Coach Faircloth


Active Member
Coach has done an outstanding job with the school. When he was hired didn't he sign a 2 year contract. Did the school district ever get the idea of signing him for a long time to come. I hope and pray so..GOOD LUCK INDIANS!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
Every District I have worked at you get a 1 year the 1st year then a 2 year that can be renewed each year for another 2 years. However, with a coach if they leave/get fired they typically are paid out the year and reassigned, Burnet to outdoor field coordinator, Troy to the buses etc... or go home with pay. The only PNG coach that I can recall being sent home with pay from Jan. thru Aug. was Malone. I am told by a former Principal and Asst. Supt. that it was because of financial improprieties, Coke machine $ and the illegal Texas Basketball practice, that took place under him. I know 2 guys that played for him and think highly of him. I know 1 of his assistant coaches that disliked his fake Christian persona. I never meet him so I have no opinion.

He must have a skeleton in his closet somewhere to have been turned down for the Hampshire Fannet AD. position last year.


1,000+ Posts
I agree momeindians, he has been great for PNG, the athletes, students and community!

Anyone know what the deal was at the Vidor game with Marc Keith running up to BF on the sideline? It looked like Keith was repremanding him for a penalty. A couple of us were talking at the gym Sunday and someone commented if it was during the Ethridge days Coach Troy would have headbutted him before he could have reached the Ethridge.

Let's don't do anything to encourage his departure, with his success it will come too soon as it is.


100+ Posts
The man and his staff are flat out AWESOME ! Not just with football ! I could go on and on about what he and that staff have done for my son ! If any of the staff are on here, THANK YOU !


500+ Posts
pngdad8520 said:
The man and his staff are flat out AWESOME ! Not just with football ! I could go on and on about what he and that staff have done for my son ! If any of the staff are on here, THANK YOU !

DJ's mom said the same thing about DJ last night at the booster club meeting. That is awesome that they have given more to the boys than just football


100+ Posts
pngmom4 said:
pngdad8520 said:
The man and his staff are flat out AWESOME ! Not just with football ! I could go on and on about what he and that staff have done for my son ! If any of the staff are on here, THANK YOU !

DJ's mom said the same thing about DJ last night at the booster club meeting. That is awesome that they have given more to the boys than just football
I really do feel lucky ! and so does my son ! <-that is the best part !


100+ Posts
my take is that he will be here for a long time.he is 33 yr old and has young children in the district , they are getting to know the PNG traditions and i feel that he will leave once his kids are out of school, kinda like Coach E. He left in 83 after his daughter grad. Keep renewing his contract and give him a little raise ever year and he will be here for a few more years


100+ Posts
Coach Faircloth and his staff plus their wives are great for all the kids at PNG. What an awesome job they have done. :thumbsup: :rocks:


500+ Posts
BF is a great coach and we are very,very blessed to have Him and his staff. PN-G will win a state championship while he is here, and maybe more than 1.As great of a coach he is, he is an even better person. He and his staff have really made an attitude change with all students at the high school, and that was something that was really needed.The students all trust and believe in him and his staff, they all lead by example and are good role models--which is something that all students need.

Thank You to Coach Faircloth and his staff for their hard work,effort, and leadership this season. Your tireless work, effort, enthusiasm, and encouragement for the athletes and students of PN-G is greatly appreciated!! :)


2,000+ Posts
bark said:
I agree momeindians, he has been great for PNG, the athletes, students and community!

Anyone know what the deal was at the Vidor game with Marc Keith running up to BF on the sideline? It looked like Keith was repremanding him for a penalty. A couple of us were talking at the gym Sunday and someone commented if it was during the Ethridge days Coach Troy would have headbutted him before he could have reached the Ethridge.

Let's don't do anything to encourage his departure, with his success it will come too soon as it is.

From what I could tell Keith was talking to him about something the other players were saying or doing on the sideline because right after that Coach Cary was tearing into some behind.


