The BAC purchased and provided a 'mule' for assisting transportation of school owned percussion equipment from the bandhall to the stadium. This year, they've been told they could not use the band 'mule' on the new track. They've had to make other arrangements to get equipment to the stands.

During the Fired Up Pep Rally, there was an Athletic mule parked in front of the Indianettes. After the scrimmage, there were members of the athletic dept driiving 1 -2 mules
across the new track and onto the new field.

Im having a very difficult time in understanding why it's acceptable for one organization to utilize a mule and not acceptable for another as in our Purple Pride Band.

Could someone please explain this!

Purple Pride Band Rulez

Bob S.

Active Member
Either they didn't get the memo yet,


they're footbal and , well, the other mule was the band's (not football).


500+ Posts
I say use the mule anyway, and if questioned about it you can say that you thought it was ok because the ath. dept. was using one. We all know that things are supposed to be fair. Good Luck!
A golf cart vs a mule ..

golf cart - small, electric, carlike vehicle designed to carry

mule - a small tractor or electric engine used to tow

As I see it, they are both technically the same in one. The golf carts were seen driven across the brand new track more than 1 time on both Friday nights!


2,000+ Posts
Not arguing with you, just stating I didn't see a mule.

The mules are more powerful of the 2 and usually have mud tires that could damage the track which golf carts have street tires.

I do not know if this is there reasoning.


500+ Posts
THESE are mules::



...and comments's monday and I'm tired!!! :thud:


500+ Posts
I saw two mules on the field the night of the scrimmage against Memorial. Makes no sense to me why the athletics department could use one but not the band.
Thanks Cheermom!!! This is my whole point!!!! Why is acceptable by the Athletic dept and the band has to manage the best way they are able to for bringing out the school own percussion equipment? ? O yea, I's NOT for the "football" team and coaches/staff !!!!

And as for you, Yankeedawg, no one likes a 'smart a%%" ! Perhaps, if your tired and your not liking Monday, you should go back to where you come from!

Who can we address in regards to this ? "Double Standards"


Staff member
My understanding is that the mule, while finally fully repaired, isn't being used because there's no way to get it from the automotive wing (where it was repaired) to the band hall with all of the construction. I could be wrong - I was told this about a month ago and one of the Loading Crew Captains had asked Mrs. Beckcom to look into it on Loading Crew's behalf shortly afterwards, so she may have turned up something that I don't know about.

Besides this, even if we aren't allowed to use the mule on the track anymore, it really makes no difference right now. The percussion equipment that the mule used to tow to the track is now being toted through the hallways of the high school and into the stadium via the cafeteria doors, meaning that, even if we had the mule, it would be of no use because we can't operate it inside the school.
IndianFan said:
Yankeedawg's a good guy who's just having some fun with you. He's always welcome here.

After reading sooo many ugly mean negative complaints and comments about our band and our kids on this message board, I find/found NO humor in his post!

It's really sad to read so many negative comments about our band and NEVER does anyone ever speak of how wonderful you'll looked out on the field for the 1st game or how proud they are of our band!! Sure all of us parents are extremely proud of our kids and voice the up positive comments, but what about the rest of the NDN fans ???
OOO, wait, once again, they are not on the "football team" !!!!


500+ Posts
:huh: Everyone loves the band--that is why people WANT TO BE ABLE TO HEAR THEM!! You are getting a little carried away with the US vs. THEM mentality.Just because You do not hear people say WE LOVE THE BAND, does not mean it is never said. Relax and try to be a little less stressed. We would not trade our band for anything! :woohoo:


Staff member
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
IndianFan said:
Yankeedawg's a good guy who's just having some fun with you. He's always welcome here.

After reading sooo many ugly mean negative complaints and comments about our band and our kids on this message board, I find/found NO humor in his post!

It's really sad to read so many negative comments about our band and NEVER does anyone ever speak of how wonderful you'll looked out on the field for the 1st game or how proud they are of our band!! Sure all of us parents are extremely proud of our kids and voice the up positive comments, but what about the rest of the NDN fans ???
OOO, wait, once again, they are not on the "football team" !!!!

