to have here. Football. :helmet:


Staff member
I didn't realize just how valuable this site is until I moved to Tuscaloosa. I think the site could really flourish if more out-of-town fans knew about it. The question is how to get the word out.

The personal agendas are a part of any community, and I guess it follows that they seep into messageboards as well. We're lucky to have a site where many of the community's issues can be discussed behind closed doors rather than in front of everyone else. Could you imagine if some of these conversations played out on SETXSports? The PN-G haters would have a field day while various PN-G posters went at it and it would end up embarrassing the community. Nonetheless, the conversations must take place, and I for one am thankful they do so somewhere where PN-G's business can be kept within the community and not put on display for the world to see.

Thanks for the site, IndianFan.


100+ Posts
Hey IndianFan, I too am here. I've been here reading, just havent posted as much. I've been a little busy and havent put the time in the message boards that I normally do. I have also been reading some good posts and havent really had much to add. I do try to stay out of the conversation when things get snippy here. Bamakid made me think about contributing to this site. If everybody just reads like I do, and doesn't post, well, there just wouldnt be a lot of information shared. I'll try to do better. This site have been valuable to me and others as we get an "inside" as to what is going on at PNG and in the community. Thanks to Indianfan for having this forum and thanks for the shoutout and reminder to stay active.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
I have noticed that the activity seems to be a little less this year. I guess some people are less likely to post when there is no discontent with the program :)

As someone who lives away from the area, I would love to see more content contributed by the locals (photos, videos etc).


Active Member
I have to say this about this site. I am obviously a new poster, but i read it almost daily. I just have a few points to make.

First, I don't have a chance to make many games, so I listen to all of them on the radio, but I never hear an advertisement for this site on there. I am sure that would benefit your traffic a lot. Maybe even make some shirts for people to wear at the football games, or give them away in the student section or the stands.

Secondly, I see a lot of post on here, IMO, that make absolutely no sense. Sometimes I wonder if some of the posters even know what football is. That is a little disappointing and more often than not I would rather not comment on those post. Don't get me wrong, I love this site, but when people start talking stupid about things like how are coaches suck or whatever, I think.....seriously, these people are crazy.

And lastly, I agree with 15PNG, come on people quit whining about every little thing. If you disagree with something, then bring some substance with your argument and leave your emotions at home.


500+ Posts
thetestament said:
I have to say this about this site. I am obviously a new poster, but i read it almost daily. I just have a few points to make.

First, I don't have a chance to make many games, so I listen to all of them on the radio, but I never hear an advertisement for this site on there. I am sure that would benefit your traffic a lot. Maybe even make some shirts for people to wear at the football games, or give them away in the student section or the stands.

Secondly, I see a lot of post on here, IMO, that make absolutely no sense. Sometimes I wonder if some of the posters even know what football is. That is a little disappointing and more often than not I would rather not comment on those post. Don't get me wrong, I love this site, but when people start talking stupid about things like how are coaches suck or whatever, I think.....seriously, these people are crazy.

And lastly, I agree with 15PNG, come on people quit whining about every little thing. If you disagree with something, then bring some substance with your argument and leave your emotions at home.

Here's one for ya (t-shirt idea)


100+ Posts
I have still been following the message board. I decided it would be better to take a break than to debate certain"fans" on here. Last season when we lost a couple of games, we had "fans" get on here and attack coaches and players. When I tried to put some perspective to it, I was attacked by these "fans". Amazingly, when we went on our incredible run, these "fans" were nowhere to be found. After we lost to ned, we had "fans" on here calling Coach Faircloth a pee wee coach and badmouthing them again. I just figured I would let the rest of the season do the talking for Coach Faircloth...and here we are after week 9 with our playoff ticket punched. I love this site and I am very grateful to IndianFan for providing it for us fans. There are a lot of Indian "fans" who have become like spoiled little kids and any time we don't blow through every team on our schedule, they throw a hissy fit. Has everyone forgotten that we missed the playoffs from 1978 until Malone took us to the quarterfinals in 1989? We are not a football powerhouse, we do not "re-load" with talent like other schools, we are not a school that D1 programs camp out at. We are a team that has good, smart, hardworking kids that have grown up wanting to be Indians and have bought into PNG football with all their hearts. We have great coaches who prepare our players every week and players that believe in what these coaches teach them during the week. The players and coaches work hard every week and go out on Friday nights and give everything they have as a TEAM. They will not always win, but it is never for a lack of effort or preparation. I love them win or lose because I love what PNG is and they are carrying on the tradition. What it means to be an Indian is about a lot more than winning or losing. I am sorry for the long winded post, I just had these things on my mind.


