Football costs add up for school districts


100+ Posts
What do you expect when our state legislature can't balance a budget so public education takes the hit. I really feel sorry for the kids in elementary school right now. Schools are running on empty fund-wise now. ::).....from the "Group Bitcher"....Me.....LMAO.


500+ Posts
wacape said:
What do you expect when our state legislature can't balance a budget so public education takes the hit. I really feel sorry for the kids in elementary school right now. Schools are running on empty fund-wise now. ::).....from the "Group Bitcher"....Me.....LMAO.

Yeah...but we're talking FOOTBALL here....not something relatively insignificant like calculus or chemistry.. so the $$$ is no object!! ::)


Staff member
yankeedawg said:
wacape said:
What do you expect when our state legislature can't balance a budget so public education takes the hit. I really feel sorry for the kids in elementary school right now. Schools are running on empty fund-wise now. ::).....from the "Group Bitcher"....Me.....LMAO.

Yeah...but we're talking FOOTBALL here....not something relatively insignificant like calculus or chemistry.. so the $$$ is no object!! ::)

I don't know about you guys, but I'll trade Calculus for football any day. ;D


100+ Posts
LMAO....y'all remind of the quote from "Friday Night Lights" the movie...."The problem with this school district is that there is too much learning going on." And then we wonder why other countries are light years ahead of us in education. ::)


1,000+ Posts
We may be one of the few districts that don't go way in the hole for athletics. I know football generates lots of $ but the other sporting events that we don't attend probably drain all the Football revenue then some. I know crosscountry, golf etc...aside from parents, most do not attend.


Staff member
bark said:
We may be one of the few districts that don't go way in the hole for athletics. I know football generates lots of $ but the other sporting events that we don't attend probably drain all the Football revenue then some. I know crosscountry, golf etc...aside from parents, most do not attend.

We have pretty good crowds for baseball and softball. I know some of the basketball and soccer games have drawn out decent crowds as well.

If we really want to talk about budgeting, are there any sports where parents already pay for some of the equipment?

If so, which ones? In band, we had to purchase our own shoes, our own shirts and shorts, and our own instruments for the most part. According to the article, the district pays for everything for football. If they want to cut back (something all programs have to do right now), have the parents or ABC pick up cleats and mouth guards. That'll save what, $50 or $60 per kid?


1,000+ Posts
bamakid said:
bark said:
We may be one of the few districts that don't go way in the hole for athletics. I know football generates lots of $ but the other sporting events that we don't attend probably drain all the Football revenue then some. I know crosscountry, golf etc...aside from parents, most do not attend.

We have pretty good crowds for baseball and softball. I know some of the basketball and soccer games have drawn out decent crowds as well.

If we really want to talk about budgeting, are there any sports where parents already pay for some of the equipment?

If so, which ones? In band, we had to purchase our own shoes, our own shirts and shorts, and our own instruments for the most part. According to the article, the district pays for everything for football. If they want to cut back (something all programs have to do right now), have the parents or ABC pick up cleats and mouth guards. That'll save what, $50 or $60 per kid?
I love sports BUT it is kind of crazy that we ask debate, Honor Society etc... to pay their way and not sports


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The day is coming when parents will be asked to pay a supplies fee for extracurricular activities. Parents will be asked to help public ISDs defray costs for uniforms, instruments, sports equipment, etc. The response from upset parents and taxpayers: Our tax dollars already pay for these things. The reality is that ISDs are making tough choices with limited funds and unless something changes, those wanting extracurricular activities will be asked to help defray costs with private donations or fees.

Those of us with kids in private education already deal with this issue...I'm not complaining, its a choice I made...but, I believe it will eventually cross over to public education, too.

There is no denying that PN-GISD and other similar ISDs are having to make tough choices regarding funds to pay excellent and underpaid educators, purchase supplies for core subjects, provide benefits for educators, and maintain buildings and equipment. When it comes down to it, those funds need to be directed to priorities - teachers, curriculum, and maintaining a quality education. I love sports, too, but I can't penalize teachers and ISDs when they have to make tough choices.