I found yankeedawg's post funny. He's a joker, and I've always appreciated his humor, both on this site and on Trust me when I say that he wasn't trying to be negative or spiteful, but that he was just trying to lighten the mood a little.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
And as for you, Yankeedawg, no one likes a 'smart a%%" ! Perhaps, if your tired and your not liking Monday, you should go back to where you come from!

DON'T DO IT YANKEEDAWG! I LIKE having YOU around here. Really wish I could say that about everybody, but hey, it's a free world.

Purple Pride, if you can't tell that his post was all in good fun, then you are having a worse day than HE did.


500+ Posts
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
IndianFan said:
Yankeedawg's a good guy who's just having some fun with you. He's always welcome here.

After reading sooo many ugly mean negative complaints and comments about our band and our kids on this message board, I find/found NO humor in his post!

It's really sad to read so many negative comments about our band and NEVER does anyone ever speak of how wonderful you'll looked out on the field for the 1st game or how proud they are of our band!! Sure all of us parents are extremely proud of our kids and voice the up positive comments, but what about the rest of the NDN fans ???
OOO, wait, once again, they are not on the "football team" !!!!

Excuse me...I said, in several posts, on both the Football forum and Band forum how wonderful the band looked and sounded Fri night, so you can't say NEVER, and, for the record I do NOT have a kid in the band!! I am a former NDN band member and I do now and will ALWAYS support the band! Sorry...just had point that out....carry on!


500+ Posts
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
IndianFan said:
Yankeedawg's a good guy who's just having some fun with you. He's always welcome here.

After reading sooo many ugly mean negative complaints and comments about our band and our kids on this message board, I find/found NO humor in his post!

It's really sad to read so many negative comments about our band and NEVER does anyone ever speak of how wonderful you'll looked out on the field for the 1st game or how proud they are of our band!! Sure all of us parents are extremely proud of our kids and voice the up positive comments, but what about the rest of the NDN fans ???
OOO, wait, once again, they are not on the "football team" !!!!

Geeez...I didn;t mean to ruffle your feathers, uuuhhh, so to speak ;D . Actually, posting a pic of a pair of mules in no way, shape or form can be construed as being ugly, mean, negative or disrepectful to the PNG band. It was simply posted , as Bandkid pointed out, to "lighten the mood" and to inject a bit of Monday morning humor. My apologies if you don't appreciate my sense of humor, but as PNG Proud, Bandkid and IndianFan have suggested...(and I appreciate your comments folks) that's just me...I try to take the less than dead serious approach in many of my posts. I have a great deal of respect for the PNG community, football team, band and so on. (refer back to some of my previous posts on other threads and you will see what I mean) See, our communities in many ways are really quite similar. Yes...there is a GREAT, long-standing traditional rivalry between us, and that is one of the things that makes posting and bantering with the good PNG folks so much fun. But rest assured, none of what I post is intended to be disrespectful.

Now then, as far the "smarta%%" comment goes, I would tell you a joke about that, but out of respect to the ladies on here...I won't. :-X



500+ Posts
:duel: Very well said yankeedawg! By the way: great picture of the mules!! We love your since of humor!

SERIOUSLY folks--could WE PLEASE get back to talking about FOOTBALL in a positive manner!


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
My understanding is that the mule, while finally fully repaired, isn't being used because there's no way to get it from the automotive wing (where it was repaired) to the band hall with all of the construction. I could be wrong - I was told this about a month ago and one of the Loading Crew Captains had asked Mrs. Beckcom to look into it on Loading Crew's behalf shortly afterwards, so she may have turned up something that I don't know about.

Besides this, even if we aren't allowed to use the mule on the track anymore, it really makes no difference right now. The percussion equipment that the mule used to tow to the track is now being toted through the hallways of the high school and into the stadium via the cafeteria doors, meaning that, even if we had the mule, it would be of no use because we can't operate it inside the school.

So basically people are raising hell over something they do not know the whole story on. Typical.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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