Guess Who Our New AD/HC is...


Active Member
Squaw....I would hope the School Board President would pick the members to join him/her on the committee....If you knew the laws of Texas regarding committees on school boards you would understand, but obviously the "ace" inyour back pocket is unhappy which makes you unhappy as well....

I agree with some others that the board has done a good job in keeping things confidential....5 candidates or 50 candidates staying "mum" is the best way to handle this....


don't you know that we all are the new head coach and OC, they do not call us the ARMCHAIR quarterback for nothing! lol

maybe they should have installed a voting module at all the season tickets seats so the fans can vote for the play to be ran! lol.. vote and it tallied and sent to press box and the called is made! lol


100+ Posts
don't you know that we all are the new head coach and OC, they do not call us the ARMCHAIR quarterback for nothing! lol

maybe they should have installed a voting module at all the season tickets seats so the fans can vote for the play to be ran! lol.. vote and it tallied and sent to press box and the called is made! lol

that is better than the way it was done. Seemed like the oc just closed his eyes and picked out of a couple of pages of the playbook.


1,000+ Posts
There are only 3 board members because 4 or more would constitute a quorum, and the interviews would have to be done in a posted board meeting.


1,000+ Posts
PNG1992 said:
squaw said:
pngfan1 said:
IndianFan said:
Although it's painful for some to not hear every detail as it happens, I think the school board is handling this correctly. Top candidates, some who are probably already gainfully employed, have no desire to be in the media circus.
I agree 100%. Good job by the school board so far. Very professional.
I agree with the "media circus" comment, but why say the school board has done a good job? One of my concerns is that only 3 members of the board are involved. Who handpicked these certain members? Also, the school board has to approve the final candidate and it seems strange that some members are also involved in the selection process and the hiring process. JMHO, so please don't start another sceaming match over this.

are you ever happy? serious question.
I'm NOT unhappy--just asking questions that others have asked me. If you don't ask, you won't learn.


Web Guy
Maybe it's a case of the insane not running the asylum? :) On a serious note, people are always going to question management/administration. But someone has to be responsible, accountable, and the decision maker. Does your company hire people by mass committee?


IndianFan said:
Maybe it's a case of the insane not running the asylum? :) On a serious note, people are always going to question management/administration. But someone has to be responsible, accountable, and the decision maker. Does your company hire people by mass committee?

Yes, the committee at my office that does the hiring consist of me, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse!!! lol Seriously, I think the Super and/or the Asst. Super should be the ones doing the hiring, but to be quite honest, I would NOT want to make THIS decission by myself!!!!


100+ Posts
NDNS81 said:
IndianFan said:
Maybe it's a case of the insane not running the asylum? :) On a serious note, people are always going to question management/administration. But someone has to be responsible, accountable, and the decision maker. Does your company hire people by mass committee?

Yes, the committee at my office that does the hiring consist of me, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse!!! lol Seriously, I think the Super and/or the Asst. Super should be the ones doing the hiring, but to be quite honest, I would NOT want to make THIS decission by myself!!!!

Since no one can ever agree on the method for hiring, why don't we just go American Idol style. They can post a video resume for each candidate to this site with an attached telephone number and then we can all vote. Hey, then no one can complain because the majority selected them. LOL!!! Oh, never mind I am sure someone will find something to complain about; my number 9 got stuck and I voted for the wrong guy. :clap:


100+ Posts
this may have been already discussed, but does any of our current coaches have a master's? Just wondering.


1,000+ Posts
Are the names going to be released tomorrow after a certain time for HC or are we going to have to wait until Monday?


100+ Posts

The job of athletic director/head coach will be posted Wednesday with an application deadline of Jan. 9. A first-round of interviews with a newly-formed and trained committee will be set for Jan. 19-23 and March 2 is set as the preferred start date.


1,000+ Posts
Today is the final day...hopefully that stack of resumes has the next coach that will lead png to its next state title!!!


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
If someone has any reliable inside info I would hope that they would share it here. Today is the deadline afterall.


100+ Posts
May have to file a Freedom Information act to get it. As soon as i get it i'll post. May be Monday/Tuesday though as the folks are being really quite.


100+ Posts
I just wonder if maybe a list won't be provided. Maybe some of these coaches can't show that they have applied somewhere else in fear of being fired from their current position. They may only release some type of final list or something. Maybe that is what all the secrecy is about. (?????) just a thought.


100+ Posts
They are NOT providing a list. But in the media if you file a Freedom Information Act they have to release it.

CardiacKids 92

100+ Posts
kfdmcoop said:
They are NOT providing a list. But in the media if you file a Freedom Information Act they have to release it.

Should you file it or should we let them keep the applicants anonymous until they narrow it down?
It would be nice to see who all applied without making it public...


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I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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