Great family!!


500+ Posts
I had the pleasure of meeting one of our new coaches this weekend. It was Joe Dale Cary, he came from Aledo High School. His daughter is in my sons Kindergarten class and he brought her to his birthday party! Man, talk about a SUPER nice guy!! He was so nice and just seemed to fit right in like he's been here all his life! I tried not to hound him with stuff about the Football team, but I did tell him what a great job they are doing with the team and that we are so very glad to have him and his family here. He said they are loving it here and everyone has been really nice to them. He also had wonderful things to say about they guys on the team!!

His wife came towards the end of the party and she was super sweet as well! I have seen her at the school several times, all decked out in purple and white! I didn't realize she was his wife; I really thought she was a born and raised NDN! They have really jumped right in to the way of life here and said they hope they are here for a long time! I told them we hope they are here for a long time too ;D! Anyway, just had to share. Thank you to the school board and Coach Faircloth for bringing in such wonderful people!!


1,000+ Posts
Awesome!!! Hope they stay here many years even if they decide not to coach (which I hope does NOT happen!). Port Neches always welcomes nice people and I also heard these people are extra nice! Welcome to the reservation!


Staff member
All of the coaches seem to be hitting it off very well here. It's good to see. I think our communities are very glad to have them, especially since they've done such a stellar job with our athletics department and really motivated our school.

Welcome to PN-G, all coaches and family.


My daughter has Mrs. Cary for Math at the Middle School and LOVES her!!! I am very proud to have them here at PNG, I hope they stay a long time!!! Faircloth, obviously knows how to pick 'em. I read the story in the paper about him trying to recruit Coach Kroeker (not sure of the spelling) to come here, Coach Kroeker is one of the defensive coaches, so glad he listened to the voice in his head telling him to make the move to PNG!!!! I think the players have responded well to all the new coaches and their shows in the game. I know the coaches see all the things that they can improve on, but to the untrained eye, they look flawless. Ok, maybe not flawless, but they do look good!!!


1,000+ Posts
We sit low and near the team and coaches so I naturally (being nosy lol) watch what is going on the sidelines and what I really, really respect the coaches for is the way they treat each student with respect. I have yet to see a coach yell at any of the boys and they obviously love their coaches and want to please them. I would respect these coaches if we were losing, and now (since we are winning) I both love and respect them. Go, Indians!


Active Member
NDNmom91 said:
I had the pleasure of meeting one of our new coaches this weekend. It was Joe Dale Cary, he came from Aledo High School. His daughter is in my sons Kindergarten class and he brought her to his birthday party! Man, talk about a SUPER nice guy!! He was so nice and just seemed to fit right in like he's been here all his life! I tried not to hound him with stuff about the Football team, but I did tell him what a great job they are doing with the team and that we are so very glad to have him and his family here. He said they are loving it here and everyone has been really nice to them. He also had wonderful things to say about they guys on the team!!

His wife came towards the end of the party and she was super sweet as well! I have seen her at the school several times, all decked out in purple and white! I didn't realize she was his wife; I really thought she was a born and raised NDN! They have really jumped right in to the way of life here and said they hope they are here for a long time! I told them we hope they are here for a long time too ;D! Anyway, just had to share. Thank you to the school board and Coach Faircloth for bringing in such wonderful people!!

Totally agree! This new coaching staff is AWESOME. I would also like to thank the school board members for hiring coach Faircloth and company. I know the board took alot of heat for making the coaching change and it cost some of them their position on the board in last Mays election but these guys are great and we are fortunate to have them. Lets just hope we can keep them for a while. Thanks again school board!!!!!!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
I agree that we got great coaches, but it did NOT cause any board member his position on the board. There were plenty of reasons for the changes and, fortunately, they were good changes. Our district has approximately a 5 million dollar deficit. The new board is addressing this issue and making hard decisions but decisions that are fair and right for everybody.


Active Member
I agree with the new staff. They all seem full of enthusiasm and most of all the seem full of KNOWLEDGE FOR THE GAME OF FOOTBALL!!!

Parallel to the 75/76 staff

Bush --went to be a stand out head HS coach
Davis -- OC at UT
Nunez -- ex Line coach UT
Carswell -- head HS coach/ AD in BISD

I know I missed someone, but the point is I believe that this is as fine a staff as there is in Texas. While I'm not qualified to judge HS football talent/coaching I have spoken to 2 ex area HS coaches/AD's and they agree that this staff adjust unbelievably fast. That is why we defer the opening kickoff. See what they do on O and adjust because we know what we are opening up with 1st possion on O.

And as always winning elimiates all problems.


