Examiner doesn't get what it wants, Jerry Jordan is Mad -- Again


100+ Posts
From the Examiner..Jerry jordan

Port Neches-Groves on notice

A publicly funded entity should not be operated in arrogance and secrecy but that is precisely what is taking place in the Port Neches-Groves Independent School District.

This past week, Board President Russ Brittain and Superintendent Lani Randall made the decision to flagrantly disregard a legal precedent established by the Texas Attorney General by refusing to release a list of applicants for its athletic director/head coaching position.

Brittain cited privacy concerns of the applicants but the attorney general ruled in OR2000-0335 that applicants for athletic director/head coach positions cannot be withheld from the public.

The following is a quote taken from the the ruling that is directly on point to the information that PN-G ISD is trying to hide.

“This office has previously concluded that the public has a significant interest in the names of applicants for public positions and these names are not confidential,” stated Yen-Ha Le,
assistant attorney general, Open Records Division, in 2000.

The Examiner even provided this ruling to the school district but Brittain and Randall still chose to turn their nose up at open government.

Some have said that Brittain’s most recent actions are status quo and that PN-G ISD is notorious for cutting backroom deals out of the public eye. That might be true and it certainly makes one want to look further at the way PN-G ISD is operated — something The Examiner vows to do. But what is happening here is that PN-G ISD has its sights set on a particular candidate for the job and, come heck or high water, it is going to get him.

To say the fix was in from the beginning would be an understatement. Regardless who the applicants are, Brittain, who was the 1970 PN-G ISD class president, and his cohorts are going to do whatever they want. The rest is just window dressing.

This type of secrecy cannot be tolerated and it is the job of the media to ensure that any public entity is held accountable for its actions. That has always been The Examiner’s commitment and it remains so today.

Despite whatever Brittain and Randall might think, the names will eventually be released— they are only delaying the inevitable.

In the interim, they are showing their true colors and giving the public and the media even more reasons to suspect dirty deals in other areas of the district’s operations.

At present, PN-G ISD is tasked with spending millions of dollars in taxpayer money as part of a bond initiative passed in 2007. The first item of business was for the district to spend millions of dollars constructing a new football stadium and installing its second scoreboard in as many years. If the school board is being this secretive about a coaching contract that pays less than $80,000 a year, one has to wonder what kind of secrets the board is hiding regarding its stadium construction.


Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

its make you wonder what they are doing behind close doors.. maybe it time for the FEDERAL GOVERMENT investingate these board memebers!


500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

Some have said that Brittain’s most recent actions are status quo and that PN-G ISD is notorious for cutting backroom deals out of the public eye.

More reckless accusations without any proof. I can say anything without knowing if it is true or not. If people are going to call out the board, lets see some facts.

A source told me the Examiner is known for fabricating stories with no actual knowledge of the truth. .... See how easy that was.


Active Member
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

i dont know if everyone else has noticed but it seems that the examiner only looks for the bad in our communities, never the good , i for one will never read their paper again, not that i have read it much in the past. the list will be out before you know it


Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

who cares about the list,, it about the way the board is looking down on the public that PAYS THE TAX DOLLARS! the board is way over the line in their handling of everything from the bond to the new head coach. this is a public school that the public pays for, it is not a private school..so thees board memeber need to know that the PUBLIC will not put up with these kind of attitudde and underhanded deals they do!
Justice will prevail, trust me!


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

:crazy:I'll be glad when this mess is over!!! I've never seen so many people get sooooo upset over a list.I for one am curious but it will come out soon


500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

who cares about the list,, it about the way the board is looking down on the public that PAYS THE TAX DOLLARS! the board is way over the line in their handling of everything from the bond to the new head coach. this is a public school that the public pays for, it is not a private school..so thees board memeber need to know that the PUBLIC will not put up with these kind of attitudde and underhanded deals they do!
Justice will prevail, trust me!

I look at it just the opposite. Maybe they are looking at what is best for the school and football program. Things will iron themselves out and most of you will realize you have overreacted.


Staff member
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

So what if they do have their 'sites set on a particular candidate'? If they deem him to be the best for the job, and the community gets a great coach, so be it. Are they supposed to check with The Examiner for approval? ???


Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

I have a question. What if they find other areas of interest that "smell funny" will anyone believe what the Examiner prints or will everyone turn a deaf ear and support the School Board, anyway. I guess what I am asking - will it open your eyes in any way or will your opinion about the board remain the same, no matter what. This is just a question, don't jump down my throat about it, give an honest opinion. I'm just curious.


