Coach Ravey

Coach Ravey is in the hospital and is scheduled to have a pacemaker installed today
So we wanted the Raveys to know that they are in our prayers!!
So everyone pray for his speedy recovery!

Get Well Soon Coach!!!


500+ Posts
aww, I hate to hear that about him. He is such a great person. I saw him at the mall right before Christmas, and as always, laughing and enjoying his time there. None of my kids ever had him for a teacher, but he is by far one of their all time favorite people at the high school.

I will surely keep him and his family in my prayers.


Staff member
I had Coach Ravey for a class. I didn't know that he was in the hospital. He's one of the most spirited teachers at PN-G. He's in my prayers.


1,000+ Posts
bandkid said:
I had Coach Ravey for a class. I didn't know that he was in the hospital. He's one of the most spirited teachers at PN-G. He's in my prayers.
I worked him and some of his students when he taught at TJ. He is a great person. I will be praying for him. My hubby goes back to Houston on the 18th to get a new defibillator/pacemaker and sometime after the 14th we're moving into our new house. I am super stressed out.


1,000+ Posts
Thanks, Old Eagle and Transplant Tribesman, for your kind words and thoughts. I will post how he is doing if I remember before my computer is dismantled for moving. I will try hard to remember, but my memory seems to get worse every year. I know I am prejudiced, but Roy IS a kind and caring person--I don't know anyone who loves this community and the people in it any more than he does. We will die here (hopefully, not too soon). It is so nice and comforting to go to the post office, store, Walgreens, etc., and run into people you care about and they care about you. We are so very blesssed.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Does anyone know how he is doing? Our prayers go to him and his family.

Squaw I hope everything goes well for your husband's surgery. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Good luck with the move.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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