Staff member
fan said:
I agree with the new staff. They all seem full of enthusiasm and most of all the seem full of KNOWLEDGE FOR THE GAME OF FOOTBALL!!!

Parallel to the 75/76 staff

Bush --went to be a stand out head HS coach
Davis -- OC at UT
Nunez -- ex Line coach UT
Carswell -- head HS coach/ AD in BISD

I know I missed someone, but the point is I believe that this is as fine a staff as there is in Texas. While I'm not qualified to judge HS football talent/coaching I have spoken to 2 ex area HS coaches/AD's and they agree that this staff adjust unbelievably fast. That is why we defer the opening kickoff. See what they do on O and adjust because we know what we are opening up with 1st possion on O.

And as always winning elimiates all problems.

Coach Clearman also went on to become a HS. And Coach Bush is in the top echelon of high school coaches in terms of wins with 200+.

PN-G has a glorious tradition/history of coaches and players. The current coaches are taking this program back to where it belongs, and adding their names to that great history. And all PN-G alumni are grateful to their purple core. :thumbsup:

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
I'd like to add something to this about what great people the new coaching staff is. These are men, women and kids who have no family here (most of them anyway, the Cary's have family in the Fannett area). These coaches are family to each other and they all help each other out. They are all very close and have become very close to the coaches that remain from the previous staff. I, too, watch the sidelines and observe what is going on. Has anyone noticed that after the team warms up and heads to the field house before the game that the coaches go to each other, wish each other luck and hug each other. I think this is awesome. These guys are friends as well as colleagues. It's good to see.


Active Member
squaw said:
I agree that we got great coaches, but it did NOT cause any board member his position on the board. There were plenty of reasons for the changes and, fortunately, they were good changes. Our district has approximately a 5 million dollar deficit. The new board is addressing this issue and making hard decisions but decisions that are fair and right for everybody.

Maybe it didnt cause anyone to lose their position, but I know many people I spoke with were upset about the reassigning of the previous coach and expressed to me that they would not be voting for any of the incumbents on the board for that reason.( They felt the previous coach was not treated fairly). As far as it being a good change, I think the jury is still out on that. I havent seen any changes they have made to help our situation with the deficit. Hopefully they can do something for all of our sakes. Good luck to all of them. They have a difficult job.


500+ Posts
This post is about football, and more specifically it is about the coaches (and their families) and how they are doing in their new surroundings and what positive changes they have made concerning the team and school.

I don't think this is the right place to interject your views or beliefs concerning school board politics. Their are other threads and sites available to you for that. Lets keep this thread positive.

Our new coaches have done an amazing job with the football team and student body, and have helped to bring back the excitement and pride in the school. We should all be thankful for that. I also recognize the sacrifice that these coaches families have had to make by moving their families to a new area, and it is appreciated by all of us. It is great having new Indians at PN-G!


Active Member
I have had the pleasure of meeting several members of the coaching staff on more that one occasion. After the Vidor game, I was standing outside the fence at the locker room door waiting on me son, #9 Cody Ross to exit. I was congratulating him on the game when Coach Faircloth exited, stopped shook my hand and double high five my wife through the fence and praised Cody on the game he had played. Each and every coach spoke and praised my son as they exited the locker room on the way to see their own families. The same thing occurred in Lumberton.

These men have done a great job in motivating the teams both on field and in the classroom. I really am thankful. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


500+ Posts
Those coaches are WONDERFUL. We sat on the end of the isle by the door leading to the press box at the Lumberton game and those coaches were all very nice and we thanked them the great job they have done with the boys. They thanked us for the support.


500+ Posts
Don't forget about the 3 coaches that were picked up from the previous regime...they are all doing an awesome job also.


1,000+ Posts
This is a once in a lifetime coaching staff. I feel safe saying this staff has eclipsed Danny Malone's regardless of the outcome of playoffs. Hope we can keep them around for a while. Enjoy the ride while we have it!


Active Member
Danny Malone went deep in the playoffs but I heard not so good things about him, ie throwing all the old pictures from the 70's run in the dumpster-- Winn and Cobb dug them out I was told --maybe someone knows the story first hand I don't.

Does anyone know if the pictures and stuff are in the fieldhouse like they were in the 70's/80's?

Point is the staff is in the Ethridge/Ford/McCullum class with many years of service and winning on and off the field.

I never had any ties with the Malone regime, so my opinion is based off second hand information.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Indian99 said:
Don't forget about the 3 coaches that were picked up from the previous regime...they are all doing an awesome job also.

Yeah, seems like for a long time we have had good running backs on the Reservation, I think Coach Segura might have had something to do with that.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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