Down Trails of Victory Part 2?

Purple Runs Deep

Active Member
Before this season started I was lucky enough to buy a copy of Buck Ford's Down Trails of Victory...It is a must read for any PN-G Football fan. The book is filled with stories and photos dating back to the early 20's at the dawn of Indian tradition. The book unfortunately ends after the 1994 season, most likely due to Buck's son Lew graduating and the Ford family moving on. Since then we have had Dutsin Long and the 1999 State Title run, and some great teams/players in these recent years. I doubt anyone could ever contend with Mr. Ford's masterpeice....but it would be great to see these years remembered as well.


Staff member
Purple Runs Deep said:
bamakid said:
Noted. Now excuse me while I call for a last minute birthday present. ;D

I know bama, I wanted one ever since I was at Van Buren!!!

I've been trying to get a copy for the last few years.


1,000+ Posts
I have an original and use it often to get the facts when folks start telling stories of their Football greatness!!!

Funny when they tell of their great years and they are not listed in the "list of lettermen" in the index.


500+ Posts
bark said:
I have an original and use it often to get the facts when folks start telling stories of their Football greatness!!!

Funny when they tell of their great years and they are not listed in the "list of lettermen" in the index.



Staff member
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
Noted. Now excuse me while I call for a last minute birthday present. ;D

Aaaaaawwww Bamakid. How'd ya know I had a BD coming up? So thoughtful! :)

You said something once about your birthday being on a day a state championship was played.

With that being said, have you talked to the football team lately? ;D

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
bamakid said:
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
Noted. Now excuse me while I call for a last minute birthday present. ;D

Aaaaaawwww Bamakid. How'd ya know I had a BD coming up? So thoughtful! :)

You said something once about your birthday being on a day a state championship was played.

With that being said, have you talked to the football team lately? ;D

Wow! Impressive memory! And My BD is on THE Saturday again this yr. Coincidence? I think not!


Staff member
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
PNG Proud said:
bamakid said:
Noted. Now excuse me while I call for a last minute birthday present. ;D

Aaaaaawwww Bamakid. How'd ya know I had a BD coming up? So thoughtful! :)

You said something once about your birthday being on a day a state championship was played.

With that being said, have you talked to the football team lately? ;D

Wow! Impressive memory! And My BD is on THE Saturday again this yr. Coincidence? I think not!

My birthday is the day of our first round game again this year.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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