Comments on the new stadium?


100+ Posts
Not surprised, he should upload it to Youtube with a link here and let the fans decide if it represents PNG Indian's Pride, Honor, and Tradition. Our kids are very creative with today's technology!


500+ Posts
PNGIndianFan06 said:
Not surprised, he should upload it to Youtube with a link here and let the fans decide if it represents PNG Indian's Pride, Honor, and Tradition. Our kids are very creative with today's technology!

I will have to talk with his mom and tell her about this site and what you suggest and see what she thinks.


100+ Posts
excuse me if i offend anyone :whiteflag: i am so tierd of our kid puting up ideas and creativity then it shot down because some one might get offened :flaming: i am so furious this is terrible some kid steps up with a new tradition and boom shot out of the sky maybe it not only a new hc we need??? also sorrry to offend just a little :angry: :sorry:


1,000+ Posts
No offense taken. My follow up to what you are saying is "why are we suppressing the creativity of our students?"


100+ Posts
Yes i mean as long as the video is not profane or you nasty why not tell them good job woll use it until something better comes along


500+ Posts
Well I talked to my friend and she is just worried about the not having permission from the parents to post their childs pictures on here since they are in the video. She is working on it and will get back to me. It is a really cool video and as soon as I get the go ahead I will post it.


1,000+ Posts
PNGIndianFan06 said:
Not surprised, he should upload it to Youtube with a link here and let the fans decide if it represents PNG Indian's Pride, Honor, and Tradition. Our kids are very creative with today's technology!
Speaking of Pride, Honor and Tradition, are these words going to be on the new pressbox as they were on the old? I did not make the last ballgame (drat!) because my significant other had a heart attack on Thursday. He's home and, so far, great so we'll be at Vidor tomorrow night. I also told him not to have any heart attacks during football season! (lol - just kidding)


1,000+ Posts
I got to the stadium about an hour before the game. There were already many people there. I sat down and enjoyed the music while I ate food from the concession stand. I understand what you all said about the music being more pumped, but it was enjoyable to hear an hour before the game.

This new stadium does create a new atmosphere. As someone who has attended PNG games for the past 30+ years, I like this new atmosphere better. I'm not sure it would have been as enjoyable with Metallica or AC/DC playing. That being said, this is about the kids.


1,000+ Posts
With this beautiful multi million dollar stadium..... has it really come down to everyone being so determined to find something to complain about that we have reached so far as to criticize the music that was chosen to play an hour before the game? If so, I am disappointed. :nono:

I completely agree that it would be nice to play some intimidating music during the on field warm up and stretch by the teams. Maybe Burnett will be involved with the players to provide a cd or list of songs that would get the guys pumped up when warming up.

Let us all keep in mind....THIS WAS THE FIRST GAME at the new and improved stadium. It may take a little time for ideas and traditions to "be born". I’m sure there will be a trial and error period of many ideas that will be suggested, tried and shelved before we can establish things that will become synonymous with playing PN-G at home in our new stadium! :helmet:

Which leads me to ponder if we should have waited to unveil a completed stadium vs the one we saw on the night of the Livingston game…


100+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
Well I talked to my friend and she is just worried about the not having permission from the parents to post their childs pictures on here since they are in the video. She is working on it and will get back to me. It is a really cool video and as soon as I get the go ahead I will post it.

I hope they agree; I would love to see the video!


100+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
I got to the stadium about an hour before the game. There were already many people there. I sat down and enjoyed the music while I ate food from the concession stand. I understand what you all said about the music being more pumped, but it was enjoyable to hear an hour before the game.

This new stadium does create a new atmosphere. As someone who has attended PNG games for the past 30+ years, I like this new atmosphere better. I'm not sure it would have been as enjoyable with Metallica or AC/DC playing. That being said, this is about the kids.
I too got there an hour before the game, got my concession stand food and then went and sat down to eat my food and enjoy/take-in the beautiful new stadium. :popcorn: I enjoyed the choice of music (but then I am older) and understand why they chose those particular songs. They had an Indian theme. I am glad they did not blast ear blasting, heart thumping songs a whole hour before the game. :eek: Now the closer it got to the game (say 30 min. or so) than they could have gradually started playing more heart thumping music :rocks: to lead up to the game and the entrance of the team. :helmet: We have to remember, their is Indian supporters of ALL ages :eek:ld: that go to these games. Alot of the older supporters get to the game early due to the parking. I am sure that the mass majority of them do not want to hear Metallica or AC/DC over and over an hour before the game. 30 mins. or so??.......maybe so, but not an hour or so. Probably not! We call ourself Indians, but true Indians do not play hard rock to get theirselves pumped up before a battle or competition. If that is the case, why don't they play "true" heart thumping drum beating "Indian" music! Just my two cents.....

I though the new stadium was beautiful. Bathrooms where great, concession stand was really cool. I do agree with another poster, they could have wholes in the glass at the concession stands so I do not have to talk to someones waist... ;D Due to my sisters dumb mistake, she traded our lower tickets for tickets two steps from God. The view was beautiful after I finally caught my breath from the climb. I though, man I am out of shape until I had coaches coming up the stairs huffing and puffing. Then I did not feel so bad. :laugh: One thing that they messed up on was that they did away with the end zone seats. That is what I always called the "Bubble gum section". That is where all the young kids (unsupervised brats) sit. Now they have no where to go, so guess what.... they all decided to go up!!!! :angry: They ran up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs the whole hour and the first quarter of the game. When they would get to the top they all wanted to yell to their friends down below. Some even enjoyed a game of "let's see who we can spit on" from here. By the time the pregame/homecoming show started I had, had enough :mad: and finally had to say something to a batch of boys that kept yelling over the side of the rails to their friends down below. I told them I did not climb ALL these stairs and pay for reserve seats to listen to them spit and yell at their friends all game long... :angry: Some people two rows in front of me turned around to me and agreed. They had had enough also! They (the boys) finally left. I know I will be moving my seats next year!!! No more Bubble Gum section for me...


Active Member
I was sitting there last Friday night trying to think was was so much different, then it donned on me. The popcorn does taste fresher :popcorn: in the new stadium.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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