GMS Coaches


100+ Posts
I just heard this interesting story... Coach Wallace was moved to GMS from the high school to be the new head coach there next year. Seems the principal is loyal to the old head coach and tells him that they can't break the last year on his contract, so HE will be paid as the head coach for next year. Here's the problem...They are not paying Wallace to be the head coach next year because they are going to honor the contract of last year's coach !!! So Wallace talks to GMS principal and Curl and is told that they are not paying him to be head coach even though he must fulfill his duties as the head coach. To my knowledge, Wallace walks and may not be coming back. Bottom line is...last year's coach, and I use the term "coach" very loosely, could get his job back by default and GMS football is back to square one. Let me know how you feel about this situation...I thought that we were done with all of this type of B.S.


1,000+ Posts
I don't know either of these coaches, but this situation sounds truly bizarre. Is it even legal to demand that a head coach fulfill head coach duties yet someone else receives the pay for it? I've never heard of such a thing. Mr. Curl needs to revisit this issue ASAP.


100+ Posts
Um, what is there left to "coach"? We are at the end of the school year and every sport is done with. I would like to know where you heard this interesting story because I have a relative that coaches at GMS and he knows nothing of this. By the way, he is neither of the coaches in question. It is also interesting to note that I have heard nothing of Wallace actually being at GMS yet and Smith hasn't started at PNMS yet.


100+ Posts
This is pertaining to next year (2009-10) and the information is rock solid. I am sure we will all be hearing more from this situation. I think that it is a crying shame that things like this are still happening. It seems to me that they had better pay "two" head coaches next year...


500+ Posts
We are talking Middle School correct???

How much more does the MS HC make over the assistance? It can't be much.


1,000+ Posts
Former NDNette said:
The middle school coaches already had contracts in place when the changes were made.
They may have a contract, but it does not specific location and duties. Coaches receive a stipend for their coaching duties. If there is an extra stipend for HC, then there should be only one head coach receiving it.


100+ Posts
No new coaches yet, but Coach Wallace is gone. The district refused to pay the "head coach" for being the "head coach" so he had to leave. Back to square one for GMS and more parents trying to move to Port Neches and get their kids to PNMS. This may sound extreme, but it's happening !


Active Member
tribesman said:
No new coaches yet, but Coach Wallace is gone. The district refused to pay the "head coach" for being the "head coach" so he had to leave. Back to square one for GMS and more parents trying to move to Port Neches and get their kids to PNMS. This may sound extreme, but it's happening !

I hope the parents in Groves will be patient. Coach Faircloth is very sharp and he will take care of any problems over there just give him a little time. He wants the best for all the kids and I believe will do whatever is needed to make sure that they get the best.


tribesman said:
No new coaches yet, but Coach Wallace is gone. The district refused to pay the "head coach" for being the "head coach" so he had to leave. Back to square one for GMS and more parents trying to move to Port Neches and get their kids to PNMS. This may sound extreme, but it's happening !

At the moment, I can think of two that have made the move to PN from Groves, but these are just the ones that I know about. The only reason I even know about these two, are because they are friends of friends. Another friend of mine is looking and has been for some time now.


500+ Posts
I think that Coach Faircloth is going to get both GMS and PNMS football programs going in the right direction. I think that people move to Port Neches for other reason and not just the school, I mean I have heard bad things about both GMS and PNMS. Surely no one with half a brain would move just because of middle school sports. ::)


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
What are the other reasons people are leaving Groves?