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

Ok here is what I have to say about the board. No, I will never trust the Examiner any more than I would ever trust Phillip Klein. With that said, if there was EVIDENCE that the board was doing shady deals then yes I would believe it. I have 2 kids that go to PNG, so I do "have a dog in the fight." The list and FOI, etc, mattered not one whit to me, just get the best coach. I feel the board did nothing illegal and for whatever their reasoning decided not to post the list until now. Whoopty do! I also know that some are upset about the quality of materials the board has chosen to use on the buildings against the advice of experts. In my opinion that does not make them criminals. Poor managers maybe, and if so I will do my part to make sure they are not reelected, but DIRTY BACKROOM DEALS? I haven't seen any evidence to support that as of yet. If and when I do, then I would agree that they need to be investigated.


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves on notice.....Article

kfdmcoop said:
From the Examiner..Jerry jordan

Port Neches-Groves on notice

A publicly funded entity should not be operated in arrogance and secrecy but that is precisely what is taking place in the Port Neches-Groves Independent School District.

This past week, Board President Russ Brittain and Superintendent Lani Randall made the decision to flagrantly disregard a legal precedent established by the Texas Attorney General by refusing to release a list of applicants for its athletic director/head coaching position.

Brittain cited privacy concerns of the applicants but the attorney general ruled in OR2000-0335 that applicants for athletic director/head coach positions cannot be withheld from the public.

The following is a quote taken from the the ruling that is directly on point to the information that PN-G ISD is trying to hide.

“This office has previously concluded that the public has a significant interest in the names of applicants for public positions and these names are not confidential,” stated Yen-Ha Le,
assistant attorney general, Open Records Division, in 2000.

The Examiner even provided this ruling to the school district but Brittain and Randall still chose to turn their nose up at open government.

Some have said that Brittain’s most recent actions are status quo and that PN-G ISD is notorious for cutting backroom deals out of the public eye. That might be true and it certainly makes one want to look further at the way PN-G ISD is operated — something The Examiner vows to do. But what is happening here is that PN-G ISD has its sights set on a particular candidate for the job and, come heck or high water, it is going to get him.

To say the fix was in from the beginning would be an understatement. Regardless who the applicants are, Brittain, who was the 1970 PN-G ISD class president, and his cohorts are going to do whatever they want. The rest is just window dressing.

This type of secrecy cannot be tolerated and it is the job of the media to ensure that any public entity is held accountable for its actions. That has always been The Examiner’s commitment and it remains so today.
Despite whatever Brittain and Randall might think, the names will eventually be released— they are only delaying the inevitable.

In the interim, they are showing their true colors and giving the public and the media even more reasons to suspect dirty deals in other areas of the district’s operations.
At present, PN-G ISD is tasked with spending millions of dollars in taxpayer money as part of a bond initiative passed in 2007. The first item of business was for the district to spend millions of dollars constructing a new football stadium and installing its second scoreboard in as many years. If the school board is being this secretive about a coaching contract that pays less than $80,000 a year, one has to wonder what kind of secrets the board is hiding regarding its stadium construction.

QUESTION.....If all of this is true that the school board is breaking all these laws/rules etc...Than why doesn't the media or who ever feels this way, hire a lawyer and start an investagation into the way the PNGISD board operates. It's easy for anyone to just babble at the mouth. If someone feels that strongly about the way the board operates than do something about it. Start an investagation. In other words, put up or shut up!!!!


1,000+ Posts
As a former school employee, I know first hand that the Examiner, particularly Jerry Jordan, isn't known for unbiased reporting. I take every dig at him and the Examiner that I can get. There isn't a moral shred of fiber in that poor excuse of a paper. I don't know who in their right mind calls that mindless crap journalism. All they do is look for bad stories about schools. Call them when something good happens, and they are nowhere to be found.

True story: Jerry Jordan shows up at my school looking to blow open a story. He finds that the story he has isn't totally correct, tells us that he his printing his "facts" and we can look for it in the paper. Sure enough, he does. A few months later, we have kids place in the state math and science tournament in San Antonio. We send press releases out to everyone, Jerry Jordan included. What do you know -- he is nowhere to be found and the story never runs. That my friends, is what the Examiner is all about. B-rate reporting at its finest. The only reason it's "independent" is because they don't pay attention to the truth.


pngfan93 said:
As a former school employee, I know first hand that the Examiner, particularly Jerry Jordan, isn't known for unbiased reporting. I take every dig at him and the Examiner that I can get. There isn't a moral shred of fiber in that poor excuse of a paper. I don't know who in their right mind calls that mindless crap journalism. All they do is look for bad stories about schools. Call them when something good happens, and they are nowhere to be found.