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
I have still been following the message board. I decided it would be better to take a break than to debate certain"fans" on here. Last season when we lost a couple of games, we had "fans" get on here and attack coaches and players. When I tried to put some perspective to it, I was attacked by these "fans". Amazingly, when we went on our incredible run, these "fans" were nowhere to be found. After we lost to ned, we had "fans" on here calling Coach Faircloth a pee wee coach and badmouthing them again. I just figured I would let the rest of the season do the talking for Coach Faircloth...and here we are after week 9 with our playoff ticket punched. I love this site and I am very grateful to IndianFan for providing it for us fans. There are a lot of Indian "fans" who have become like spoiled little kids and any time we don't blow through every team on our schedule, they throw a hissy fit. Has everyone forgotten that we missed the playoffs from 1978 until Malone took us to the quarterfinals in 1989? We are not a football powerhouse, we do not "re-load" with talent like other schools, we are not a school that D1 programs camp out at. We are a team that has good, smart, hardworking kids that have grown up wanting to be Indians and have bought into PNG football with all their hearts. We have great coaches who prepare our players every week and players that believe in what these coaches teach them during the week. The players and coaches work hard every week and go out on Friday nights and give everything they have as a TEAM. They will not always win, but it is never for a lack of effort or preparation. I love them win or lose because I love what PNG is and they are carrying on the tradition. What it means to be an Indian is about a lot more than winning or losing. I am sorry for the long winded post, I just had these things on my mind.

THERE! See what I mean?!?! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
I don't post near as much as I used to, and I don't make nearly as many games as I used to. I read as often as I can. I've only been to one booster meeting this year. I'm just really busy lately. I hope to have more time to get on here in the future.


100+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
I have still been following the message board. I decided it would be better to take a break than to debate certain"fans" on here. Last season when we lost a couple of games, we had "fans" get on here and attack coaches and players. When I tried to put some perspective to it, I was attacked by these "fans". Amazingly, when we went on our incredible run, these "fans" were nowhere to be found. After we lost to ned, we had "fans" on here calling Coach Faircloth a pee wee coach and badmouthing them again. I just figured I would let the rest of the season do the talking for Coach Faircloth...and here we are after week 9 with our playoff ticket punched. I love this site and I am very grateful to IndianFan for providing it for us fans. There are a lot of Indian "fans" who have become like spoiled little kids and any time we don't blow through every team on our schedule, they throw a hissy fit. Has everyone forgotten that we missed the playoffs from 1978 until Malone took us to the quarterfinals in 1989? We are not a football powerhouse, we do not "re-load" with talent like other schools, we are not a school that D1 programs camp out at. We are a team that has good, smart, hardworking kids that have grown up wanting to be Indians and have bought into PNG football with all their hearts. We have great coaches who prepare our players every week and players that believe in what these coaches teach them during the week. The players and coaches work hard every week and go out on Friday nights and give everything they have as a TEAM. They will not always win, but it is never for a lack of effort or preparation. I love them win or lose because I love what PNG is and they are carrying on the tradition. What it means to be an Indian is about a lot more than winning or losing. I am sorry for the long winded post, I just had these things on my mind.

plus one.


Active Member
I read often....don't post much because I don't want to debate foolishness.

The Inidans will always be dear to me, and I bleed purple. I know, and accept that we will win some, and loose some...Hopefully we seldom loose, but when we come up short, I don't want to hear about how our players or coaches lost the game. How about accepting that in that game, the other team out played us! Sometimes that happens.

We have a great program, great coach, and players year in and year out that play with heart!!

Who could ask for more?


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Lots of valid comments and input on this thread...many of the team-specific websites have now fallen off the map, e.g., WO-S, Nederland and Vidor. Some websites have morphed into other forums. PN-G is not like the is not going anywhere. IndianFan provides a great website and message takes participation from all Indian students, fans, alumni, and even from some of the haters. When you surf over to visit other sites, please remember to drop by here and post your ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. There is nothing better than when a group of Indians get together to celebrate current teams/students and relive our proud past/heritage. Thanks to all the regulars who post, give content (pictures and videos), and to all of those that celebrate PN-G's honor, pride, and tradition. Let's all get ready for a playoff warpath. I hope we get a game close to the Houston area...I'd love to see the Indians again this year. Great time at the G-P and Crosby games...ready for another one.

Go Indians. Peace.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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