Active Member
A few issues I have with the comments in this thread. Danny Malone was a helluva coach. Any person who played for him will tell you that. Bottomline. Period. He made us feel like we were winners. He was thrown out for personal agendas. Good ole Boy System.. Period. His OC who has been with Nederland for years now didn't like him for whatever reason. My take. Stay at Nederland DC who cares. Malone had a helluva staff and that's what made PNG good. He changed our culture within 6 months. BF has done the same thing. He also has a great staff. He as well has changed the culture around here. Period. As for as Keith being on the field here is my take. You are a administrator, not Jerry Jones. Stay off the field. He has a nitch for acting like this, I have personally seen him act like that at Little League Baseball games. Keith should take care of his duties and let BF take care of his. And my thoughts on BF or this, he and his staff are doing a great job. They have instilled discipline and values in our kids. We are winning and making the playoffs. You cant ask for any more. Lets enjoy it while he is here. Because he wont be around forever. At the end of the day remember this, State Championships are very hard to come by, but in life that State Championship will earn you nothing, but values you learn on the field will earn you a lifetime of Enjoyment.


100+ Posts
I didn't attend PNG schools but my brother did and he played for them and was good in his time. What I don't get is why do you have issues with this thread? I mean it is a thread saying good things about our coach who has turned this program around. Why is it everyone wants to bring up the past and past coaches and state championships yada yada yada. I mean why can't we just live in the present for the kids and coaches and let them have THEIR time which is now.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Just wait until years 3, 4, 5, etc. after Coach Faircloth has his program in place and kids at the middle school/junior high level have been running variations of his systems since 7th and 8th grade ... wait until they get to the high school level. If we have any type of talent, we will win a lot of games. I spoke with Coach Art Briles several years ago when he was at the University of Houston as HC and he told me that his Stephenville teams did not really skyrocket until years 3, 4, 5, etc. after he had a group of kids run his system from middle school through high school. The same will hold true for Coach Faircloth. If we can keep his assistants together for 4 or 5 years, then we will have some strong seasons. We need to keep Cary, Kroeker, Wingfield, and our homegrown talent like Arnaud. Coach Arnaud has had a run of 3 or 4 years where he's had some strong DLs ... that is no accident. That comes from spotting kids with talent and then coaching them up to exceed their talent level. That is why Coach Faircloth is so good with QBs ... he finds a kid with some talent to read coverages and then make the throws. Then, he created a system for them to use their talents and succeed. If you can spot the coverages and make some throws, you will be a good QB under him.

Beat Nederland, get to the playoffs, and run a clean program ... do that and he will be here for as long as he wants or until some larger 4A or 5A program throws ungodly amounts of money at him ... we can do our part ... we can build that multi-purpose activity center, make a committment to keeping good assistants, and encourage as many kids as possible to go out for athletics -- all programs, both boys and girls. If we show Coach Faircloth and his assistants that the Indians are committed to athletics (boys and girls), then who wouldn't want to be at PN-G? Resources, good kids, good numbers of participation in all our programs, strong academics, a fan base that most other schools would die for, and of course TRADITION. We have the ingredients. We have the right man as AD and HC. Give him some time, and it will all come together. We as PN-G Indians have to pull together and unite as one. If we do that, we'll be a strong program and a great academic school that people will move to because they want to be a part of it. It happens all the time. It happened at Stephenville, SLC, and Odessa Permian ... it is still happening out in Katy.

Go Indians. Peace.


Chief Touch The Clouds
Coach Faircloth and his staff have rekindled many Indian faithful by the leadership by example method.No one works harder no one!This shows through his players and his staff.If iron sharpens iron I'm in!

lu cards

100+ Posts
if you were in line today getting tickets you know why faircloth is a went down the line shaking hands and introducing himself to everyone.after faircloth left cavness started handing out colaches/donuts to everyone in line.good p r by both of them.


500+ Posts
Another wonderful thing I witnessed this morning was Superintendent Cavness bring a chair outside for an elderly lady with a cane. He offered to get her tickets for her but she insisted on waiting her turn. Bravo sir...BRAVO. :clap:


100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Another wonderful thing I witnessed this morning was Superintendent Cavness bring a chair outside for an elderly lady with a cane. He offered to get her tickets for her but she insisted on waiting her turn. Bravo sir...BRAVO. :clap:

I enjoyed seeing him last week cheering on the Rock A Noo's at their playoff game against Dayton.


500+ Posts
NDN Nation, go back and read Barks comments again. He wasn't saying he had issues with the thread, he had issues with statements about Malone. He actually was saying in his post that BF and crew have been just what the doctor ordered for the kids in this district. He was also stating that we should not put blinders on and expect State Titles as proof that he is successful. We should recognize that he and his staff are about developing good men that will be successful in life not just on the football field. Of course in doing so he is developing good teams for us all to enjoy and be proud of.

I am excited about PNG Athletics!!! Thanks to Coach and his Staff, both Old and New.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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