Coach Krocker

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Regardless, if he leaves, I wish him the very best. He's such a class act, and I just LOVE his enthusiasm and his report with the players.


100+ Posts
How do you know he is gone. we have heard he told the boys he was taking head coaching job, and that he told them he was taking a coaching job at florida. Until there is an official word, he is not gone.


100+ Posts
There are still to this day hundreds if not thousands of people that do not know the true reason coach Danny Malone left so abruptly after the 1990 season. I guess that's because there was no "Official Word", whatever that means. The point is that it doesn't matter, gone is gone, move on.


1,000+ Posts
hookem14 said:
There are still to this day hundreds if not thousands of people that do not know the true reason coach Danny Malone left so abruptly after the 1990 season. I guess that's because there was no "Official Word", whatever that means. The point is that it doesn't matter, gone is gone, move on.
I asked and was told by an Admin. in the District at the time it happened there were 2 reasons:
1. A Coke Machine fund $ that was not accounted for.
2. The kid who's Mother wordked at Groves MS and had to go before the board to tell what the Texas Wrestling thing was about.. I know some of the kids that played for him liked him.

All I know is did really did nothing after he left PNG. He recently applied and was turned down for the HF job - small 3A?



2,000+ Posts
bark said:
hookem14 said:
There are still to this day hundreds if not thousands of people that do not know the true reason coach Danny Malone left so abruptly after the 1990 season. I guess that's because there was no "Official Word", whatever that means. The point is that it doesn't matter, gone is gone, move on.
I asked and was told by an Admin. in the District at the time it happened there were 2 reasons:
1. A Coke Machine fund $ that was not accounted for.
2. The kid who's Mother wordked at Groves MS and had to go before the board to tell what the Texas Wrestling thing was about.. I know some of the kids that played for him liked him.

All I know is did really did nothing after he left PNG. He recently applied and was turned down for the HF job - small 3A?


Did nothing?? I think he won a couple Nebraska state championships


1,000+ Posts
My mistake, I assumed he had little or no sucess being that he applied for the football AD at Hamphsire-Fannett, a program that has been in the basement forever and pays among the lowest in S.E. Texas.

All I know is why the Admin. was told he left and he went away quick.


Staff member
He coached at Fillmore Central in Geneva, Nebraska for over a decade and had some good success.

"There's two kinds of coaches, them that's fired and them that's gonna be fired."
-Bum Phillips

Straight Arrow I

Active Member
Coach Malone got tied up in a political matter. He didn't start the right kid. The coke machine incident was blown completely out of proportion. Bob West was jealous of Coach Malone's success and was fueled by some other area coaches. I kept up with Coach Malone for a little while and he was very well thought of in Nebraska.


Active Member
Bark, all due respect, you have no idea what you're talking about. You number each "reason" for Malone's ousting as actual fact; but you're wrong. It was a group of graduating seniors that brought forth the allegations regarding the Texas Wrestling and other new drills. I would be more than happy to name them all but that would only add fuel to, as it still seems, a very sensitive subject. As for the Coke machine, you're an adult, do you really believe that? We're talking about a Coke machine...really?

Bottom line is he was an outsider with previous success, came in and had tremendous success, and went on to additional success. He unfortunatley got caught up in a fight he had no chance of winning. He coached to win, not appeal to the feelings of the parents who thought their child should be playing. Which as we all know on this message board is the way it goes or was expected to go. Aside from letting MB coach too long, ousting Malone is one of PNG's biggest mistakes.

A COKE machine....that's funny


1,000+ Posts
My father in law was an admin. at the time, that's what he said happened. They may have used the coke machine $ as an excuse, etc...I don't know. Really a Coke machine

So to say "I have no idea" is wrong. You may not agree, that's ok by me.

If you live in Las Vegas tell Mike D. hello


100+ Posts
I played for coach Malone both years he was here and he was great, we all loved him to death. The Texas Wrestling and the Texas basketball we played were a blast. I don't know a single player back then that didn't like him or his methods. Running him off was a travesty. It was NOT the players.


1,000+ Posts
In talking with many folks, part of the problem may have been the amount of points given up per game by the defense. My connection to the Varsity staff - says it's the parents that put the heat on. Some get tired of it, probably like Jay did (BB). He can make about as much being a AP, so why the BS. Jay did not tell me this but you would have to think there must have been a big infulence for him to resign before his sons Senior season and a season returning with many stars that he developed.

I know coaching is a strange career. Like Butch Troy says "it's the only job that depends on the performence of 16/17 year old kids that determine your fate". He had sucess at BB and Offencive Line play but failed big time as Head FB coach.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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