

Active Member
I am proud of the way you were such good sports when some of the Nederland fans started booing during the traditional yell and our school song! Shame on them! :( The fans would love to see you beautiful girls spread from one end of the stadium to the other and do several simple chants that the crowd knows. Maybe if they were repeated each week it would help with crowd involvement. I know it can be difficult to get everyone involved, but maybe it would help. Remember PN-G has a special spirit....Pass it on! :clap:


500+ Posts
Yes, you girls showed them what good sportsmanship is...I hope they took notes!! I know some things were said about our crowd booing also, but it happened in response to them booing the Cheerleaders, does it make it right? No, but I think everyone was appauled and ticked off and just had to show then how it felt, but it stopped quickly, and I can't say the same for Nederland. I mean, some really nice things have been said on this board about how we all are sad that Nederland is having a off year, and that's what we get? Oh well, not everyone can have as much class as PN-G!!!


100+ Posts
I agree. Our cheerleaders and Indian Spirit showed much class last night when the other side started booing. So disrespectful!!! :nono: I could not believe it. :angry: I guess the 10 minute announcement prior to any of the activities about "Good Sportmanship Conduct" went in one ear and out the other. In the announcement they said that anyone showing poor conduct could be removed from the game. Well I guess the visitors side should have been removed. That would teach them a lesson. Anyway, I am very proud of the way the girls (and our Indian Spirit) carried on. Class act!!! Way to go!!!! :clap:

We can not help it if the DOGS are not very well mannered!!! :cheesy:


Staff member
EX79NDN said:
I agree. Our cheerleaders and Indian Spirit showed much class last night when the other side started booing. So disrespectful!!! :nono: I could not believe it. :angry: I guess the 10 minute announcement prior to any of the activities about "Good Sportmanship Conduct" went in one ear and out the other. In the announcement they said that anyone showing poor conduct could be removed from the game. Well I guess the visitors side should have been removed. That would teach them a lesson. Anyway, I am very proud of the way the girls (and our Indian Spirit) carried on. Class act!!! Way to go!!!! :clap:

We can not help it if the DOGS are not very well mannered!!! :cheesy:

Speaking of removing people from the crowd, I noticed that someone in the visitors' stands kept releasing black and gold balloons throughout the game. Someone in the band said that that's against a UIL rule. Is it?


Staff member
Nederland fans have always been big on gimmicks. Bubble machines, balloons, horns, propane bottles, etc. They can't help it. :eek:


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Nederland fans have always been big on gimmicks. Bubble machines, balloons, horns, propane bottles, etc. They can't help it. :eek:

Yeah, poor know dogs love to do tricks... ;D

They mastered "Roll dead" last night...good dawg!! :ha: :ha:


1,000+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
WOW!!! I see DOGS aren't loved here anymore... :cry:
I still love ya' YankeeDawg! You prove that there are a few, very few, dogs who have class!


Staff member
yankeedawg said:
WOW!!! I see DOGS aren't loved here anymore... :cry:

Yankeedawg, you're among the many upstanding Nederland fans, and not one of the knucklehead Bulldog fans who 'hate' us. We reserve some sharp jabs for all the haters out there. :guns:

I lived in Nederland at one time, my kids were born there, and it's a great town.


500+ Posts
Aaawww...thanks Squaw and I feel the love again!! :woohoo:

I have no hate for anyone...well, maybe my ex wife...but that's a whole other ballgame ;D

Seriously , although I wasn't able to attend the festivities last nite, I felt embarassed by the behavior of some Ned fans. That kinda garbage is totally classless and uncalled for, regardless of what or who started it (referring to the booing). My daughter who is good friends with one of your twirlers and knows a number of your band members said she was shocked at the behavior exhibited. My son, who plays drums for Nederland band said he couldn't believe how rude that was. I know for a fact that he and the group that he pals around with applaud our opponents bands, etc, during halftime performances. They appreciate and enjoy hearing other bands play and don't see at them as enemies..just as wearing different school uniforms.

I know the intensity of our rivalry, but to BOO (and whatever else was done) a school song or cheerleaders or whoever else is totally out of class, childish and pitiful. Doesn't say a whole lot about one's self esteem...

Some folks fail to realize I think, that we are talking about kids...whether football players, band members, cheerleaders, drill team members etc, who practice countless hours each week and do their best to entertain us on Friday nites. My dad told me when I was just a little Yankee, that if ya don' have anything nice to say or express about others then don't say/do anything at all.

On behalf of all the good folks of Nederland I apologize for the actions shown last nite by hopefully a small group.



Former NDNette

100+ Posts
YankeeDawg, you are one classy individual. I felt sorry for the kids, what went on in no way should have happened to anyone. My grandson wanted to know why people were booing, I told him that they weren't very nice and he ran with that one. LOL I heard it for the next few minutes.


Active Member
From what i could tell it was coming from their student section. Doesn't make it any better but maybe explains it a little since they are kids themselves. I was frustrated about it too, very disrespectful. Our cheerleaders are awesome this year and if they don't like it they need to keep their mouths shut.


Active Member
As a member of the Indian Band, we found it very disrespectful for the 'booing' of the school song as well. Towards the beginning they were being very distasteful and I truly think that is what messed them up for the rest of the game. Maybe karma?


Staff member
Was it a classy thing to do? No. Did we dish out a heavy helping of payback? Yes.

Overall, yesterday was a great day for PN-G. Our football team took Nederland down by 16 points, we had a pep rally broadcast live from the Reservation, one of our players was named "Player of the Week," and our band won the battle of the bands. As far as I'm concerned, the situation with those particular Nederland fans' lack of respect has been handled and in no way reflects on the good people of Nederland as a whole.

Go big purple.
bandkid said:
Was it a classy thing to do? No. Did we dish out a heavy helping of payback? Yes.

Overall, yesterday was a great day for PN-G. Our football team took Nederland down by 16 points, we had a pep rally broadcast live from the Reservation, one of our players was named "Player of the Week," and our band won the battle of the bands. As far as I'm concerned, the situation with those particular Nederland fans' lack of respect has been handled and in no way reflects on the good people of Nederland as a whole.

Go big purple.

Well said Bandkid !!

As a band parent, I would like to say that our band students need to be commended on the way they act when they are representing our school,they always show the utmost respect to the others at all times, because of their good sportsmanship and Pride in their school and fellow students. :clap:

I'm very proud of our fine young men and women in our band!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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