Examiner doesn't get what it wants, Jerry Jordan is Mad -- Again


Web Guy
Opinions of how the PNGISD should operate is NOT news. When PNG hires the coach, then there will be news to report.


PNG Proud said:
Not true. The bail-out IS news. they reported what happened. But you can bet, that if the gov't. didn't release that info, the "Examiner" wouldn't have filed for the FOI papers.

I'm fine with them "reporting" anything that's true, and real news. I'm NOT o.k. with their attitude that it's their job to hold people accountable. That's simply not their responsibility.

Then who's job is it? I not trying to be difficult, but seriously, if we don't know there is a problem are we better left in the dark? I'm not saying that the Examiner is the best source and I only know of the one story that I spoke of to be true, but I know some things that have been done that are not necessarily criminal, but some things that I consider unethical that have been done - and not the board as a whole, so to speak, but individual board members. This is why I have questions and it makes me wonder sometimes - so who do I go, the board? Yeah, right!!!


IndianFan said:
The community. Not a newspaper.

I guess I could start with the FOI Act. In what form would you like it disclosed, on this board or in the newspaper? Or maybe I should just keep whatever info I receive to myself like everyone else does. This is all theoretical, of course.


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NDNS81 said:
IndianFan said:
The community. Not a newspaper.

I guess I could start with the FOI Act. In what form would you like it disclosed, on this board or in the newspaper? Or maybe I should just keep whatever info I receive to myself like everyone else does. This is all theoretical, of course.
You make very good points. Some people on here either have their heads in the sand as to what is going on or they just don't care. A citizen told me just this week that "I've lived here all my life and this is the worse school board we've ever had." Not my opinion. I think we have some school board members that are being smeared by a couple of unethical members. JMHO, so don't trash me about it.


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