Crowd Noise


100+ Posts
A lot has been said on this board about fan participation,noise etc. I personally have been by very loud and supportive fans all season, so I think Indian Nation is alive and well. That being said....We need to know when to make noise and when to be quiet. We will be in a bowl Friday night and we will be able to make a difference with the noise by causing some false starts or delay of games by getting loud when BRENHAM HAS THE BALL. When we are on offense we don't need to make noise until AFTER the ball is snapped. I dont know how many times we have done "thunder" while our offense is trying to run a play..that is not being smart fans.In open air HS stadiums it is hard for crowd noise to be that much of a factor, but being down inside a bowl and with fans on 3 sides for PNG I believe it will be.So...lets use this to our advantage to disrupt Brenham's offense and help our defense. By the same token, we need to be quiet when our offense is on the field and trying to call plays and make pre-snap adjustments. GO INDIANS!


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
A lot has been said on this board about fan participation,noise etc. I personally have been by very loud and supportive fans all season, so I think Indian Nation is alive and well. That being said....We need to know when to make noise and when to be quiet. We will be in a bowl Friday night and we will be able to make a difference with the noise by causing some false starts or delay of games by getting loud when BRENHAM HAS THE BALL. When we are on offense we don't need to make noise until AFTER the ball is snapped. I dont know how many times we have done "thunder" while our offense is trying to run a play..that is not being smart fans.In open air HS stadiums it is hard for crowd noise to be that much of a factor, but being down inside a bowl and with fans on 3 sides for PNG I believe it will be.So...lets use this to our advantage to disrupt Brenham's offense and help our defense. By the same token, we need to be quiet when our offense is on the field and trying to call plays and make pre-snap adjustments. GO INDIANS!
Thats the way it is at most college and pro games !


Active Member
THANK YOU NDNSROCK!!!! The cheerleaders and band and indianettes do a great job of keeping the momentum up but they don't know when to play songs and use the thunder and make noise signs. I think the spirit leaders see the crowd being quieter and think they need to make noise when really it's because we have the ball and we're trying to let the offense hear the plays and the calls. We need to use this stadium to our advantage so we need to still be supportive but not overbearing when we have the ball.


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I agree with this as well and have posted on this topic before, too.

I love our band and Indianettes as well and want to cheer loudly each time they play, but
when our offense has the ball...I refuse to do it.

I envision the band as part of the "12th Indian" and want us to frustrate the opposing team. I think the best way to do this is to be incredibly loud while the other team's offense is on the field. So they will have false starts, miss reads, be nervous or distracted, and not hear audibles or play changes.

It seems we do the opposite, we are very loud when we have the ball and quiet as mice when the other team has the ball. I just don't understand it. We have a great crowd and band but do not use it to our advantage.

**Please don't take this as a knock on our band or Indianettes**


I usually get the DE FENCE chant going when the other team is inside their own 30, 3rd downs, and anywhere on our side of the 50. I personally feel that the boys get more motivated and pumped up when we are doing that! seems like when we do get the whole stands chanting the Defence produce a big play.


1,000+ Posts
Along the lines of "DEFENSE", does anyone feel like making a giant "D" and a "Fence" to be held up? My brother and I made one 5 or 6 years ago for the Nederland game, but I don't have the time to make it this year. Maybe the G-Crew could make it.


1,000+ Posts
NDN06 said:
If i'm not mistaken, they already have one (They being the cheerleaders or G-grew???)

I think you are right. I've seen it in the past, but I don't recall seeing it this year. Plus, if my memory serves me correctly, it was pretty small "D-Fence" sign. We need one bigger and better!


100+ Posts
How about we do the DE-FENSE chant the whole time our defense is out there. If we could keep the noise level high while we are on defense, I think it will keep them pumped up. I plan on yelling until my voice goes, then I'll have to just clap and stomp.


:shout: :shout: :shout: totally agree.. i do try to get the ppl where i am sitting to help me out!


Active Member
OK purple I am counting on you guys to be loud!!! I am from Bellville (near Brenham) but used to live in Bmt. area - and I have told some friends they absolutely HAVE to see a PNG game while they are still walking this earth.

Best fans in the doubt...

Me - and wife - and 3 friends - have our tickets - we bought some in Brenham today - I do not want to steal your seats HAHA - you will need them all - actually I expect the Brenham side will be half purple.

No dogs in this hunt really - just want my group to experience a PNG game - and actually the opposite side is a good place to take in how amazing the PNG crowd really is! Good luck guys!
i sit at the top every game on the 50 we are the loudest group of people there at the game we dont stop yelling till the game is over :shout: :shout:


1,000+ Posts
I agree that you're loud, but the "loudest?" Our group is very loud, also. In fact, I think there are lots of loud goups in our stands. All PNG fans are as loud as they can be.


500+ Posts
Watchful said:
OK purple I am counting on you guys to be loud!!! I am from Bellville (near Brenham) but used to live in Bmt. area - and I have told some friends they absolutely HAVE to see a PNG game while they are still walking this earth.

Best fans in the doubt...

Me - and wife - and 3 friends - have our tickets - we bought some in Brenham today - I do not want to steal your seats HAHA - you will need them all - actually I expect the Brenham side will be half purple.

No dogs in this hunt really - just want my group to experience a PNG game - and actually the opposite side is a good place to take in how amazing the PNG crowd really is! Good luck guys!

Welcome Watchful...take some pics for us while you're over there...we rarely get to see what it's like from the other side! Just make a post if you take some, and someone can give you directions on how to get them uploaded on here!!


Active Member
NDNmom91 said:
Welcome Watchful...take some pics for us while you're over there...we rarely get to see what it's like from the other side! Just make a post if you take some, and someone can give you directions on how to get them uploaded on here!!

Mrs. Watchful is the camera person - I will try to remember to have her bring her camera!
Our group at the top, on the 50, holler De-Fence whenever the other team is on offense, no matter what the yard line. I do believe that was a factor in the Livingston and Central games. I think they both had offside penalities at crutial points in the game. We yell Go Indians Go when we are on offense. Our team is used to the noise and it make help make the oppositions defense nervous. We had just started yelling Block That Kick (from the old days in the 50s and 60s) when it actually happened. Did that cause the blocked kick? I really doubt it but we sure did feel good when Dre was streaking down the side lines. Please joint us in the chants. Let's show Brenham what a true Indian Uprising looks like.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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