Fans not allowed on field after game

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500+ Posts
For some reason, it was announced that after the game no one was allowed on the field. Meeting the team on the field has become one of our traditions (at least since Danny Malone). We were very disappointed. I can understand asking people not to come on the field until the officials and other team has left but after that what harm could be done?

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I knew about this ahead of time. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind this, other than the expense of the turf, and potential damage. But think about it. If that was the case, they wouldn't allow walkers during the day, around the track. They would keep the stadium locked up.

Maybe they'll change it.

If I remember, I'll ask Coach Faircloth at the Booster Club Mtg. on Mon.


1,000+ Posts
My understanding is that this is a new UIL rule for this year. I believe it has been a 5A rule for some time now and has just been forced on 4A schools.


1,000+ Posts
Former NDNette said:
Well if its a UIL rule it sure wasn't followed at the WOS and Nederland game. People all over the field on tv.

WO-S is a 3A stadium. The rule may only be in effect for 5A and 4A as it was only for 5A last year.


500+ Posts
It means a lot to most of the players to be able to talk/visit with their family and friends after a game. So it is a big deal to them.


Active Member
The fans are not allowed on the track. We were told at the football meeting that the boys would have to go directly into the field house after the games. After they shower, they will exit the field house through the side doors.


500+ Posts
The fans are not allowed on the track. We were told at the football meeting that the boys would have to go directly into the field house after the games. After they shower, they will exit the field house through the side doors.

So it is a visiting issue and not just a field issue.


500+ Posts
I do not think that any of this is an issue. Coach Faircloth is running the program with discipline and professionalism. I think it is very refreshing to have our program so organized and structured from the start of pre-game warm-ups to the end of the game. This is something we have needed for a long time!


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
I knew about this ahead of time. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind this, other than the expense of the turf, and potential damage. But think about it. If that was the case, they wouldn't allow walkers during the day, around the track. They would keep the stadium locked up.

Maybe they'll change it.

If I remember, I'll ask Coach Faircloth at the Booster Club Mtg. on Mon.

Hey Proud....I may be wrong but I thought that since the stadiums are basically funded by the taxpaying residents of a town, that they are considered public property and as such, residents are entitled to use them (albeit with some restrictions).

I know you didn't bring it up but as far as the UIL is concerned, I don't see how they can dictate to a school district how that districts property can be utilized ( provided of course it's nothing illegalor immoral).


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
I do not think that any of this is an issue. Coach Faircloth is running the program with discipline and professionalism. I think it is very refreshing to have our program so organized and structured from the start of pre-game warm-ups to the end of the game. This is something we have needed for a long time!

I did not mean to imply by "issue" that it was a problem, just in the context of the issue being discussed.


500+ Posts
I was referring to the discussion as a whole, not to you akifan94. Just did not want everyone to loose sight of what is important--Indians won!


Active Member
To some, this may not seem like an important item. To others, especially parents and family members of players, it is important. Families probably find it important to be able to share some time immediately after a game with their player and it has been a part of our tradition for a long time. With new coaches come change, and that is understandable. I'm not going to sit here and to argue whether a coach should be able to change tradition because that conversation would go on forever and accomplish nothing. What I will mention is this. I have heard, through the staff, that this was a new UIL ruling. Obviously some of you heard the same thing. I searched the UIL rules and found nothing about this rule. I have a call into the UIL to see if in fact this rule does exist. If it isn't a UIL rule but a Faircloth rule, then just say it's his rule. The fans should be told the truth. Ultimately, Coach Faircloth dictates his set of rules and I'm OK with that. We hire him to do a job and he has his own way to accomplish his goals. He can't and won't please everyone. No coach can. I also understand that he may choose to get his staff off of the field and not have to confront the occasional "fanatic" parent that might approach him, but don't tell me it's a UIL rule if it isn't. There is an old saying, "don't do something down my back and tell me it's raining." If it is a UIL I'll return and apologize. I have been wrong before................

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
yankeedawg said:
PNG Proud said:
I knew about this ahead of time. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind this, other than the expense of the turf, and potential damage. But think about it. If that was the case, they wouldn't allow walkers during the day, around the track. They would keep the stadium locked up.

Maybe they'll change it.

If I remember, I'll ask Coach Faircloth at the Booster Club Mtg. on Mon.

Hey Proud....I may be wrong but I thought that since the stadiums are basically funded by the taxpaying residents of a town, that they are considered public property and as such, residents are entitled to use them (albeit with some restrictions).

I know you didn't bring it up but as far as the UIL is concerned, I don't see how they can dictate to a school district how that districts property can be utilized ( provided of course it's nothing illegalor immoral).

You're probably right about that Yankeedawg. I really don't know what the rational is behind it, but I'm sure there's a logical reason. We'll know soon enough.

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
Coach Faircloth wants a chance to talk to the team right after the game in the field house without the distraction of the fans/parents/family, etc. This is the reason that I've heard for the no fans on the field rule.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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