Fellow Fans


Staff member
Everyone needs to stop the bickering and focus on the positives in the school and community. Social media has its positives, as well as negatives. This message board is actually tame compared to the majority out there. But when the football team is not winning like everyone hopes, the negatives increase as fan frustrations grow. But regardless of the season record, it`s important to stay positive and support the community including your fellow fans on this message board.

Everyone is allowed to voice their opinions here. No one is immune to criticism or being rebuffed by others. And no one lives in a glass house. But lets call a truce on the disagreements, and focus on cheering on the Indians the rest of the season. Football weather is finally here and it only gets better. :thumbsup:


1,000+ Posts
We sold every reserved seat during season ticket sales. This, being in a larger stadium since the bond issue. There is revived interest in the program. Why is this? People are excited about what is going on around the district, and with the team.

Please, show your support for Coach Faircloth. When you see him, tell him you appreciate him and the work he has done with our kids. A mass public showing of support for Faircloth will go a long ways in keeping him here, and in putting those that oppose him in their place. PLEASE, donate to the Multi-purpose Facility. The lack of donations is borderline indicative of lack of fan support. (No, I haven't yet donated, but I'm getting my donation together.)

I just want to reiterate something I've heard said before: If he leaves because he is pushed out, what level of quality doe we honestly think we'll get in the next coach?

In my opinion, Coach Faircloth is the future of this program. Just look at the Freshman team. All they have known is his system, and they are destroying opponents! We will have down years. Everyone does. Believe me when I say that he does way more for this team, district, and community than put Ws on the board. Our students are now promoted to colleges. Believe me when I say that we do not want to lose the best coaching hire this district has made in my lifetime.


2,000+ Posts
+1 pngfan93, not only is Brandon Faircloth a great coach, but he is a great man and role model for the children of this community.

Purple Dove

Active Member
:clap: :clap: :clap: In our society we need a man like Brandon for the students. I can't tell you how many times I
have heard parents say over and over nice things that Coach Faircloth has done for their child. ( girls as well as
boys and not just football players) I promise he is making a difference in our community. It puts a lump in my
throat when I hear a young person say they want to be like Coach Faircloth.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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