I hope things change and the Texas Legislature finds a way to fund it and extracurricular activities. We'll see. If not, then it is not far fetched to think that parents will be asked to donate...or pay fees for extracurricular activities.

Interesting topic and good discussion. I hope current teachers and former educators post.

Go Indians. Peace.


500+ Posts
I know the girls in Indianettes pay for everything. The only thing Varsity Cheerleaders don't pay for is camp. They pay for everything else including new Big Game uniform if they don't want to wear an OLD one.


500+ Posts
Who/what determines what extra curic activity receives funding and how much...I'm guessing that each activity runs their own fundraisers but doesn't the district also have funds that they direct to all sports organizations, clubs and the others.?? For example, doesn't seem right that band pays for their own shoes (probably one pair per year/member) while football gets theirs paid for (I'd guess at least 2 pairs per player/year (grass and artifical, at least). I know football reigns, but still....


500+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
I have no clue and I would pay for everything again just to see my children cheer and dance.

I felt the same way when both of mine were involved in extra curic activities at NHS... it was very well worth it..

I think we spent a year's worth of pay just on all the various club/EC activities T-shirts and cookie dough fund raisers!! (j/K)!!


Staff member
Band members probably have a new pair of shoes once every two years. We're required to have at least one white Purple Pride shirt which probably needs to be replaced each year if each student only purchased one. We also had to buy tote bags and uniform bags, which are normally one-time expenditures. The shorts were added my junior year, so I don't know for sure how often they'd need to be replaced (I'd bet once every two years). Most band members also have to purchase their instruments (the larger instruments are owned by the school), and all band members have to purchase practice booklets and water containers. Band members also pay their own way to Disney World every two years, and band members who make it beyond the region level in either UIL bands or Solo & Ensemble competition now have to pay for their meals when travelling for those events since the budget cuts started.

That all adds up. As Cheermom said, cheerleaders and Indianettes pay for all of their own equipment. It seems reasonable for the athletics department to turn over shoes, mouthguards, and maybe a few other items in light of that. Turning over a $70 pair of cleats to the parents of the ~200 football players saves $14,000 a year. Throwing in a $50 fee to defray the cost of pads adds $10,000 a year to the athletic budget. With additional support from the ABC, you could potentitally have a starting teacher's salary by the time it's all over with.


100+ Posts
Let me throw another point of view out there. When my kid was in high school, it seem like he needed money for something weekly. $20-100 for something. I'm not complaining, I just wondered how some kids with less resources were able to do this. I found out that they dont. Some kids dont participate or take advantage of all there is to offer because the money is not there. In some less wealthy districts, this is more of a problem than here. I do not want to see the school districts depend on parents to fund these programs. Some kids would be left out. Remember Grandma saying that the idle mind is the devil's workshop? Fundraising is a partial solution, but that revenue source is limited. I just dont want to see a child not participate beacuse a parent is unable or unwilling to help out. This goes not only sports, but band, drill team and any extracurricular program you can name. Of course, education comes first, but the other programs are important too. Saying all of this, I dont know what the solution is. I just dont want the kids shortchanged.


500+ Posts
I know for Cheerleaders they can only hold one fund raiser a year and that is the Cheer Clinic they hold. I also have to say that from the funds from that Cheer Clinic comes scholarships for each Senior Cheerleader and it also pays for the cost of the cheer banquet at the end of the year also. Not to mention any other costs that come up during the year.

Again I would pay whatever just to see my children cheer and dance.


500+ Posts
Now that the Booster Club has taken over the concessions at the stadium, all of student activities have a chance to make money for their causes. The concession stand has done surprisingly well, benefiting many students. The work is very easy in there, no cooking and little clean up. Several groups have already worked. Drama, Deca, Student Council, Boys Golf just to name a few. To work, the student activities sponsor just needs to get with Pat Briggs to sign up. It really beats having to sell cookie dough!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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