True story: Jerry Jordan shows up at my school looking to blow open a story. He finds that the story he has isn't totally correct, tells us that he his printing his "facts" and we can look for it in the paper. Sure enough, he does. A few months later, we have kids place in the state math and science tournament in San Antonio. We send press releases out to everyone, Jerry Jordan included. What do you know -- he is nowhere to be found and the story never runs. That my friends, is what the Examiner is all about. B-rate reporting at its finest. The only reason it's "independent" is because they don't pay attention to the truth.

They did run a story about a "counceling service" that was caught on Medicaid fraud and it was true - I used to work there and thank God that I had the sense to leave before any of that started. But I did get a call from the Attorney Generals office asking me questions. Those people are in jail now.

This is the only time I have ever bought an Examiner, though. It is not something I read daily, weekly or even monthly.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
"This type of secrecy cannot be tolerated and it is the job of the media to ensure that any public entity is held accountable for its actions. That has always been The Examiner’s commitment and it remains so today."

This is the REAL problem. The Examiner (and some other media outlets) feel that it's their job to police
everybody...NOT SO!. Their job is to REPORT THE NEWS....PERIOD!!!!!! That's where "news Reporter" gets it's title from....DUH! If they feel this deep down responsibility to RIGHT the world, why don't they go on down to the border and stop all the illegals from entering our country? THAT'S breaking the law. Why don't they pony up a bunch of money and help the homeless? THAT would be a much more honorable "commitment". Why don't they volunteer their time to help those kids without daddies? Why not Spend their time and talents boxing up care pkgs. for the troops overseas? Any one of these things would be a much better mission than bitching about a stupid list that isn't being published. Especially when they don't even have a dog in the fight. It's not THEIR tax dollars, and THEY didn't elect the school board. As the true taxpayers, if WE don't like the way things are being handled, then we'll deal with our own, we don't need the liberal media's help (and we don't want it either).
When it comes to "undermining", it's the media that doing it, because they're trying to hurt our chances of hiring who WE want, without putting their job, or reputation, in jeopardy.
How about the media stick to what they KNOW how to do, and that is to simply REPORT the news. When we want the media's help,
we'll ASK for it. In the meantime.....BUTT-OUT!


PNG Proud said:
"This type of secrecy cannot be tolerated and it is the job of the media to ensure that any public entity is held accountable for its actions. That has always been The Examiner’s commitment and it remains so today."

This is the REAL problem. The Examiner (and some other media outlets) feel that it's their job to police
everybody...NOT SO!. Their job is to REPORT THE NEWS....PERIOD!!!!!! That's where "news Reporter" gets it's title from....DUH! If they feel this deep down responsibility to RIGHT the world, why don't they go on down to the border and stop all the illegals from entering our country? THAT'S breaking the law. Why don't they pony up a bunch of money and help the homeless? THAT would be a much more honorable "commitment". Why don't they volunteer their time to help those kids without daddies? Why not Spend their time and talents boxing up care pkgs. for the troops overseas? Any one of these things would be a much better mission than bitching about a stupid list that isn't being published. Especially when they don't even have a dog in the fight. It's not THEIR tax dollars, and THEY didn't elect the school board. As the true taxpayers, if WE don't like the way things are being handled, then we'll deal with our own, we don't need the liberal media's help (and we don't want it either).
When it comes to "undermining", it's the media that doing it, because they're trying to hurt our chances of hiring who WE want, without putting their job, or reputation, in jeopardy.
How about the media stick to what they KNOW how to do, and that is to simply REPORT the news. When we want the media's help,
we'll ASK for it. In the meantime.....BUTT-OUT!

If they were to do as you stated, there would be no news. We would have no clue that the govenment handed out billions of dollars for the bail out or anything like that. Traffic reports and weather, is all you would have.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Not true. The bail-out IS news. they reported what happened. But you can bet, that if the gov't. didn't release that info, the "Examiner" wouldn't have filed for the FOI papers.

I'm fine with them "reporting" anything that's true, and real news. I'm NOT o.k. with their attitude that it's their job to hold people accountable. That's simply not their responsibility.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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