Coach Krocker


500+ Posts
Heard today that Krocker is leaving us for a head coaching position. I don't know were. Supposedly Coach Faircloth told the team that today.


500+ Posts
Unfortunately, success leads to opportunities for a HC's staff. Good luck to Coach Krocker in the future. Do we know where he is heading yet?


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
That means there is an opportunity for a good young coach, perhaps one already on the Indians' staff, to be our DC and create new wrinkles for success. When doors open for coaches to leave The Reservation, there are doors opening for those wanting to come here and have SUCCESS! Good luck and thanks to Coach Kroeker (sp?) and good luck to the DC Coach Faircloth chooses to lead our Indians. Get an aggressive minded young coach to energize, excite, and execute.

Go Indians. Peace.


500+ Posts
Has this been confirmed or is this just speculation? If it is true, does anyone know where Coach Kroeker is going to?


500+ Posts
Well yesterday I had 4 players tell me the same thing. THey said Faircloth had them all together and told them. He told the players to congratulate him on his new job. Coach Cox is the interim DC apparently per the players I spoke with. I don't know if any of them are going to be going with Krocker or not. So I would say its more than likely truth about this. If I find out more I will post about it.


Active Member
I was told Coach Kroeker was reassigned within the district...not sure what that means. Just that he won't be the defensive coordinator at PNG next year. Not sure if Faircloth named an interim DC but my guess would be Templen Arnaud or Cox.


2,000+ Posts
Automo 65 said:
I was told Coach Kroeker was reassigned within the district...not sure what that means. Just that he won't be the defensive coordinator at PNG next year. Not sure if Faircloth named an interim DC but my guess would be Templen Arnaud or Cox.

I keep hearing the same rumor that he was reassigned to the MS.


2,000+ Posts
Yes it is. Hate to speculate until a offical word is given.

No matter what Coack K was a great addition to our school and community.


100+ Posts
Wow. What a shocker this news is. I guess now that the kids have been told about it, we should hear something about what happened. Justafan....I agree, I think Coach Kroeker did a great job and I wish him the best of luck in the future. I am sure Coach Faircloth will be able to lure another top notch D coordinator to the reservation.


1,000+ Posts
I had a HS coaches son tell me there was a problem with his transcript/resume - which I find hard to believe because I thought he was the one that BC new from college days at some church camp and they agreed to go with whoever was to become a head coach first. If he did go to the MS at this early stage of his career it makes you wonder. Like I have posted before - Coaching is strange


1,000+ Posts
bark said:
I had a HS coaches son tell me there was a problem with his transcript/resume - which I find hard to believe because I thought he was the one that BC new from college days at some church camp and they agreed to go with whoever was to become a head coach first. If he did go to the MS at this early stage of his career it makes you wonder. Like I have posted before - Coaching is strange

The assistant coach you are thinking of (meeting at the church camp) is assistant head coach Cary, not Kroeker.


2,000+ Posts
bark said:
I had a HS coaches son tell me there was a problem with his transcript/resume - which I find hard to believe because I thought he was the one that BC new from college days at some church camp and they agreed to go with whoever was to become a head coach first. If he did go to the MS at this early stage of his career it makes you wonder. Like I have posted before - Coaching is strange

Very strange, because I thought I read ( In this years program) he was enrolled at Lamar working towards his Masters Degree.


100+ Posts
I also remember something about him working on his master's degree. I have a hard time believing that someone with his credentials would have that issue. Also, I am sure he is certified by the state to teach and I would think they make sure that education requirements are met. It would be nice to have some statement issued about what is going on before the rumor mill gets out of control. I don't know him personally, but he seems to be a good man from all reports and doesn't deserve to have unfounded accusations thrown at him.


100+ Posts
I was told by one of the football players that Coach Faircloth told the team that he got a job for the University of Florida and to congratulate him on his new job. :clap:


1,000+ Posts
Like I stated "it is hard to believe" that could happen. original transcripts etc... are hard to counterfit although it happened at Notre Dame, I believe.

I should have not made the post - just as others should not have posted he was going to the M.S.etc...

My apologies to all offended.

Poor judgment on my part


100+ Posts
It didn't offend me. My post was agreeing with yours.... didn't sound likely. It is odd that a coaches son would be talking about this publicly. That's why I said that this needs to be adressed so that all these rumors can be put to rest.


500+ Posts
Personally, I think we should just put this to bed until it comes out...I can't see it hasn't so far if this is the truth, but then again, what do I know haha. So far we have alot of hearsay...was hired as a head coach at another high school, was reassined to the MS and now hired on as a coach at U of F. Whatever the case maybe, I wish him the best of luck.


500+ Posts
Well when I posted this I didn't have the intentions of starting a rumor mill. I posted it for info only to inform everyone that we were loosing a good coach. THAT WAS ALL. I'm sure something official will be out shortly.


500+ Posts
I know you didn't :) It's just taken on it's own animal so to speak and now we have 3 different stories haha. Hopefully we will know what's going on shortly.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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