Please note, I have been away from PN-G and the area for 20 years. I have no idea what changes have, or have not, taken place in the communities of Port Neches or Groves. However, I do remember the charm of Groves ... the older, but well maintained homes in old Groves near Monroe, Jefferson, Lincoln, Adams, Madison, etc. Over on the TJ-side of Groves, people took great care of their homes ... on Berry, Smith, etc. When I was a child, I can remember the pride most people seemed to have in their homes, yards, and neighborhoods. Hopefully, new families are moving into Groves, buying those homes and maintaining the charm and atmosphere that was in Groves. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Groves always seemed to be bigger in land area and population. We had some great neighborhood football, basketball, and baseball games between all of the kids that went to either PN-G or TJ. We all kept Estes Sporting Goods store in business. I lived closer to TJ, but was zoned to PN-G. We would all talk (brag) about Groves Middle, Woodlawn Jr High, and PN-G ... and, our friends down the street zoned to PAISD would talk (brag) about how great Edison and TJ were ... good times back then. Groves was a great place to be kid and grow-up.

Go Indians. Peace.


Staff member
Things are very different. TJ no longer exists. All Port Arthur high schools were rolled into Memorial High School, which is on the old TJ campus. This took place 7 or 8 years ago ('01, I think). I don't think I even remember PN-G - TJ games.

Port Arthur has been overrun with gangs, and it's started to spill over into south Groves and east Nederland. Port Neches doesn't seem to have been effected to the same extent, though. However, that may not last. They're building new government housing on the old Divot's driving range on Twin City across from Hogaboom. Although it's in neither the PN-G nor Nederland school districts, it still has potential for a harsh effect on PN-G and Nederland land values, which only opens us up to more Section 8 housing, meaning more delinquents.

Woodlawn is no longer a junior high school. It's now Groves Elementary, servicing the 4th and 5th graders of Groves. The only middle schools in our district are Port Neches Middle School and Groves Middle School, which hold the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

Another major factor in Groves' declining population, as well as the rest of the area's, is the recent hurricanes. Rita tore up a lot of Groves. Trees were down everywhere, a few homes were crushed, several lost their roof or portions of it, many homes were flooded, etc. It left the area looking... odd. Where there were once trees, there is now a field. The hurricanes, mainly Rita, left most of this area looking like that. It still doesn't feel right when I go to Orange and have a view of the sky that is unobstructed by trees. Many of the school districts have seen reduced attendance since all this started with Rita in 2005. The recent industrial developments were poised to revitalize the area, but, now, with the nation heading for an economic slump, that revitalization may not occur.

It's a little sad.


1,000+ Posts
bandkid said:
Things are very different. TJ no longer exists. All Port Arthur high schools were rolled into Memorial High School, which is on the old TJ campus. This took place 7 or 8 years ago ('01, I think). I don't think I even remember PN-G - TJ games.

Port Arthur has been overrun with gangs, and it's started to spill over into south Groves and east Nederland. Port Neches doesn't seem to have been effected to the same extent, though. However, that may not last. They're building new government housing on the old Divot's driving range on Twin City across from Hogaboom. Although it's in neither the PN-G nor Nederland school districts, it still has potential for a harsh effect on PN-G and Nederland land values, which only opens us up to more Section 8 housing, meaning more delinquents.

Woodlawn is no longer a junior high school. It's now Groves Elementary, servicing the 4th and 5th graders of Groves. The only middle schools in our district are Port Neches Middle School and Groves Middle School, which hold the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

Another major factor in Groves' declining population, as well as the rest of the area's, is the recent hurricanes. Rita tore up a lot of Groves. Trees were down everywhere, a few homes were crushed, several lost their roof or portions of it, many homes were flooded, etc. It left the area looking... odd. Where there were once trees, there is now a field. The hurricanes, mainly Rita, left most of this area looking like that. It still doesn't feel right when I go to Orange and have a view of the sky that is unobstructed by trees. Many of the school districts have seen reduced attendance since all this started with Rita in 2005. The recent industrial developments were poised to revitalize the area, but, now, with the nation heading for an economic slump, that revitalization may not occur.

It's a little sad.

Maybe I'm too used to working with middle schoolers, but that's extremely well put - especially considering it was written by a high schooler. Great job! I've seen good students that can't write to save their lives. You put your thoughts very well on paper.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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